Lesson Plan
Grade Level:
/ 11 and 12 /Subject:
/Biology and Natural Resources
/Prepared By:
/ Michal O’NealOverview & Purpose: Stewardship of the land.
Legalizing freedom to understand that the Earth is interconnected and that we the people, citizens, have voice that transforms into beneficial action. Changing from consumers to citizens and stewards. The only thing that stays the same is change. What do we want that change to become? “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi, Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948). /Education Standard Addressed:
Science Standard Two:I understand that science, technology, and society are interrelated.
General Learner Outcomes:
Malama Kaiaulu, Community Contributor
Ho ‘okuano ‘o, Complex Thinker
Hana No ‘eau, Quality Producer
Kaka ‘olelo, Effective Communicator
Kupono Hana ‘ike, Effective Ethical Use of Technology
Student and Teacher Guide
Benchmark Objectives:
(Specify skills/information that will be learned.) / Student:“I explain how (three) scientific advancements and emerging technologies are influencing our society.”
“I compare (five) technological risks and (five) beneficial solutions to technological issues.” /
Materials Needed:
- The story of stuff
- Carbon cycle
- The story of change
- Maoli No, Truly Native
- Pacific Island made of plastic
- Google maps
- Bloody Congo
- Thinking maps
- Smart board
- Comp. books & pencils
(Steps to check for student understanding) / Thinking Maps for- story of stuff and story of changeCornell Notes summaries for- Maoli No
Student Mingle for- Maoli No
Oral Presentations for- benchmark objectives and essential questions
Essential Questions for- life
Student Activities:
(Describe the independent activity to reinforce this lesson) /- Garbology (study of rubbish) brainstorm
- Greatest Happiness brainstorm
- Materials Economy flow map (linear sequence)
- Earth Bio-geochemistry flow map (cyclic sequence)
- Materials Economy multi-flow map (cause and effect)
- Stewardship multi-flow map (cause and effect)
- Reaction page
Strategies Employed:
Whole group brainstormThink – Pair – Share
Partner Grouping for a shared product
Direct Guided Instruction
Independent Practice
Presentation and Listening Skills
Differentiated Learning
High Quality Sheltered Instruction for English Language Learners
Cooperative Learning
Teacher Direct Guided Instruction:
Student Summary/Reflection:
Essential Questions:The Next Step: / For- Brainstorming, Mapping , Cornell Notes, Student Mingle, Student Facilitation, Reaction Page, and Oral Presentations
1.Is the path that all mankind is now aspiring to the “right one”? Why or why not?
2.What kind of change maker am I?
Kuleana Ihola, Self Directed Learner:
-How will I transform my voice into action?
-Post on Aiea High School Web site
Created on 8-9-2012