Leatherhead Tennis Club Membership Form 2014-2015
Name: / Address:
Membership: / Cost:
Adult / £215
Student / £65
Junior / £68
Junior Parent / £68
Mini / £35
Mini Parent / £35
Social / £35
Name: / Male/Female: / DoB1: / Membership: / Cost:
Sub total:
Family discount 10%2
Please mark ‘x’ payment method: Cash  Cheque  Bank Transfer 
Cheques made payable to: Leatherhead Tennis Club / Total paid:


1.  Date of Birth is required for the following membership: Student, Junior and Mini

2.  The minimum requirement for family discount is 1 adult and 1 junior or any multiple adding up to at least £260 – no discount on Social, Mini or parent membership. See information on page 2.

Conditions of membership: By applying for membership, each member (and/or the parent/guardian applying on their behalf) agrees as a condition of membership to be bound by and subject to the rules and regulations of the Club, the rules & regulations of the Surrey County LTA (as in force from time to time) and the rules & disciplinary code of the LTA.


Our club year runs from 1st April to 31st March of any given year.
New members wishing to join LTC after 1st October will only have to pay 50% of the membership fees and that will entitle you to play until 31st March of the following year.
ADULT MEMBERS: shall have the use of the clubhouse and tennis courts at all times, except as otherwise directed by the Committee; the right to vote at General Meetings and to hold office if elected.
STUDENT MEMBERS: shall be members over 18 and under 25 on the 1st April in the year they join or renew their membership, proof of being in full time education is required and they must live away from home. They shall have the privileges of Adult members.
JUNIOR MEMBERS: shall be under 18 on the 1st April in the year they join or renew their membership and shall be admitted at the discretion of the Committee. They shall have the use of the facilities at such times as determined by the Committee and advised on the website. Juniors shall have no right to vote at General Meetings or to hold office. Juniors may not book courts after 7pm Monday to Thursday or before noon Sunday mornings, but may have the use of them when not booked by adult members. Junior Supplement Forms must be completed for each Junior member.
Parents/guardians please note: When dropping off your children at the club to play tennis you must be aware that, unless it is a supervised club session or lesson, your children will be unsupervised. Even if there are adults playing, when you drop your child/ren off it is not their job to supervise, also the adults may leave at any time leaving your child alone. Please make sure that if dropping your child off to play with a friend you are happy for them to be at the club alone, if this is not the case you must provide supervision. Please also see the Access Policy for Juniors in the website section on ‘safety/policies’.
PARENTS OF JUNIOR: who have paid the ‘junior parent’ subscription shall have the right to play tennis with their own junior(s) member(s) only, within the times stated in Junior Membership.
MINI TENNIS MEMBERS: must be under 10 on the 1st April in the year they join or renew their membership. Court usage is only with mini tennis balls and times of play are restricted to before 6pm Monday to Friday.
MINI TENNIS PARENTS: who have paid the ‘mini parent’ subscription shall have the right to play mini tennis with their own children, who must be mini tennis members, within the times above with mini tennis balls only. Junior and adult tennis balls may not be used by mini tennis players or their parents.
SOCIAL MEMBERSHIP: shall be available to former playing members, spouse or partners and others who may wish to be associated with activities arranged by the club. Social Members are eligible to attend social functions and may represent the club in non-tennis competitions. They do not have voting rights at AGMs but they may take part in the Wimbledon draw for tickets. Social members may play tennis up to 4 times a year, without introduction by a playing member, on payment of the visitors' fee.
TEMPORARY MEMBERS: (Please apply to the Membership Secretary for rates) will be for people moving into the area for a short time only, they shall have the use of the clubhouse, tennis courts and social sessions (subject to their grading) during their period of membership, except as otherwise directed by the Committee.
FAMILY MEMBERSHIP: a discount of 10% will be given where two or more members of a family join the club, minimum one adult and one junior member. Social membership does not count towards family membership discount.
Please return this form with your remittance to: (cheques made payable to Leatherhead Tennis Club)
Judi Smowton, 2 Claygate Road, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 2PR
Tel: 01306 500356 Mobile: 07789 819647
Clubhouse answer phone: 01372 379619