FREN 3014
Summer 2017, Georgia Tech Lorraine,Times TBA
Instructor: Dr. Chris Ippolito
Office: GT Atlanta: Swann Bldg. 226 – GTL: TBA, Office hours: TBA
Email address: , web: GTL Tel. TBA
• William F. Edmiston & Annie Duménil, La France contemporaine. Cengage Learning; 4th edition (May 26, 2009). ISBN-13: 978-1428231238 ,ISBN-10: 1428231234
PLEASE NOTE: I have selected the 4th edition (2009) because I believe changes made to it since then are not significant. Thisinexpensive edition is still widely available including on the net. I update it with material for the 2005-2016 period. 3rd edition also acceptable.
• Website, T-square Forums and Links on T-square resources and open source material.
• Suggested: A good bilingual dictionary (Robert, Robert-Collins, Harraps…) and online:, ARTFL
Étude des principaux traits de la France contemporaine, dans les domaines suivants: contexte européen, politique, société, culture, média et technologie.(Study of current issues in contemporary France, with focus on theEuropean context, political and social issues, culture, media, and technology.)Credit Hours: 3. Prerequisite: 2002 or equivalent. 4 meetings a week.
At the end of this course, a student should be able to 1/ have a good knowledge of the main issues in contemporary France, 2/ discuss current issues in formal French, 3/ write well-formatted essays in French at the Advanced-Mid level.
10% Weekly Postings on textbook on T-square [10+ lines on week pages];
25%Bi-weekly Presentations in classon the issues studied(5+ Pwpt slides minimum)
40% 2 Essays on two different issues involving contemporary France based [topics to be selected by student / approved by instructor; length: 4-5 pages each; format: see instructions in writing guide on T-square.
10% Active participationand in-class activities**
15% Final Project: Present a project on contemporary French society and/or politics
(project selected by student, to be approved by instructor, ideally with component linked to community in which student currently lives—Metz (for GTL); this may include interviews, research, etc.).You may also present your 2nd essay in an interactive way. Power Point (10+slides) or equivalent.
All material (including the material used for the final project) has to be posted on T-square in correct French. Instructor will assess all that is posted and make adjustments as needed (discussion, corrections, advice, etc.). GT Honor Code applies.
All postings including weekly assignments, essays, presentationsand project are due on the 2nd day of the week (GTL policy applies). Should you be absent, it is you responsibility to keep up with work/changes. GT policy for ADAPTS students applies. Penalties for late assignments and/or assignments not posted + essays not given in class.
**Active participationand in-class activities :exercises assigned for a specific class; participation required (quantity, quality; French only in class); attendance essential and part of the grade (one point taken off final grade for each unexcused absence after 3 absences ; more than 10 minutes late: half an absence (more than 20: one). Only a letter from GTL / an MD can excuse an absence. Please make a constant effort to participate.
ML PERFORMANCE GOAL #1: PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATIONML Learning Outcome 1 : Demonstrate oral and aural proficiency in the target language / FREN 3014: Students will demonstrate oral proficiency at the Advanced level on the ACTFL scale
ML Learning Outcome 2: Demonstrate effective presentation skills in the target language / FREN 3014: Students will demonstrate the ability to present in class for 3 minutes or more without notes on an everyday topic
ML Learning Outcome 3: Demonstrate writing proficiency in the target language / FREN 3014: Students will produce a variety of short (1- page) essays at the Advanced level on the ACTFL scale
ML Learning Outcome 4:
Demonstrate proficiency in comprehension of authentic written texts in the target language / FREN 3014: Students will demonstrate comprehension of authentic texts related to complex topics
ML Learning Outcome 5: Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of a specific target-language country / region / FREN 3014: Students will demonstrate in-depth knowledge of French society
ML Learning Outcome 6:
Demonstrate the ability to analyze an issue from target-culture perspective(s) / FREN 3014: Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze an issue from a French perspective
ML Learning Outcome 7:
Demonstrate critical reflection on cultural complexity and context / FREN 3014: Students will demonstrate critical reflection on French cultural complexity and contexts
Online Postings -- Reminder:
1/ ONE posting on the textbook per week [on T-square]. 10 lines minimum, suggested format: 2-3 remarks/points [may be developed as needed], 1-2 questions. Post on what you think are the main points in the pages read and studied, give your opinion and analyze differences with the U.S. when relevant.
2/ ONE bi-weekly presentation [posted on T-square] on the topic presented in the chapter studied (during the 2nd week except for week 4: only 1 week on “vie politique”).
3/ Essay 1 and 2: topic to be approved by instructor, Essay 2 combined with final project (FP). Posted on T-square AND given to instructor IN CLASS] *Outline = at least thesis statement + 2 main points.
All postings including weekly assignments, essays and project are due on the second day of the week, according to GTL schedule.
FRENCH 3014 Summer 2017: SCHEDULE
Average number of class days per week: 4
The following schedule is subject to changes
[3rd: 3rd edition, 4th: 4th edition]
week 1:3rdLa France et les Etats-Unis (pp. 1-3, no postingthisweek)
4thLa France et les Etats-Unis (pp. 1-4, no postingthisweek)
week 2:3rdLa France et l’Europe (1) (post on pp. 2-52)
4thLa France et l’Europe (1) (post on pp. 5-52)
week 3:essay1 outline*
3rdLa France et l’Europe (2) (post on pp. 53-84)
4thLa France etl’Europe (2) (post on pp. 53-87)
week 4: essay1 1st draft
3rdLa vie politique (post on pp. 85-132)
4thLa vie politique (post on pp. 92-139)
week 5:FILM and discussion (post on film)
week 6:3rdLa vie sociale (1) (post on pp. 133-149)
4thLa vie sociale (1) (post on pp. 143-160)
week 7:essay1 final vers.
3rdLa vie sociale (2) (post on pp. 150-184)
4thLa vie sociale (2) (post on pp. 164-201)
week 8:essay 2/FP outline
3rdLa vie culturelle (1) (post on pp. 185-201)
4thLa vie culturelle (1) (post on pp. 206-223)
week 9:essay 2/FP 1st draft
3rdLa vie culturelle (2) (post on pp. 202-236)
4thLa vie culturelle (2)(post on pp. 226-259)
week 10:essay 2/FP final version (mercredi)
3rdL’information et la technologie (1) (post on pp. 237-277)
4thL’information et la technologie(1) (post on pp. 263-304)
week 11:Final project presentations
(on contemporary French culture)
Intercultural Sessions with SUPELEC-Metz students (to be confirmed)
(strongly suggested; attendance to at least one session may replace attendance to a class session)
Dates / Times TBA