Goff Hyrum

Goff, Hyrum, first counselor to Orrin P. Miller, president of the Jordan Stake of Zion is the son of Isaac Goff and Mary Taylor, and was born July 29, 1849, at Long Whatton, Leicestershire, England. He was the first "Mormon" child born in that town, his parents having joined the Church a few months prior to his birth. Hyrum was baptized on the eighth anniversary of his birth day, by his father, and confirmed a member in the Church the same day, by Elder Isaac Higbee. In the year 1858 he removed with his parents to Nottingham, England, where he resided until April 17, 1862, when he started for Utah, in company with two sisters and one brother; sailed for America on the ship "John J. Boyd," landing at Castle Garden, N.Y., June 1, 1862; crossed the plains from Florence, Neb., to Utah, by ox team, in Captain Homer Duncan's company, arriving in Salt Lake City Sept. 25, 1862. While crossing the plains Hyrum's health was very poor. After arriving [p.309] in Utah he was taken into Bishop Archibald Gardner's family, and through a severe siege of mountain fever he was kindly cared for by Bro. Gardner's wife, "Aunt Abbie," at West Jordan. He was ordained an Elder in the Endowment House, Salt Lake City, Feb. 15, 1869. Though never ordained to any office in the Aaronic priesthood, he acted in all the callings thereof, when requested by the Bishop to do so. January 2, 1871, he married Maria T. Arnold, who has borne him six sons and six daughters; four of these died in their early childhood. Oct. 24, 1878, he obeyed the celestial order of marriage by taking to wife Marinda P. Bateman, who has blessed him with three sons and five daughters; one of these sons died at the age of one year, while the mother was in exile. For living with his wives, three indictments were found against him, under the segregation scheme; he was convicted on one count, and served a term of six months in the Utah penitentiary, and paid a fine of $300.00 and costs of court, which amounted to $399.65. While in prison he was visited by the West Jordan Sunday School in a body, numbering some three hundred persons in all. He had been a member and a teacher in said school from the time it was first organized, and acted as first assistant superintendent from 1878 to 1883. April 1, 1883, he was set apart as superintendent of the school, and labored in that capacity twelve years and seven months. He was chosen a member of the Ward choir when fourteen years of age, and, later, acted as its leader for a number of years, until called away to perform other duties. He became a member of the Y. M. M. I. Association at its first organization in the Ward, acted as secretary for several years, and president four years. He labored as a home missionary in the Salt Lake Stake of Zion for six years; was ordained to the office of a Seventy by Elder James Crane Jan. 3, 1877, and became a member of the 33rd quorum of Seventy; was set apart as one of the presidents of said quorum March 20, 1887, by Elder Abraham H. Cannon, and continued as such until June 1, 1891, when he was ordained a High Priest and set apart as first counselor to Bishop John A. Egbert of West Jordan Ward, under the hands of Apostle Abraham H. Cannon. This position he occupied until Dec. 15, 1895, when he was ordained a Bishop and set apart to preside over the East Jordan Ward, which was organized on that date. This ordination was also performed by Apostle Abraham H. Cannon. Elder Goff labored in this capacity until Jan. 21, 1900, when, at the organization of the Jordan Stake of Zion, he was called and set apart as first counselor to Pres. Orrin P. Miller of said Stake, by Apostle Francis M. Lyman. Elder Goff testifies that the power of the Almighty has been over him for good all the days of his life. Once, when a child, he was pronounced dead by the Elders who had been called in to administer to him, and also by others who were there, but at the earnest request of his mother, he was anointed with oil, prayed for and restored to life again. A non-member of the Church, who held his hands at the time, testified that the child's pulse began to beat again before the Elders got through with their administration. Bro. Goff says that at subsequent times, also, the Almighty has miraculously healed him by the power and authority of the Holy Priesthood, exercised in his behalf. For these and other blessings received, he desires to praise and serve his Heavenly Father forevermore. At a meeting of the First Presidency and Twelve Apostles held Oct. 24, 1901, Elder Goff was chosen as president of the Jordan Stake, succeeding Pres. Orrin P. Miller, who was appointed second [p.310] second counselor to Presiding Bishop Wm. B. Preston.