Class Construction 2 – Deep Water

Deep Water Speed & Strength Training

By Lori Sherlock, MS

Class Description:

This is a HARD workout that should not be done with beginners. All age levels are capable of performing this program but they should be at a moderate fitness level or higher and be comfortable with deep-water aquatic exercise. Heart rate monitors are a great tool to use for calculating the intensity but RPE (on a 6-20 scale) will work fine too; both are included in the program design.

Class Format:

Speed Work (SW) 70% of class

Strength Work (STR) 30% of class


SW 85-100%

STR 75%


Deep-water running belts, cuffs or vests

Buoyancy dumbbells

Resistance bands

Cones or another type of marker for the hollow sprints


Warm Up – 10 minutes ranging from 55-70% (RPE 8-12)

·  High knee jog x 2 minutes focusing on ROM; for the second minute add a knee grab to allow for a dynamic stretch

·  High Heel Jog x 2 minutes focusing on ROM; for the second minute add an ankle grab to allow for a dynamic stretch

·  Straight leg toe touches x 2 minutes focusing on ROM; for the second minute add a toe grab, while maintaining upright posture, for a dynamic stretch

·  Frog Jog x 1 minute (hips externally rotated, similar to a vertical breaststroke kick) Long Jog x 1 minute (accentuating knee and hip flexion/extension)

·  High knee jog x 2 min building to 80% (RPE 14-15)

SW x 5 minutes

·  85% (RPE 15.5) - 30 seconds double frog, 30 seconds rest

·  90% (RPE 17-18) - 20 second high knees, 40 seconds rest

·  85% (RPE 15.5) - 40 seconds wide jog, 20 seconds rest

·  90% (RPE 17-18) - 30 seconds run, 30 seconds rest

·  85% (RPE 15.5) - 20 seconds elliptical, 40 seconds rest

Recovery x 2 minutes

·  Easy frog jog x 1 minute

·  Easy high heel jogs x 1 minute

SW x 3 minutes – 100% (RPE 20) work / 50% (RPE 7) rest

·  30 second run, 30 seconds rest

·  30 second elliptical, 30 seconds rest

·  30 second your choice, 30 seconds rest

Recovery x 2 minutes

·  Easy long jog x 1 minute

·  Easy wide jog x 1 minute

STR x 7 minutes

·  Station/Group 1: Dumbbells (2 x 10)

o  Front Raise, lateral raise, horizontal abduction/adduction, arm curls, internal/external rotation

·  Station/Group 2: Wall Resistance Bands (2 x 10)

o  Vertical or horizontal wall pushups, chest press, squats on ladders or with resistance bands on the wall, rows with resistance bands tethered to the wall or ladder

SW Rolling Sprints x 4 min

·  Pick up to 80% (RPE 15) for 15 seconds, 100% (RPE 20) for 15 seconds, easy run (RPE 7) 30 seconds

·  Pick up to 80% (RPE 15) for 15 seconds, 100% (RPE 20) for 20 seconds, easy run 30 seconds

·  Pick up to 80% (RPE 15) for 15 seconds, 100% (RPE 20) for 25 seconds, easy run 40 seconds

·  Pick up to 80% (RPE 15) for 15 seconds, 100% (RPE 20) for 30 seconds

Recovery x 3 minutes

·  Easy frog jog x 1 minute

·  Long cross country x 1 minute

·  Toe touches x 1 minute

SW x 4 min

Fartlek Drills: Run at quick pace, pick up when ready, take back down to recover, pick up speed, etc. Working at varying intensity based on personal endurance. You will use the total time of 4 minutes but this will be geared to your participants’ personal needs. So cue them to “GO” when the time starts and then when they feel themselves starting to slow down and fatigue, that is their cue to recover. When they feel like they have recovered, that is their cue to pick it back up to a sprint. Continue this for the 4-minute duration. When the participants are sprinting they should be at 90-100% (RPE 17-20)

Recovery x 2 minutes

·  Easy heel high jog x 1 minute

·  Easy long jog x 1 minute

STR x 7 minutes – (switch groups)

·  Station/Group 2: Dumbbells (2 x 10)

o  Front Raise, lateral raise, horizontal abduction/adduction, arm curls, internal/external rotation

·  Station/Group 1: Wall Resistance Bands (2 x 10)

o  Vertical or horizontal wall pushups, chest press, squats on ladders or with resistance bands on the wall, rows with resistance bands tethered to the wall or ladder

SW x 3 minutes

·  85% (RPE 15.5) - Fast feet (most “ground” contacts) 30 seconds on, 30 seconds rest

·  90% (RPE 17-18) - Bounding (exaggerated running movement using arms to push through water) 20 seconds on, 40 seconds rest

·  85% (RPE 15.5) - Fast Feet 30 seconds on, 30 seconds rest

Recovery x 2 minutes

·  Easy wide jog x 1 minute

·  Easy jog x 1 minute

SW x 2 minutes – (90%)

·  “Hollow Sprints” – sprint to the first marker/cone, light/recovery jog to the second marker, sprint to the next marker, light recovery jog to the next marker….continue to repeat for 2 minutes

Recovery x 2 minutes

·  Easy frog jog x 1 minute

·  Easy cross country x 1 minute

SW x 2 minutes – (100%)

·  Directional Sprints (forward, backward, diagonal, etc.) – instructor calls directions at random to train for both speed and reaction time

Cool Down – 8 minutes gradually bringing heart rate and respiration rate back to normal values. Participant’s heart rates should be below 100 before they exit the water. High knee jog x 2 minutes focusing on ROM; for the second minute add a knee grab to allow for a dynamic stretch

·  High heel jog x 2 minutes focusing on ROM; for the second minute add an ankle grab to allow for a dynamic stretch

·  Straight leg toe touches x 2 minutes focusing on ROM; for the second minute add a toe grab, while maintaining upright posture, for a dynamic stretch

·  Frog Jog x 1 minute (accentuating ROM)

·  Long Jog x 1 minute (accentuating knee and hip flexion/extension)

Lori Sherlock, MS, is an assistant professor at West Virginia University’s School of Medicine,

Division of Exercise Physiology. She is the coordinator for the only aquatic therapy emphasis

curriculum in the United States. Lori is a proud member of AEA, the co-chair of the AEA

Research Committee, an AEA Trainer and a regular contributor to AKWA magazine.