Erik R. Carlson

+ / Lunenburg, MA 01420


Work in an information technology environment within the greater Boston or Worcester area, developing, servicing and supporting applications aimed at communications, information systems, and data availability systems in either stand-alone or Web-enabled environments.

Computer and Information Technology Skills:

Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows (9x, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, Win 7-10, Win Server 2003-2016), Linux, UNIX, iOS, Android

Programming, Scripting and Markup Languages: VB6, SQL, ASP.NET, C#, VB.NET, HTML, XML, CSS, Swift, ColdFusion, VBScript, C, C++, Java, JavaScript, JavaServer Pages (JSP), XSLT, Flash, Shell/Batch Script

Frameworks/Platforms: .NET (1.0-4.6), Java (J2EE, J2SE, J2ME), AJAX, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)

Development Environments (IDEs): Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Interdev, NetBeans, Eclipse, Adobe Dreamweaver, Emacs, Vim

DBMS (Database Management Systems): Microsoft SQL Server (2005-2014), Oracle (9i, 10g, 11g, 12c), MySQL

Tools: Microsoft Office 2016 (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, Access, Project), Virtual Private Network (VPN), Remote Desktop, Virtual Network Computing (VNC), Data Transformation Services (DTS), SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), Internet Information Services (IIS), Firebug, ADO/ADO.NET, IBM Rational Rose, LAMP Stacks (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), Storage Area Network (SAN), Network Attached Storage (NAS), Local/Wide Area Network (LAN/WAN), Wi-Fi, VoIP

Concepts: Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Object Oriented Programming & Development (OOP/OOD), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Cloud Computing, Content Management Systems (CMS), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Universal Modeling Language (UML), Alternative Programming Paradigms, Programming Methodologies (SCRUM/Agile, RAD), Bug Tracking and Version Control Systems, Software Documentation, Web Services, SOAP, Object-Relational Mapping (ORM), Entity-Relationship Database Modeling, Document Object Model (DOM), Dynamic Websites, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Business Process Management (BPM), Software as a Service (SaaS), Service-oriented architecture (SOA), Multithreading, Distributed Computing, Internet, Intranet, Six Sigma Business Management Strategy (6σ), Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID), Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI), Multi-Tier (n-tier) and Model-View-Controller (MVC) Software Architectures, XPath, Remote Desktop Connection (RDC/RDP)

Protocols: HTTP(S), (S)FTP, TCP/IP, UDP, TFTP, Real Time Protocol (RTP), Secure Socket Layer (SSL)

Work Experience:

Implementation Engineer 01/2015 – Present

Conworx Data Solutions America, Beverly, MA

Implement new data interfaces for hospital sites across the U.S. and other countries.

·  Design, develop and implement hospital systems Medical Device Integration (MDI) solutions

·  Upgrade interface systems from old Windows server to new Windows server operating systems

·  Update milestones on sales projects

·  Work with Implementation manager and sales to determine requirements for projects

Technical Support Engineer 10/2009 – 01/2015

Conworx Data Solutions America (previously with Sybase, an SAP company), Beverly, MA

Perform technical support for hospital sites across the U.S. and other countries. Work on proprietary software in a healthcare information technology environment.

·  Provide second level technical support to customers of proprietary data interfaces (from/to Lab and Hospital Information Systems) for medical devices

o  Interface types included: Health Level Seven (HL7), Scripted Text, Scripted GUI, ASTM

o  Interfaces from/to: Epic, Cerner, Sunquest, Meditech, McKesson, SoftLab, Invision, RPMS, Opus, QuadraMed, HMS

o  Software products included: UniPOC, Interface Manager, Lab Information System (LIS) Adapter, Admit Discharge Transfer (ADT) Adapter, TrueID (True Patient Identification), Device Drivers

o  Medical devices included: Abbott Precision Xceed Pro (PXP) Glucometer, Abbott i-STAT, Siemens Clinitek Status, Siemens DCA Vantage, Alere Biosite Triage, Radiometer, GEM Premier, Medtronic, Hemochron, HemoCue

o  Data Management Systems (DMS): UniPOC, Abbott Precision Web, i-STAT Central Data Station

·  Update case notes in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software

·  Work directly with customers via phone, email and Remote Desktop Connections (RDC)

·  Use VPN connections to hospital systems such as Cisco AnyConnect, Juniper, Nortel, Check Point, Citrix, SecureLink, SonicWALL

·  Provide customers and coworkers with technical education about interfaces

·  Augment installation staff in tandem with technical support duties to increase installation capacity of the company

·  Expand business by assisting with pre-sales and relaying leads to the sales organization

Technology Consultant and Contractor 12/2008 - Present, Boston, MA

Work with commercial and industrial clients to develop, install, and enhance information technology projects relating to customer service, project management and Total Quality Management (TQM). Define business needs and use cases, develop functional and detail specifications. Manage, execute and/or participate in development, testing and deployment of applications. Design/develop client site content, and add/monitor website analytics. Provide training and implementation assistance in employing DotNetNuke Content Management System, Web design, hosting options, site establishment and site administration.

Notable projects:

·  Design, development and implementation of a Web based Student Organization Registration system utilizing ColdFusion and Oracle WebLogic Server

·  Design, development and implementation of a cross-platform two-tier real estate application with user and admin logins and a portable XML flat file database in both C# and Java

·  Design, development and implementation of a three-tier website in Java Server Pages (JSP) using JavaBeans and the JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) API to interface with a MySQL server

·  Implement a system in C to demonstrate the use of Local Area Multicomputer Message Passing Interface for parallel computing (LAM/MPI), semaphores and shared memory

·  Develop reliability features to add to the standard Unreliable Datagram Protocol (UDP) in C

·  Assemble computer hardware, perform system and network administration

Application Engineer 04/2008 - 11/2008

SoftMedia Inc., Billerica, MA

Leadership role in the development and maintenance of multiple Web applications including a large health insurance business’s Web application for quoting and subscriptions.

·  Developed, maintained, upgraded and deployed an array of dynamic websites on the Internet

·  Converted and refined enterprise-class customer-facing health insurance websites from ColdFusion to ASP.NET

·  Maintained a frequently changing VB.NET Web Services Quoting Engine of a large Health Insurance business utilizing an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool to generate the data access and business logic layers for a large scale Web application

·  Built Web sites with multiple Content Management Systems (CMS) including DotNetNuke and Ektron

·  Worked with custom ASP.NET server controls, CSS, XSL and XPath

Data Specialist 03/2007 - 04/2008

Arthur Blank & Company, Inc. (a division of American Banknote Corporation), Boston, MA

Performed technical support and help desk duties for a wide range of departments within the company. Developed ancillary programs for the Visual CRM/ERP software system; responsible for being on call to troubleshoot technical problems in the manufacturing plant over the phone and via VPN.

·  Developed an intranet application in ASP Classic to batch process company shipments saving the company a full-time equivalent unit

·  Developed a batch program in VB6 that ran nightly to help automate the processing of company shipments

·  Created tables and stored procedures on Microsoft SQL Server to store and update the company’s shipment data

·  Converted and automated the company’s Pre-production Scanning Application, preventing duplicate payment cards in stores, from VB6 to VB.NET

·  Upgraded the application that provides the sales team with first-and-last card account numbers and sets up the critical first steps for personalization of plastic payment cards

·  Performed standard operating procedures such as Extract Transform Load (ETL) on customer data for the use in personalizing and manufacturing plastic payment cards


University of Massachusetts: B.S. Computer and Information Science

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