Lake District Local Access Forum: 14 July 2014 Agenda Item: 3


Minutes of the meeting of the Lake District Local Access Forum held in the meeting room at the Lake District National Park Offices, Murley Moss, Oxenholme Road, Kendal on the 24 March 2014 at 1 pm.



Carole Barr - Recreation
David Rawle – Land Management
Sam Stalker – Land Management
Jonathan Brooks – Special Interest
Mohammed Dhalech – Special Interest
Judith Cooke – LDNPA member / Malcolm Petyt - Recreation
Ken Taylor - Land management
Charles Sargeant – Special Interest
James Thurlow - Recreation
John Crosbie – Special Interest
Lake District National Park Authority (LDNPA):
Victoria Senior, Park Management Administrator
David Robinson, Access and Recreation Developer
Adrian Jones – Land Management
Stephen Pighills - Recreation
Geoff Wilson - Recreation
Colin Barr – LDNPA Member
Pauline Goodridge - Recreation


625.1 No declarations.


626.1 Members confirmed the minutes as a true record of the last meeting held on 24 October 2013


613.1 604.5 Richard Fox sent an update on Fix the Fells via Geoff Wilson.

615.3 D Robinson has sent out the list of events.


628.1 Through the Go Lakes Travel Programme a draft cycling code of conduct has been produced, to help avoid conflict between cyclists and other users of the rights of way network. A number of comments were made, including:

·  No need for comment about making sure your horse is fit as that is a horse management issue not one of conduct

·  Information on which users can use which rights of way should be more explicit – this will link it back to the title of keep on the right track. Could each user page contain a line which says which rights of way they can use?

·  Should be clearer about cyclist giving way to other users, if it is a requirement in the legislation then we should say so

·  Would be useful for event organisers but need to think how they will be informed of it

·  Do we need to add in anything specific about dog walkers?

·  Is there too much detail regarding other users and not enough relevant information for cyclists and mountain bikers in particular?

·  Trail centres could be a key deliverer for the message of riding responsibly

·  Could link to the Countryside Code

Once the leaflet is finalised it will be distributed to cycling shops and trail centres and given to event organisers. Sam Stalker mentioned that the National Trust is looking at creating a Cycling Code of Conduct nationally.

Action: Dave Robinson to re-draft the code of conduct and circulate to members, user groups and other stakeholders


629.1 Updates were given on selected tasks within the LDLAF Work Programme:

·  Cumbria Countryside Access Strategy (CCAS)

Part 1 has now been written. At the Lake District National Park Partnership Plan meeting on the 10 March, organisations were been asked to nominate individuals to sit on a Delivery Group that will develop and finalise Part II, the Key Strategic Actions. Carole raised a concern that illegal off road driving does not appear in the Access Strategy. Dave Robinson agreed it is not mentioned in Part I but it is referenced in the draft Key Strategic Action Plan.

·  CCAS Strategic Action Plan

Dave Robinson said that we would be looking for a representative from both the Cumbria and Lake District LAFs to be on the Delivery Group. Judith Cooke offered to assist with the development of actions relating to access to water.

·  Bridleway Strategy

Carole has spoken to a representative of the British Horse Society in Cartmel and they would be happy to work with LAF to improve the bridleway network in the area.

·  Miles without stiles

Dave Robinson reported on the Miles without Stiles (MwS) training day held on 5 February in Torver. It raised some issue regarding the MwS audits and he is now working with the National Park’s ICT and GIS Teams to improve recording and mapping of MwS routes. The end result will be a survey methodology consistent with that of rights of way surveying and that will enable data to be recorded on the ROWMANs database.

·  Access for All

Mohammed will investigate opportunities for a sensory trail at Brockhole

·  Birk Hagg Wood/Rydal Estate Access

Negotiations are taking place with Julian Lambton from Rydal Estates. We are assisting with woodland planting schemes but so far the Estate has only offered public access up to and including the bridge and out towards Nab Scar.

·  Mapping and Way Marking

James Thurlow has not had chance to look at yet.

·  Long term maintenance and sustainability of UCR’s

Sam Stalker has spoken with Graham Wheelhouse from Cumbria Highways, CCC has a small pot of money to repair parts of the U5001 from High Tilberthwaite to Fell Foot Bridge, Little Langdale. Sam said use of the route has increased and their tenant at High Tilberthwaite is impacted by the amount of vehicles coming through his farm yard.

·  Countryside and Right of Way Act

Ken Taylor gave a presentation on a fencing proposal over parts of the central fells by United Utilities to help protect the water quality of Thirlmere. Concern has been raised by the Open Spaces Society and Friends of the Lake District as to the extent of the fencing and impacts on adjacent common land. Does such a large area needed to be fenced off? LAF members were happy for Ken to take his comments back to UU.

·  Cumbria Coastal Access

All have received a copy of the March update. David Rawle updated the group on work that is taking place. Danny Moores is to give a presentation on Coastal Access on the 1 May, 10:00am to 12:30pm at Murley Moss.

Action: members interested in attending Coastal Access update on 1 May contact Carole and Dave Robinson. Will be a joint meeting with Cumbria LAF so maximum of four members please.

·  Rights of Way

All consultations are up to date.

·  Fix the Fells

Jonathan Brooks mentioned the improvement work and new bridge above Aira Force and asked if any improvements immediately after the bridge towards Gowbarrow could be made.

Action: Sam Stalker to ask John Pring for an update

·  Event Management

James Thurlow attended a conference regarding Event Management in the Yorkshire Dales on 13 and 14 March.


630.1 Will be sent out once complete.


631.1 Carole Barr agreed to carry on the role of Chair until the end of the year. No Forum member came forward to take on the role of Vice Chair.


632.1 Carole asked the group how they thought LAF was working. Ken Taylor was of the view that meetings concentrate the mind and like most people, makes LAF members work to deadlines. He suggested that there is little comeback on members if they do not progress any work and that there should be more frequent contact to check that deadlines are being met. It was agreed to do the Health Check at the October meeting.

Action: C Barr and D Robinson to develop processes and procedures that will engage Members with the work programme.


633.1 Steve Pighills – Attended the Gatescarth Working Group meeting on the 18 March 2014. The TRF will be managing the new booking system for Gatescarth Permits from December 2014.

James Thurlow – A new group called the Lake District Mountain Bike Association has appeared on Facebook, formed to voice their opposition about bridleway improvements carried out under the Go Lakes Travel banner. Dave R has been involved in correspondence between the group, Richard Leafe and Tim Farron MP and was meeting the organiser of the group on 2 April.

Charles Sargeant – Concerned that Lakes Biomass have taken trees out of the woodland by Coniston Hall Campsite and left the footpath in a mess.

Action: Sam Stalker to speak to the National Trust Ranger for the area.

Mohammed Dhalech – the BMC are holding an event in April 2014.


634.1 14 July 2014

6 October 2014 – Health Check to be completed at October meeting.

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Lake District Local Access Forum: 14 July 2014 Agenda Item: 7


Forum Annual Work Programme
Create & review work programme / a.  Develop work programme for 2014/15
b.  Review work programme at each meeting / Chair to lead, all members to contribute / a.  By March 2014
b.  Ongoing throughout the year
Cumbria Countryside Access Strategy (CCAS)
CCAS/ ROWIP review / Assist and advise CCC/ LDNPA/ YDNPA in developing the new Cumbria Countryside Access Strategy (CCAS), incorporating ROWIP and access to water / Carole Barr, Ken Taylor, David Rawle, James Thurlow / By end of May 2014
CCAS strategic action plan / Advise the NPA on the development of the 2014-15 CCAS annual action plan / Carole Barr, Ken Taylor, David Rawle, James Thurlow / By end of May 2014
Bridleway Strategy / a.  Identify LAF member(s) who could lead on strategic approach to bridleway network improvements
b.  Work with NPA and others on pilot area around Broughton/ Woodland to assess local community support / Carole Barr
Vickie Bowman
British Horse Society
Cumbria Bridleways Society / By end of March 2014 and on-going
Miles without stiles / a.  Limited mobility training event for members
b.  Advise the Authority on the focus of the Miles without Stiles/ limited mobility programme / Mohammed Dhalech, Charles Sargeant, Sam Stalker, Pauline Goodridge, Amanda McLeery, John Crosbie / a.  5 February 2014
b.  Ongoing
Access for All / a.  Sensory Trail / Mohammed Dhalech / By end of March 2015
Birk Hagg Wood/ Rydal Estate access / Liaise with Rydal Hall/ Rydal Estates/ NPA on managing access through Birk Hagg Wood / Carole Barr, Dave Robinson / Ongoing
Mapping and Way marking / a.  Standardised way marking
b.  Mapping entry points to Open Access land
c.  Who owns the Lake District / Steve Pighills
James Thurlow / Ongoing
Long term maintenance and sustainability of UCR’s. / a.  Update on Colton Project
/ Sam Stalker
Steve Pighills
Malcolm Petyt / Ongoing
Countryside & Rights of Way Act related
Provide required input to the exclusions & restrictions process as statutory consultee on applications / NPA to provide annual report on applications handled by the NPA and the Forestry Commission / All at relevant meeting / Ongoing
Woodland and fencing proposals / a.  LAF member to gather Forum views and draft response. Site visits to be organised as appropriate
b.  Continue to work with Defra, Natural England and NPA on mapping project for woodland fencing
c.  Advise Forestry Commission/ Natural England on fencing, mapping and removal as part of NELMS / a.  Geoff Wilson and Ken Taylor
b.  Geoff Wilson and Ken Taylor
c.  Geoff Wilson and Ken Taylor / Ongoing
Coastal Access
Cumbria Coastal access phase II / Work with Natural England and NPA on coastal access route between Drigg and Silecroft / David Rawle / Ongoing
Rights of Way
Rights of way consultations / Forum to advise NPA on rights of way changes within NPA timescales. Feedback on decision to be sought / Charles Sargeant to lead and coordinate response / Ongoing.
Quarterly report on consultations at Forum meetings
Fix the Fells / a.  Receive report annually on Fix the Fells programme
b.  Give advice on bridleway use / Carole Barr
Carole Barr, Geoff Wilson / Annual report to Forum in March 2015
Providing advice to others
Event Management / To contribute to the Event Advisory Group and provide comments on large scale organised recreational events / James Thurlow, Ruth Kirk / Ongoing
S94 bodies / Provide advice to S94 bodies where appropriate / Chair and others / Ongoing
National Park Partnership / Represent the LAF on, and provide advice to, the Lake District National Park Partnership Plan / Chair / Ongoing
Cumbria Countryside Access Strategy Delivery Group / Contribute to the delivery of Key Strategic Actions in the Cumbria Countryside Access Strategy / All members / Ongoing
Mechanically Propelled Vehicles / Represent the LAF on the management of MPV’s in the National Park and Cumbria / Steve Pighills / Ongoing
Local Nature Partnership / Represent the LAF and provide advice on access issues to the Cumbria Local Nature Partnership, once it is established / Pauline Goodridge / Ongoing
Forum procedures and promotion
Annual Report / Produce an annual report detailing the work of the LAF for the year 2013-14 / Chair / By end of July 2014
Health Check / Work with NPA to produce annual health check / All / By end of March 2015
Improve awareness of the work of the Forum / a.  Circulate Annual Report to Parish Councils and other local community organisations
b.  Press releases on LAF work / a.  All
b.  NPA / a.  July 2014
Regional and national LAF work / Representation on Regional LAF Chairs meetings and any other regional/ national initiatives / Chair / On-going
Member recruitment / Continually review procedures for member recruitment and suggest improvements where necessary / All / On-going

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Lake District Local Access Forum: 14 July 2014 Agenda Item: 7


The goal for access and recreation in Cumbria is:

“Cumbria is a place where visitors and local people can explore, enjoy and develop an understanding of the diverse countryside, both on land and water, and are enabled to do so in a variety of sustainable and responsible ways.”