2017 Parent/Student Athlete Meeting

Academics are of the utmost importance. Player are Students 1st. Baseball is never an excuse for not doing school assignments. The expectation of players is to maintain a minimum of a “C” average in all classes. Players not performing in the classroom may be restricted from trips or suspended from participating.

School and Athletic policies should govern the conduct of student Athletes at “ALL” times (Both in the Classroom and in the Community). Student athletes are held to a higher standard of conduct than the regular student body.

Behavioral issues in school will result in extra conditioning, loss of playing time, and may result in the dismissal from the team.

Players are expected to be at all practices. If a player is sick and cannot attend practice they should notify a coach before practice.

Coach Wilson cell 803-230-8245, Email:

All other activities that may require a player to miss practice should be approved by the coach before the season begins. “If you cannot make a commitment to the team please consider not accepting a spot on the team”. We will practice during the week of spring break. The dates planned are:

Players miss unexcused will have make up conditioning and will not be in the line-up at the next game. Players who accumulate more than two unexcused absences will be dismissed from the team. (There will be two practices during spring break. These dates will be April 14th and 15th.

BTMSBaseballTeam will be playing a two (2) day tournament overPresidents Day Weekend (February 18th / 19th) in Clover, SC.

Coaches will not talk about “playing time” with parents.(Talking about playing time places your child in a no win situation) “Players” should discuss with coaches what they need to work on to increase their chance of playing time.

As a Player or Parent, you may not agree with all coaching decisions; however we ask that you please support them. “Remember every call is a good call if it works.”

Please address all other parental concerns or questionswith Coach Wilson. This should not be done at practice or during games. Please email or call.

Please make sure that players have everything they need prior to getting to field for game time. Players are not to be at the fence talking to parents, friends, or people in the stand for any reason before or during games.

Parents and players should not address the umpires. Please leave this up to the coaches.

Parents’ Role is to Cheer, Coaches’Role is to coach. Please do not coach from the stands. We need players to on same page as the coaches.

Players’ Role:Consider the Team above yourself, Play hard, and Have Fun.

Every player will have a role on the team. No matter what their role, it should be embraced for the success of the team.

Uniforms are property of Banks Trail Middle School Athletics and need to be returned to BTMS at the end of the season. Players will be provided game jerseys. practice shirts, hooded pullovers, socks and belts. If any of the items are not returned the player will need to pay the replacement fee for the item.

Players will need to purchase hats ($20.00) and supply their own white pants. BTMS Baseball Team will be wearing the traditional knee high pants. Pants can be purchased online, Dick's Sporting Goods or Academy Sports.

Players are expected to be in baseball pants for all practices. Please have shorts and shoes available at all times in case practice is moved inside.

Thank you for allowing your son to participate and be a part of the Timberwolf Baseball Family. We look forward to working with your child and having a successful season.

Coach Wilson and Coach McCain