PUPIL NOTICES Tuesday 1st September 2015

ALL / Lost Property
There is still a lot of unclaimed lost property in the General Office from before the summer holidays, especially P.E./boot bags. Anything not claimed by the end of this week will be donated to a local charity shop.
Miss Stephen (General Office)
ALL / Lost Timetables
If you have lost your timetable you should ask your Registration Teacher to copy from the one they have. You should not be coming to the General Office and asking for one.
Miss Stephen (General Office)
ALL / Lockers
Lockers are to only be used by the person who rents it. You should not be allowing anyone else to store things in your locker.
Miss Stephen (General Office)
ALL / Chill Out Zone - Friday lunchtimes in the Lecture Theatre
Getting bored on a Friday lunchtime? Why not come along to the Chill Out Zone, play some games, listen to some music, chat with friends - or challenge a Chaplain at one of the games? Refreshments provided.
Mrs Ritchie (Social Subjects)
S1 – S3 / Singsation!
Do you like singing? Do you like moving to the beat? Do you want to meet new people? If the answer is yes to any of these questions then ‘Singsation!’ could be for you. Vocal Group for S1-S3, every Tuesday from 1.25pm – 1.55pm in Music Room 1. For more details see Mrs Pert or Miss McColl in the Music Department.
Mrs Pert (Creative Arts)
S3 – S5 / World Challenge
The next World Challenge trip is open to applicants after this week. We will be going to China for 3 weeks in Summer 2017 for an amazing adventure. See the display board in the Link Corridor for more information. There is a meeting on Thursday 10thSeptember at 6.30pm for you to invite parents/carers to find out more and sign up for the trip. If you can’t make this meeting and want to know more, then complete the tear off slip on the letter and return to Miss Loudon in Technical.
Miss Loudon (Technical)
S4 – S6 / Young Engineers - ROV
Selections for the ROV team are complete. There were a lot of applicants this year and competition was tough. Well done to the following pupils who have made the team.
Jacob Banks, Ian Buchan, Cameron Brown, Austin Cordiner, Alex Kelly, Lee MacIntosh, Scott Marr, Murray Paterson, Nathan Robertson and Jake Strachan.
The first meeting is Thursday 3rdSeptember to make a plan for the year and select team leaders. If you can’t make it this week, then please let me know ASAP.
Miss Loudon (Technical)