The Church of Scotland


Application for reduction in Ministry and Mission Contribution


Under the Regulations of the General Assembly, the Presbytery may reduce, within an overall limit, the Ministries and Mission Contribution determined for a Congregation according to the graduated scale that is related to that Congregation’s income. The reduction may take account of the Presbytery’s knowledge of a Congregation’s circumstances, may be applied to a specific change in circumstances, or may be applied against shortfalls in previous years. The Presbytery has applied the “change in circumstances” purpose flexibly to support local mission or outreach projects being undertaken by a Congregation or grouping of congregations and major capital projects. This form is designed to capture information in a consistent manner; supplementary sheets may be used where required.

Purpose for which reduction in contribution is sought

What does the Congregation hope will be achieved?

How and when will it be possible to judge the success of the project?

Reduction requested

/ £
If a qualifying property project, has it been considered by the Local Church Review/Implementation Committee and approved by Presbytery?
If a parish development project, has it the support of the Mission, Education and Discipleship Committee?

How will members contribute to this project? How are members being encouraged to give appropriately to the wider mission of the Church (eg. through stewardship)?

What existing funds are available within the Congregation? Are any of these specifically held for the project?

What sums due to central funds are outstanding from previous years? / £
Allocation for current year / £
Amount being paid each month / £
Is allocation being paid in full by regular monthly payments?
Has your congregation participated in any element of the National
Stewardship Campaign? Please provide details overleaf
Signed / position (as approved by Congregational Board / Kirk Session): / Date:

Please provide details of the elements of the National Stewardship Programme undertaken within your Congregation.

Period of Campaign:

Method and element adopted:

Measurable results so far:

Did you utilise the services of the Stewardship Consultants?:

Any other particular comments.

Note: this form can also be provided in MS Word format09/08(rev 10/15)