Teacher Compass PD Video Catalog Highlights

Collection contains videos and tutorials that address strategies for teachers and parents to become more accountable for student success in the classroom. Effective use of data, technology and planning are addressed to help teachers become better informed and more knowledgeable in the implementation of information.
Strand / Sample Video Title / Description
Math / Making Math Thinking Visible with Phil Daro / Phil Daro emphasizes the importance of teaching students how to think and how to work with other students.
Reading and Writing / Using Informational Texts to Enhance Learning / A fifth grade teacher discusses using informational text to supplement the social studies text.
Special Education and Multicultural Classroom / Providing Strategies for Content-Area Teachers / In this tutorial, Doris Reynolds discusses addressing effective strategies for English Language Learners.
Using Data-Technology and Planning / Fourth Grade Teachers Analyze Strengths and Needs / Teachers conduct detailed analysis of students' strengths and needs and plan strategies to address the needs.
Parent Involvement and Moral-Behavioral Development
/ Decision Making & Moral Development / Dr. Jeffery Arnett, Ph.D. speaks about the growing abilities of adolescents to make decisions and moral judgments.
Collection illustrates the most effective use of assessment to inform lesson planning and classroom instruction. Videos feature implementation strategies, demonstrate different types of assessments and how they can be implemented in the classroom, and explore options for student assessment and how to use the data to affect instruction and meet content standards.
Strand / Sample Video Title / Description
Assessment and English Language Learners / Assessment 101: Formative and Summative / Margo Gottlieb, Ph.D., discusses formative and summative assessment and the need for tests constructed for English Language Learners.
Self Assessment / Portfolio Assessment / Joannie Kalina, a seventh grade Language Arts teacher, explains her portfolio assessment process for writing.
Use of Assessment / Effective Use of Assessment / Grant Wiggins, Ed.D., describes the value of using class time to review assessments.
Collaborative Planning / Mapping Curriculum to Standards / Aligning assessments with standards and learning goals; the planning process and building lessons and assessments around the standards.
Math Navigator / Math Navigator With Special Education Students / Suzanne Shall describes how her school chose the Navigator curriculum for her school's Special Education students.
Reading / Assess Reading: Identify Needs / Donna Ogle, Ed.D., and Charles Temple, Ph.D., discuss the purpose of reading difficulties and reading support systems.
Words and Writing / Kindergarten: Writing Evaluation Conference / A kindergarten teacher discusses the student's knowledge of the standard, highlights the student's successes, and defines future goals.
Classroom Management
Collection contains classroom demonstrations and modeling of all aspects of comprehensive classroom management. Video examples capture proactive strategies related to rules and procedures, classroom climate, relationships, effective communication, and engaging instruction. Classroom modeling addresses responsive strategies associated with disruptions, negative behaviors, and special needs. Discussions with experts provide additional examples and perspectives.
Strand / Sample Video Title / Description
Classroom Climate / Gayle Gregory: Classroom Climate and Respect / Learn the elements of classroom climate that support differentiation and honor the diversity in the room.
Instruction / Vern Jones: Instruction and Classroom Management / Learn key aspects of instruction that impact student behaviors and classroom management.
Motivation / Cooperative Group Strategies Enhance Motivation / Engaging instructional strategies that prompt lively interaction among students and motivate them to construct their own knowledge.
Negative Behaviors / Resolution of Conflict Between Students / Observe Robert Wimberly's method of resolving an issue with two students whose negative behavior disrupts the class.
Cultural Differences / Acculturation of New Immigrant Students / Discussion of the cultural issues and psychological needs of new immigrant students of all ages.
Relationships / Expectations for a Parent-Teacher Conference / Observe the teacher's organization, clarity, professionalism, and interpersonal skills as she conducts a parent-teacher conference.
Communication / Expectations for Authentic Assessment / Observe strategies for reviewing prior knowledge and communicating clear expectations for product assessment.
Room Arrangement / Flexible Classroom Arrangement / Flexible classroom arrangement that promotes independent thinking for individual assignments and transitions smoothly into group work.
Rules and Procedures / Classroom Rules and Procedures / Learn the importance of establishing rules and procedures for the classroom. Observe the modeling in a kindergarten classroom.
Bullying and Violence / Vern Jones: Dealing with Bullying / Learn the experts' definition of bullying and identify steps to take to protect students and educate about bullying.
Curriculum Planning and Evaluation
Collection includes videos and tutorials describing and depicting collaborative planning and instructional implementation. Some videos are addressing a specific subject area, while others are pertaining to English language learners and SIOP. Concept and curriculum mapping to standards are addressed. Included is a video for setting up and maintaining a Virtual School.
Strand / Sample Video Title / Description
Collaborative Planning – Instructional Implementation / Collaboration for Creating Tasks / Math Coaches Jimmy Scherrer and Jennifer DeLorenzo demonstrate a collaborative planning session.
English Language Learners / Integrated Classrooms: Bilingual Planning / First grade teacher Debbie Goode plans a science lesson with Lauren Lukowski, a first grade bilingual classroom teacher.
Technology / Virtual School / Julie Young discusses the funding, setting up and maintaining a virtual school in Florida.
Collection includes classroom demonstrations and interviews with teachers and experts. Demonstrations illustrate small group, cooperative group, and whole class instructional strategies for differentiating instruction on the basis of readiness, interests, and learning profiles. Video examples capture procedures for differentiating the content, the learning activities, and the assessments of learning.
Strand / Sample Video Title / Description
Assessment and Planning / Lynn Hiller: Differentiate Lesson Components / Learn strategies for differentiating the components of instruction: content, activities, and assessments.
Classroom Management and Differentiation / How to Manage a Differentiated Classroom / Observe preparation of the classroom to ensure that centers are ready for the day's differentiated learning activities.
Differentiated Groups / Cooperative Groups Differentiated by Readiness / Cathy Melahn models the use of differentiated cooperative group learning at various levels of reading readiness.
Differentiation Defined / Mary Ellen Vogt Describes Differentiated Strategies / Mary Ellen Vogt, EdD, describes effective strategies for differentiating lesson plans and providing scaffolding for instruction.
Instructional Strategies / Differentiation in Literature Circles / Sarah Lubeck's high school students carry out roles for the literature circle.
Learning Profiles and Differentiation / Diverse Educational Backgrounds and Challenges / Sarah Winzeler discusses and demonstrates strategies for differentiating instruction to meet the needs of her English language learners.
Early Childhood
Collection focus is on Literacy strategies, techniques and planning for an effective classroom climate. English language learners, SIOP and the multicultural classroom for Early Childhood are included as a component of the collection. An overview of several supplemental programs is included in the video collection, along with discussion from featured experts.
Strand / Sample Video Title / Description
Literacy / Reading Conference: Kindergarten / Teacher and student identify challenging words, pointing to words, reading through the whole word, and reading more slowly.
ELL-Multicultural Classroom and Special Education / Multicultural Literature to Illustrate Prejudice / Brian Tucker demonstrates a multicultural literature lesson that sparks a discussion on prejudice and racism with his students.
Planning-Classroom Climate and Supplemental Programs / Preparing a Purposeful Place / Long-range and weekly planning and organization that frees teachers to focus on the students during class time.
Infants and Toddlers / Infant and Toddler Education / Video describes what happens at child care and the fact that some children experience separation anxiety.
Effective Use of Technology
Collection contains videos and tutorials that address a wide spectrum of educational implementations. Videos focus on planning for use of technology in the classroom and integrating technology into the lesson plans, emphasizing writing and reading for different subject areas using technology as a common component, and enhancing student information sources.
Strand / Sample Video Title / Description
Collaboration and Planning / Marrying Technology and Pedagogy / Diana Laufenberg describes a variety of ways she uses technology to engage students.
Literacy / Student Writers as Content Producers / Colleagues discuss how blogging and Wikis can help students with their writing.
Media – Software and Devices / Interactive White Board / Amy De La Riva, 5th grade teacher, uses the Smartboard in a mathematics lesson about tessellations.
Research and Projects / Teaching and Learning with Technology / Discussion of the importance of making sure students become competent with technology in meaningful ways to promote learning.
Special Education and ELL / Using Technology with Junior High Students / Bill Banning explains how technology is being used in his school to teach ELL students.
Virtual Schools / Staff Development for Virtual Schools / Leaders of Florida's Virtual Schools discuss professional development for online teachers and leadership training for aspiring virtual schools.
English Language Arts
Collection is organized according to the framework of the Common Core Standards. Leading content experts, teachers, and students describe and demonstrate how to most effectively implement the standards in the classroom.Educators demonstrateavariety of teaching strategiesdesigned tohelp students learn to read, write, speak, listen, and appropriatelyuse language.
Strand / Sample Video Title / Description
Language / Reading and Vocabulary Development / A demonstration of the impact of reading on vocabulary development in the classroom.
Reading / Comprehension Strategies to Use During Reading / Dr. Tim Shanahan discusses strategies to use during text reading that help students better comprehend the content.
Speaking and Listening / Radio Readers: Strategy for Reading and Listening / Demonstration of strategy that gives students practice in reading fluently and with expression.
Writing / Writing in Math Class / Janet Domask returns an assignment and gives students instructions about reviewing the assignment before moving to another problem.
Families and Communities
Collection contains videos and tutorials that address acculturating bilingual students and families into the school environment. Included are strategies that have been proven important for students to be successful in the school community. Focuses on cultural attitudes, differentiation, first language and personal experiences. Parent-teacher conferences and their importance are emphasized.
Strand / Sample Video Title / Description
Acculturation / Acculturation of Immigrant Families / Teachers and bilingual specialists help Spanish-speaking parents progress in their acculturation into the school community.
Cultural Attitudes / Patterns if Cultural Behavior / Lily Wong-Fillimore, PhD., discusses how cultural background may influence a child's behavior.
Differentiation – Diversity / Challenges of a Multicultural Classroom / Dr.Jeffrey Arnett, Ph,D., discusses the challenges for students who come from collectivistic societies as they enter American schools.
First Language / Role of First Language / Discussion on the importance of embracing the first language in a dual language program.
Parent-Teacher Conference / Communicating with Parents of ELLs / Teacher conducts meetings with ELL parents to help them become a part of the overall school community.
Personal Experiences / James Alvarado – Being an English Language Learner / James Alvarado, a Guidance Learning Coordinator, recounts his experiences as an English language learner in the United States.
Instructional Strategies
Collection focuses on instruction that engages the learner and supports a variety of learning patterns. Classroom demonstrations include whole class instruction, cooperative groups, and small group strategies. Video examples capture applications of problem-based learning, simulations, centers, opening and closing a lesson, questioning, and an array of graphic organizers to support learning.
Strand / Sample Video Title / Description
Active Learning Introduction / Robin Fogarty: Active Learning / Discover an expert's definition of active, constructivist methods in contrast to a pour-and-store approach.
Closing and Reflecting / Reflecting on Text / Literacy Coach Kelly Swartzel describes and demonstrates how reflecting on the text helps students better understand it.
Cooperative Groups / Classroom Lesson: Math and Language Arts / Krisine Pizzolatto opens a math lesson with engaging activities, and Ann-Alissa Slark engages ELs in pair sharing.
Problem Based Learning / Problem Based Learning Respects Students’ Voices / Examine the classroom culture and the instructional approach that motivates students, meets their needs, and respects their voices.
Opening a Lesson / Strategies for Introducing a Lesson / Cathy Melahn introduces a social studies lesson with a discussion of relevant vocabulary associated with the topic.
Planning Instruction / Curriculum Planning with Concept Mapping / Bill Stepien collaborates with Chris Weiss to build a problem-based learning (PBL) unit about slavery before the Civil War.
Questioning / Focus Questions and Concept Maps / Katie Dickson models using focus questions, concept maps, and hands-on exploration to teach students about crustaceans.
Simulations / Decision Making and Problem Solving / Bill Stepien prepares students to assume the role of policy makers in a simulation of Parliament.
Small Group Instruction / Small Group Instruction and Reading Street / Strategies for establishing routines, differentiating instruction, and reinforcing skills as two kindergarten teachers conduct small group instruction.
Whole Class Discussion / Interpreting Pictographs / Students show understanding of pictographs through writing and sharing statements about the data shown.
Centers / Word Study Seatwork and Centers / A second grade teacher reviews word study seatwork, centers, and guided reading groups.
Graphic Organizers / Graphic Organizers: Content Area Vocabulary / Observe the implementation of graphic organizers to introduce content area vocabulary and stretch students' comprehension.
Collection is organized according to the framework of the Common Core Standards. Leading content experts, teachers, and students describe and demonstrate how to most effectively implement the standards in the classroom.Educators demonstrateavariety of teaching strategiesdesigned tohelp students learn to key math concepts and practices.
Strand / Sample Video Title / Description
Counting and Cardinality / Math Centers in Primary Classroom / Hillary Wachtl uses math centers with her class to review and practice counting, number, and operation concepts.
Expressions and Equations / Scaffold Instruction: The Shopping Cart Problem / 7th grade teacher Cathy Crosby introduces a problem that involves ratios and algebraic reasoning.
Geometry / Extending the Land of Oobleck Problem / 5th grade teacher Anthony Gill extends a geometry and measurement problem by making connections to number and operations.
Math Coaching / Lesson Planning: Anticipating Student Misconceptions / Observe planning procedures as two math coaches prepare a lesson centered on a fraction problem.
Measurement and Data / Area and Perimeter: Building Background / Jimmy Scherrer models how to build background for students as he begins a lesson on area and perimeter.
Number and Operations – Fractions / Understanding Equivalent Fractions / 5th grade teacher Ali Hallock uses fraction models to build understanding of equivalent fractions.
Number and Operations in Base Ten / Math Navigator: The Associative Property / Melissa Herring reinforces understanding and application of the associative property and the "making ten" strategy with her students.
Number and Quantity / Using Vignettes to Engage Student Learning in Math / High school geometry teacher Leslie Remirez creatively engages students in learning math by acting out a vignette.
Operations and Algebraic Thinking / Using Manipulatives to Build Algebraic Thinking / Maureen Woolever models and explains how she uses math manipulatives and effective questioning with her students.
Math Practice Standard 1 / M&M Investigations: Lesson Opener / Middle school teacher Debbie Potempa introduces a math investigation that utilizes hypothesizing and developing graphs.
Math Practice Standard 2 / Reasoning about Line Plots / Diana Cornelissen works with her class to explain their reasoning as they use line plots to solve problems.
Math Practice Standard 3 / Making Math Thinking Visible to with Phil Daro / Phil Daro emphasizes the importance of teaching students how to think metacognitiviely in Math.
Math Practice Standard 4 / Geometer’s Sketchpad as a Learning Tool / A high school geometry teacher incorporates the tools of Geometer’s Sketchpad to make discussions more concrete and comprehensive.
Math Practice Standard 5 / The Frayer Model as a Math Learning Strategy / Julie Flournoy introduces the Frayer Model as a learning strategy to her middle school math class.
Math Practice Standard 6 / Teaching Ratios with Scale Drawings / Carole Powell asks her students to apply ratio and proportion concepts to creating scale drawings on grid paper.
Math Practice Standard 7 / Introducing Solving Equations to English Learners / Sarah Winzeler models how she begins a unit on solving equations with her English learner students.
Ratios and Proportional Relationships / Connecting Ratios, Fractions, and Decimals / Laurie Hartman uses an investigation with M&Ms to help students connect ratios, fractions, and decimals.
Statistics and Probability / Developing Students’ Understanding of Probability / Experts discuss ideas for developing students' informal understanding of probability, beginning with experiments and making real-life connections.
The Number System / Math Navigator: Decimals and Powers of Ten / Examination of a middle school Mathematics Navigator lesson in which students practice and apply place value and decimal concepts.