The Village of Weston Council

October 17, 2016

The council meeting was called to order by Mayor Jeremy Schroeder at 7:00 p.m., followed by the pledge of allegiance. A roll call of the council members was then taken: Mr. Greg Stevens, Mr. Bill Barnhart, Mrs. Sarah Easterwood, Mr. Shad Kendall, Mrs. Dawn Blandy, and Mrs. Danelle Langley were present.

The minutes from the October 3, 2016 council meeting were presented for approval. Noted corrections to the minutes: Parks and Recreation report – meetings were September 9 and September 26 – Vote on Zoning Boards recommended wording change in the ordinance that allows chickens in the village – Mrs. Langley’s was no – water and sewer district Main Street proposed project moving lines behind businesses – looking into who would be responsible for the cost of relocating lines with the buildings. Mr. Kendall made a motion to approve the minutes with the corrections, seconded by Mrs. Blandy. Vote: approve 6 – opposed 0.

Citizens and Visitors:

Joe Pemberton and Andrew Sonderman from Suburban Natural Gas: Reminded everyone about the need to call O.U.P.S. 48 hours before any digging or excavation starts to have gas lines located and marked for the safety of everyone in the area.

Mrs. Vera DeWitt thanked Mayor Schroeder for coming over in regard to her concerns about the height of the road with resurfacing on Sycamore Street because of flooding during heavy rains. There isn’t a storm sewer only a ditch.

The bills to be paid totaling $ 20,157.55 were presented to council for approval. After a short discussion on several individual invoices, a motion to pay the bills as presented was made by Mrs. Blandy and seconded by Mrs. Easterwood. Vote: approve 6—oppose 0.

First reading of Resolution 2016-3 Approving the Draft adopted Amended Wood County Solid Waste Management. Motion to adopt: Mr. Barnhart – 2nd by: Mrs. Easterwood. Vote: approve 6 – opposed 0.

Mr. Stevens reported that some residents approached him regarding starting up the Block Watch program again. This would consist of a group of private citizens. Training and other information would come from the sheriff’s department. A meeting was scheduled for November 1, 2016 at 7 p.m. to be held at the fire station. There were reports of people trying to get into parked cars and businesses. Block Watch group would communicate with the sheriff’s department who would in turn report to council.

Survey for Community Committee: Information from returned survey forms would be entered into a software program used to analysis the results. Then guidelines would be worked out to get people engaged.

Information is needed on community block grants.

Parks and Recreation report: Mrs. Easterwood reported that some details had been left out in the report at the last council meeting. In the future would like to see appropriations for equipment $20,000 including grants - material and supplies $10,000 – small tools $500 – the $2,500 general put in other contractual services moved to materials and supplies. Overall they would like to have considered an overall increase in funding of 20% over the next three years.

The Parks and Recreation Board would like to have a clarification on Merrill Park: who owns the property, where is the property line if the fence is not on the property line and are the new trees over the sewer line and do they cause a problem. If the fence is not on the property line, then what about the cost of the trees that were removed by village employees? If the new trees need to be moved, who pays the cost? It was also suggested to annex the property to the village.

Cemetery Board meeting of October 6th was reported by Mrs. Blandy: It was noted that Jodie Domer (the cemetery clerk) would like a computer and printer for keep the cemetery records. The printer would have to be capable of printing 11X17 size paper. A laptop computer would be handy for taking to the cemetery when checking gravesite information. Mrs. Coburn (village fiscal officer) stated that enough funds had been appropriated for equipment purchases during 2016. The Board discussed whether there was enough money in the cemetery fund for paying the village maintenance employees covering the work at the cemetery while Mr. Patton was on medical leave from the cemetery fund.

Mr. Green (fiscal officer for Damascus Township) had stated that they had a printer not being used that could print the 11X17 sheets of paper and they would probably be willing to donate it to the Weston cemetery.

Mr. Kendall stated that the next meeting of the Community Development Committee would be on November 16th at 6 p.m... Reminder cards should be sent to the business owners the week before.

Mr. Kendall said the he would not be at the next council meeting (November 7th) as he would be out of town. Mrs. Easterwood stated that she would be gone on November 14th.

Mr. Kendall asked to be informed of the cost for running an ad in the Village Newsletter.

The Finance Committee meeting is scheduled for November 2nd at 7:15 p.m.

Safety Committee meeting will be on October 25th at 7 p.m.

Mr. Green reported possible zoning problem: resident at 20765 Sycamore Street wants to turn the building in their back yard into living quarters. Wood County Planning commission wants to know how the village wants to handle this as the resident has requested a separate address for the back of this property (this is just one lot). The matter would have to be brought before the Zoning Board and would need a variance from the neighbors.

Adding second address on a single lot would violate village ordinances. Mr. Stevens made a motion to say NO to 2nd address for this lot – 2nd by Mrs. Blandy – vote: approve 6 – opposed 0.

Resident will have to contact the Zoning Board.

Morlock Asphalt was in town working on Taylor, Cherry and Sumner Streets.

New village sign: will need more help in getting to village – Fletcher Machine will deliver and K & K Construction will set. Mr. Kendall will work with Mr. Green in coordinating.

Shirley Moore bought the bank building and will be opening a furniture store there. She will need to be put on the business list for the Community Development Committee meetings.

The floor inside the Post Office front door is rotting and the floor covering needs to be replaced. As this is a village owned building, Mr. Green will look into it.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.


Jeremy Schroeder, Mayor


Jeannette E. Coburn

Fiscal Officer