Chapter Achievement Program

Did you know… Our Chapter receives CAP points for interns employed by companies in our area.

Did your company employ any audit interns this summer? Yes? You may have helped the Chapter obtain CAP points! Please let us know by sending information on internships to .

Congratulations to the Detroit Chapter’s President Daniel Wiechec, Officers, the Board and it’s Members for earning the CAP Gold / Platinum Awards this year! This was the Chapter’s 17th time in a row it earned the GOLD award and the eight time it achieved the Platinum award the highest award for the program.

Furthermore, as of April 2012 the Detroit Chapter has attained the highest number of CAP points ever totaling 2,504 of the history of the Detroit Chapter since program started in 1996.

  • Total Service to Members: 1,233.64
  • Total Service to Profession: 853.98
  • Total Chapter Administration: 416.00
  • Total CAP Points Earned: 2,503.62

The CAP program is the IIA’s Business Score Card used to monitor and recognize the activities of the local chapters that promote the IIA strategic objectives.

CAP is made up of four performance levels:

  • BRONZE 685 achievement credits
  • SILVER 1,060 achievement credits
  • GOLD 1,560 achievement credits
  • PLATINUM: is a special award level created to recognize Chapters that attain GOLD status for 10 consecutive years.

As of: / 01/00/00
Category / Minimum for Bronze / Chapter Points
(to Date) / % of Minimum / Balance to Minimum
I. Service to Members / 325.00 / 1,233.64 / 380% / Achieved!
II. Service to Profession / 200.00 / 853.98 / 427% / Achieved!
III. Chapter Administration / 160.00 / 416.00 / 260% / Achieved!
685.00 / 2,503.62
Total from Master Template: / 2,503.62
Current CAP Status: / Gold (Platinum)
Bronze / 685.00 / Bronze
Silver / 1,060.00 / Silver
Gold (Platinum) / 1,560.00 / Gold (Platinum)