Mrs. Freeman

Common Core Mathematics I

Procedural Contract

Welcome to Common Core Mathematics I. We are going to have a semester filled with the excitement of not only studying mathematical operations and functions, but also how mathematics can be applied to real world situations. I am very excited to have the opportunity to work with you, and together, we can make this a productive, fun-filled learning experience.

Necessities for Success

  • For this class, you will need to bring these things to class everyday.

1. Always bring your textbook to class.

2. Always bring a pencil to class. All work must be attempted and completed in pencil,but you are welcome to use pen to correct your work. Homework, quizzes, or tests completed in ink will not be accepted. If you do not have a pencil or paper, I will provide thesefor you. But you should come to class early, get what you need, sharpen pencils, and be ready when the bell rings!

  1. Always bring your 3 ring binder to class. It is required that you use a 3 ring binder

to take notes and organize materials in this class. I will give you numerous handouts

and other activities not from your book that will need to be organized in a binder, not a

folder! This is a graded assignment.

4. Always bring your TI-83 or TI-84 Plus graphing calculator to class. The curriculum in this course requires the use of a TI-83 or TI-84 calculator. Students that have a calculator to use at home are always better prepared each day in class, because they have the opportunity to reinforce the skills they learn in class as they complete assignments at home. The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction states the following in mathematics curricula information:

Appropriate technology, from manipulatives to calculators and application software, should be used regularly for instruction and assessment.

Although I will have a few calculators that may be borrowed during classroom

sessions, these calculators may not be checked out to take home. You will have homework assignments that require the use of a calculator. Therefore, although students are not required to purchase their own graphing calculators, it is strongly suggested. If you are planning to purchase a calculator, you will have the option of purchasing a TI-83 Plus or the TI-84 Plus. The TI-84 Plusis more costly, but has more memory capability and a newer version of the software. Silver Editions are available in both models, meaning that the calculators have more memory and may have Texas Instruments applications loaded on them. More memory allows the students to store more applications on the calculator and helps the calculator to process calculations more efficiently. All of the aforementioned calculators are adequate for all high school and college mathematics courses.

Be on Time

  • You will need to arrive in class everyday on time. However, when you do receive an unexcused tardy, we will adhere to the following procedure. A clipboard with a tardy sheet will be kept at the front of the classroom near the door. If you arrive to class late and without a note, sign your name, date, and the reason for being tardy on the tardy sheet. We will follow the school’s tardy policy, which is that 3 unexcused tardies equals 1unexcused absence.
  • According to the Wilkes County Schools attendance policy adopted for the 2013-2014 school year, any student who earns more than six absences per semester for ANY reason, including absences acquired for tardiness will result in a failing grade. Students having more than six absences will be required to appeal to an attendance committee at the end of the semester.

Grade Weights

  • Grades will be calculated each nine week grading period based on the following components:

Assignment Type / Weight / Description
Tests / 40% / Tests will be given at the endof each unit of study and will be derived from the book, notes, class discussions, and problems covered both in class and in homework assignments. Tests will be cumulative, meaning material from the current chapter and former chapters will be covered!
Quizzes / 20% / Quizzes will be given throughout the semester pertaining to problems covered both in class and in homework assignments. Quizzes may or may not be announced.
Homework / 30% / Homework will be assigned for each lesson. Homework assignments may or may not be collected for a grade, but homework will be checked each day at the beginning of class. You must showyour work in order to receive credit. There are no exceptions to this rule, no matter how well you feel you know the material! Hint: Completing homework is the most important thing you can do to be successful in this class! Students will be randomly selected by the calculator at the beginning of each class to explain their responses at the board. You never know when you could be the one chosen, so be prepared! Also, copying someone else’s work is always detected, and this will not help you to learn the material.
Binder/Participation / 10% / You will be required to keep journals, notes, completed homework and worksheets, and all other graded materials in a 3 ring binder. I will give you options for organizing your binder, but you must be able to present the binder to me and produce randomly selected materials from the previous chapter in order to receive a satisfactory grade for your binder/participation grade. Binders will always be graded on test days, but if it is not ready to be graded during the test, the binder grade is a 0. This rule is strictly followed as you are given ample time throughout each chapter to organize the binder IN CLASS. Not only is the purpose of this assignment to teach responsibility and organization, but it will also be especially helpful to you when studying for quizzes, tests, etc.

Common Core Mathematics I End of Course Exam

  • The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction requires that a standardized end of course exam be given at the conclusion of this course. The state also mandates that the end of course exam count at least 25% of a student’s final grade. Therefore, your term average will be calculated using the grade weights given above and all of the work that you will have completed up to the end of course exam. Your final grade will then be calculated using the term average (75%) and the end of course exam grade (25%).


  • Mrs. Freeman will be available for extra help if needed on Tuesday and Thursdays after school until 3:50 p.m. If you plan to attend, you must arrive by 3:30 p.m. unless prearranged with Mrs. Freeman. Students are always welcome to stop by during breaks or at 7:30 a.m. for quick questions.

Missed Work

  • All missed work due to absences must be completed upon your return. If you are absent, you need to:
  • Access our class website at Assignments are posted daily on our class website, and it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to check and know before you return what has been assigned. I will even post copies of most worksheets. If you do not have a printer at home, simply copy the problems down on notebook paper. If you feel up to it, please attempt to do as many problems as possible before returning to school.
  • When you return to class, all worksheets or graded materials that were handed back when you were absent will be placed in a black file box labeled “Missing Assignments. You will need to look in the box and get any materials with your name on it BEFORE CLASS BEGINS. If you have questions about the assignment or the material that was covered during the missed class, please come see me before or after school so that I can make sure you understand the concepts. All work is to be completed by the following class period. For example, if you are absent on Monday, then you will be given Tuesday night to complete missed work, and the missed work is due on Wednesday at the beginning of class.

 Note of Advice—If you are absent from class, but still able to complete assignments the day of your absence, you will be much better prepared when you return. The Common Core Mathematics I curriculum is very fast paced. If you know you are going to be absent ahead of time or that you will be checking out of school before this class begins, you should get the assignments ahead of time. NO EXCUSES!

It is your responsibility to make sure all missed assignments are shown to the teacher after an absence in order to receive credit!!!

My greatest expectation is that you will learn a new and different appreciation of mathematics from completing this course. To accomplish this, you must also take charge of your learning process. If you are having trouble with the content or have any other classroom issues, I always have an open door policy. However, you must take the initiative to come see me before school, after school, or by appointment. I am confident that this will be a rewarding course. But remember…GREAT REWARDS COME FROM HARD WORK!

Mrs. Freeman’s Contact Information

Please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns by phone or e-mail. You may reach me by phone from 2:00 p.m – 3:15 p.m. or after school. However, you will be able to contact me more efficiently, as well as receive a quicker response, via e-mail.

Phone: 336-667-5277E-mail:

Please sign below and return this page only to me. Please place the remaining information in the front of your binder for reference throughout the term.

I have read the procedural contract and have shared it with my parent/guardian. I will do everything I can to make this semester a success and to be a responsible learner.

Student Signature ______

Parent/Guardian Signature______

The following information is to be filled out by the student’s parent/guardian.

Please list the best way to contact you Monday through Friday between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm.

Name______Relationship to student ______

Phone (Home)______(Work) ______(Cell) ______

E-mail ______