UNCLASSIFIED / 2013 MS Crosscheck Cases
format / Audience / Date / Classification
/ File Ref: / CC2013/MS



Self Managed Superannuation Fund

Crosscheck Cases

UNCLASSIFIED / self managed superannuation fund / PAGE 3 OF 25
UNCLASSIFIED / 2013 MS Crosscheck Cases


For 2013 there are 2 cross check cases for the MS form. They are:

·  MS-3.v29

·  MS-4.v29

ELS Takeon is aware of various systems producing various results from cross check cases than those expected. The table below outlines some of these differences with a correlating reference number. Where possible, you can notify ELS Takeon of this reference number with your cross check validation reports, instead of providing a lengthy explanation. If there are any other differences that do not apply to any of the references below please ensure that you still include an explanation.

Reference / Description
CC1 / Difference in calculations due to rounding of amounts.
CC2 / System auto populating tags that are not expected from the cross check data
CC3 / System auto generating schedules due to the cross check data.

* Please note: the information provided in the following test cases are for testing purposes only. They are not to be used in a production environment.

UNCLASSIFIED / self managed superannuation fund / PAGE 3 OF 25
UNCLASSIFIED / 2013 MS Crosscheck Cases

Case Summary– MS-3.V29


·  An Australian Superannuation fund

·  Four members

·  An Accumulation fund

Items included

Section A – Fund information

1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10

Section B – Income


Section C – Deductions and non-deductible expenses


Section D – Income tax calculation statement


Section F – Member information

Member 1, Member 2, Member 3, Member 4

Section H – Assets and liabilities

15c, 15d, 16

Section K – Declarations

Schedules Attached – there are no schedules attached to this case.

A – Other Attachment
X – Family Trust Election
Y – Interposed Entity Election
BW – Capital Gains Tax
BP – Losses schedule
PS – Payment Summary Schedule


Item Description Tag Value


Form type ^AWR MS

Year of return ^ABB 2013

Tax Agent number ^AAE 00013000

1 Tax file number ^AAD 94999851


3 Australian Business Number ^EBN 27222266667

4 Current postal address - Street name ^ABH 53 HYPER DRIVE

and number

4 Current postal address - Suburb/Town ^AME PHILLIP

4 Current postal address - State ^AMF ACT

4 Current postal address - Postcode ^APE 2606

6 Auditor title ^FMC MR

6 Auditor family name ^FMD ROW

6 Auditor first name ^FMF SEBASTIAN

6 SMSF auditor number ^JJE 008549068

6 Which professional body does the ^FMP 2

auditor belong to?

6 Auditor's professional body membership ^IGB 5887543769


6 Auditor phone area code ^FMN 02

6 Auditor phone number ^FMO 61616161

6 Organisation postal address - Street ^FMI 17 BRISBANE AVENUE

name and number

6 Organisation postal address - ^FMJ BARTON


6 Organisation postal address - State ^FMK ACT

6 Organisation postal address - Postcode ^FML 2600

6 Date audit was completed? ^IPO 25082012

6 Was part B of the audit report ^FMQ Y


6 If the audit report was qualified, ^KCH Y

have the reported compliance issues

been rectified?

8 Australian superannuation fund ^IUB Y

8 Fund Benefit Structure ^IOM A

8 Does the fund trust deed allow ^IPQ Y

acceptance of the Government's Super

Co-contribution and Low Income Super


9 Was the fund wound up during the year? ^FLX N

10 Did the fund pay an income stream to ^KCI N

one or more members in the income


10 Did the fund have any other income ^KFZ N

that was assessable?

11 Did you have a CGT event during the ^FZS Y


11 Have you applied an exemption or ^JZE Y


11 Have you applied an exemption or ^KAF X

rollover - code

11 Net capital gain ^AWG 7500

11 Gross rent and other leasing and ^AIR 64550

hiring income

11 Gross interest ^AFZ 1230

11 Forestry managed investment scheme ^IRR 11854


11 Gross foreign income ^FGI 695855

11 Net foreign income ^ADY 353400

11 Dividends - Unfranked amount ^AGF 7950

11 Dividends - Franked amount ^AGG 2500

11 Dividends - Franking credit ^AGH 1200

11 Gross distribution from trusts ^BMF 13652

11 Gross distribution from trusts action ^BMG T


11 Assessable employer contributions ^AHS 55595

11 Assessable personal contributions ^AHT 128560

11 No-TFN quoted contributions ^IOQ 7250

11 Other income ^AGU 7750

11 Other income action code ^IOR O

12 Interest expenses overseas ^ACO 61578

12 Capital works expenditure ^GCG 1520

12 Decline in value of depreciating ^ARI 2590


12 Insurance premiums - members ^FUA 4530

12 Death benefit increase ^IOS 82499

12 SMSF auditor fee ^IPU 6520

12 Management and administration expenses ^JJF 6660

12 Forestry managed investment scheme ^IRN 2520


12 Other amounts ^ALZ 4322

12 Other amounts action code ^BET O

12 Non-deductible expenses - Interest ^KCO 1250

expenses within Australia

12 Non-deductible expenses - Interest ^KCP 1000

expenses overseas

12 Non-deductible expenses - Capital ^KCQ 5500

works expenditure

12 Non-deductible expenses - Decline in ^KCR 2570

value of depreciating assets

12 Non-deductible expenses - Insurance ^KGA 1250

premiums - members

12 Non-deductible expenses - SMSF auditor ^KCS 1500


12 Non-deductible expenses - Investment ^KCT 1900


12 Non-deductible expenses - Management ^KCU 1750

and administration expenses

12 Non-deductible expenses - Forestry ^KCW 2355

managed investment scheme expense

12 Non-deductible expenses - Other ^KCX 1855


12 Non-deductible expenses - Other ^KCY A

amounts action code

12 Taxable income/loss ^APY 490252

13 Tax on taxable income ^JID 78346.70

13 Tax on no-TFN quoted contributions ^JIC 108.70

13 Gross tax ^AGQ 78455.40

13 Foreign income tax offset ^AWJ 55859.66

13 Subtotal ^JIF 22595.74

13 Complying fund's franking credits tax ^HEL 2790.00


13 Refundable tax offsets ^JII 3818.02

13 Tax payable ^BNB 18777.72

13 Credit for TFN amounts withheld from ^JGF 990.50

payments from closely held trusts

13 Remainder of refundable tax offset ^JIK 0.00

13 Supervisory levy ^IPV 321.00

13 Amount due or refundable ^APQ 18108.22

Member number ^IVK 1

Member - Account status code ^KGC O

Member - Title ^IPI MRS

Member - Family name ^IPJ SOLO

Member - Suffix ^IUG

Member - First given name ^IPK LEIA

Member - Other given names ^IPL

Member - TFN ^ISR 999999870

Member - Date of birth ^ABQ 17061979

Member - Date of death ^FRF

Member - Employer contributions ^ISI 13898.75

Member - ABN of principal employer ^GWM

Member - Personal contributions ^ISL 32140.00

Member - CGT small business retirement ^ISG


Member - CGT small business 15 year ^ISF

exemption amount

Member - Personal injury election ^ISM 32500.00

Member - Spouse and child ^ISN


Member - Other third party ^ISK


Member - Assessable foreign ^ISE

superannuation fund amount

Member - Non-assessable foreign ^ISJ

superannuation fund amount

Member - Transfer from reserve: ^ISP

assessable amount

Member - Transfer from reserve: ^ISQ

non-assessable amount

Member - Contributions from ^JJQ

non-complying funds and previously

non-complying funds

Member - Any other contributions ^ISD

(including Super Co-contributions and

Low Income Super Contributions)

Member - Total contributions ^ISO 78538.75

Member - Allocated earnings or losses ^ISS

Member - Inward amounts less any ^ISV

rolled in contributions reported at


Member - Outward amounts less any ^ISW

rolled out contributions at item 15K

on RBS

Lump sum payment ^KDB 5199.00

Lump sum payment code ^KDC F

Income stream payment ^KDD

Income stream payment code ^KDE

Member - Closing account balance ^ISU 113261.00

Member number ^IVK 2

Member - Account status code ^KGC O

Member - Title ^IPI MR

Member - Family name ^IPJ SKYSKIPPER

Member - Suffix ^IUG

Member - First given name ^IPK LUKE

Member - Other given names ^IPL

Member - TFN ^ISR 999999889

Member - Date of birth ^ABQ 17061979

Member - Date of death ^FRF

Member - Employer contributions ^ISI 13898.75

Member - ABN of principal employer ^GWM

Member - Personal contributions ^ISL 32140.00

Member - CGT small business retirement ^ISG


Member - CGT small business 15 year ^ISF

exemption amount

Member - Personal injury election ^ISM

Member - Spouse and child ^ISN


Member - Other third party ^ISK


Member - Assessable foreign ^ISE

superannuation fund amount

Member - Non-assessable foreign ^ISJ

superannuation fund amount

Member - Transfer from reserve: ^ISP

assessable amount

Member - Transfer from reserve: ^ISQ

non-assessable amount

Member - Contributions from ^JJQ

non-complying funds and previously

non-complying funds

Member - Any other contributions ^ISD

(including Super Co-contributions and

Low Income Super Contributions)

Member - Total contributions ^ISO 46038.75

Member - Allocated earnings or losses ^ISS

Member - Inward amounts less any ^ISV

rolled in contributions reported at


Member - Outward amounts less any ^ISW

rolled out contributions at item 15K

on RBS

Lump sum payment ^KDB

Lump sum payment code ^KDC

Income stream payment ^KDD 3895.00

Income stream payment code ^KDE R

Member - Closing account balance ^ISU 101051.00

Member number ^IVK 3

Member - Account status code ^KGC O

Member - Title ^IPI MS

Member - Family name ^IPJ SMITS

Member - Suffix ^IUG

Member - First given name ^IPK PADME

Member - Other given names ^IPL

Member - TFN ^ISR 999999897

Member - Date of birth ^ABQ 14081955

Member - Date of death ^FRF

Member - Employer contributions ^ISI 13898.75

Member - ABN of principal employer ^GWM

Member - Personal contributions ^ISL 32140.00

Member - CGT small business retirement ^ISG


Member - CGT small business 15 year ^ISF

exemption amount

Member - Personal injury election ^ISM

Member - Spouse and child ^ISN 45530.00


Member - Other third party ^ISK


Member - Assessable foreign ^ISE

superannuation fund amount

Member - Non-assessable foreign ^ISJ

superannuation fund amount

Member - Transfer from reserve: ^ISP

assessable amount

Member - Transfer from reserve: ^ISQ

non-assessable amount

Member - Contributions from ^JJQ

non-complying funds and previously

non-complying funds

Member - Any other contributions ^ISD

(including Super Co-contributions and

Low Income Super Contributions)

Member - Total contributions ^ISO 91568.75

Member - Allocated earnings or losses ^ISS

Member - Inward amounts less any ^ISV

rolled in contributions reported at


Member - Outward amounts less any ^ISW

rolled out contributions at item 15K

on RBS

Lump sum payment ^KDB

Lump sum payment code ^KDC

Income stream payment ^KDD

Income stream payment code ^KDE

Member - Closing account balance ^ISU 116680.00

Member number ^IVK 4

Member - Account status code ^KGC C

Member - Title ^IPI MR

Member - Family name ^IPJ IBONEK

Member - Suffix ^IUG

Member - First given name ^IPK BEN

Member - Other given names ^IPL JUAN

Member - TFN ^ISR 999999909

Member - Date of birth ^ABQ 20021951

Member - Date of death ^FRF

Member - Employer contributions ^ISI 13898.75

Member - ABN of principal employer ^GWM

Member - Personal contributions ^ISL 32140.00

Member - CGT small business retirement ^ISG 123.00


Member - CGT small business 15 year ^ISF

exemption amount

Member - Personal injury election ^ISM

Member - Spouse and child ^ISN


Member - Other third party ^ISK


Member - Assessable foreign ^ISE

superannuation fund amount

Member - Non-assessable foreign ^ISJ

superannuation fund amount

Member - Transfer from reserve: ^ISP

assessable amount

Member - Transfer from reserve: ^ISQ

non-assessable amount

Member - Contributions from ^JJQ

non-complying funds and previously

non-complying funds

Member - Any other contributions ^ISD

(including Super Co-contributions and

Low Income Super Contributions)

Member - Total contributions ^ISO 46161.75

Member - Allocated earnings or losses ^ISS

Member - Inward amounts less any ^ISV

rolled in contributions reported at


Member - Outward amounts less any ^ISW

rolled out contributions at item 15K

on RBS

Lump sum payment ^KDB

Lump sum payment code ^KDC

Income stream payment ^KDD

Income stream payment code ^KDE

Member - Closing account balance ^ISU 53953.00

15cOverseas shares ^IPZ 88500

15cOverseas non residential real property ^IQA 552500

15cOverseas Residential real property ^IQB 25750

15cOverseas managed investments ^IQC 66999

15cOverseas Other assets ^IQD 255555

15dDid the fund loan to, lease to or ^KEE N

invest in related parties (known as

in-house assets) at any time during

the year?

16 Borrowings ^FOA 208222

16 Total member closing account balances ^FNZ 384945

16 Reserve Accounts ^IQE 396137

Title ^ABE MS

Family name ^ABF FETT

First name ^ABG LUMIANA

Trustee's phone area code ^BNU 02

Trustee's phone number ^BNV 78279277

Contact E-mail address ^FLW

DECHours taken to prepare and complete ^DYF 3

this form

Tax agent title ^IOX MR

Tax agent family name ^IOY DOE

Tax agent first given name ^IOZ JOHN

Tax agent's practice ^IPB DOE ASSOCIATES

Agent's telephone area code ^BLI 02

Agent's telephone number ^BLJ 12345678

Client's reference ^AWB MS-3


UNCLASSIFIED / self managed superannuation fund / PAGE 3 OF 25
UNCLASSIFIED / 2013 MS Crosscheck Cases

Case Summary– MS-4.V29

This is an amended return to MS-3.V29


·  An Australian Superannuation fund

·  Four members

·  An Accumulation fund

Items included

Section A – Fund information

1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Section B – Income


Section C – Deductions and non-deductible expenses


Section D – Income tax calculation statement


Section E – Losses


Section F – Member information

Member 1, Member 2, Member 3, Member 4

Section H – Assets and liabilities

15b, 15c, 15d, 16

Section K – Declarations