June 2012
Review Date: January 2015
June 2012
Beacon Day Support
Members’ Guide
Welcome to Beacon Day Support.
Niamh (The Northern Ireland Association for Mental Health) is the longest established mental health organisation in Northern Ireland providing services since 1959 and comprises three elements: Beacon, Carecall and Compass.
Beacon provides a network of support services across Northern Ireland for people with mental health needs including:
- Supported Housing options
- Day Support facilities
- Advocacy projects
- Floating Support
- Training
This Guide has been written to provide information. If you have any queries or concerns, please ask any member of the team for further information/advice.
Best Wishes
Billy Murphy
Director of Mental Health Services
Within this guide Beacon refers to Service Users as ‘members.’
Access to the service / 5
Centre Details and Statement of Purpose / 6
Mission Statement / 7
Expectation / 8
Quality / 8
Section 1 – Attendance
1.1New Members / 9
1.2Support Plans and Reviews / 9
1.3Access to Records / 9
1.4 Leaving the Service / 9
1.5 Member Files / 10
Section 2– Member’s Rights and Responsibilities
2.1Personal Belongings / 10
2.2Contributions / 10
2.3 Participation / 10
2.4 Partnership Meetings / 11
2.5 Beacon Voice / 11
Section 3 - General Information
3.1Activities and Information / 13
3.2Advocacy and Citizens Advice Bureau / 13
3.3Use of Computer and Internet / 14
3.4Telephone Calls / 14
3.5Volunteers / 14
3.6 Visits to the Scheme / Inspections / 14
Section 4 - Beacon Policies and Procedures
4.1 Confidentiality / 15
4.2 Complaints / 15
4.3 Comments, Compliments and Suggestions, / 15
4.4 Making a Complaint / 16
4.5 Contacts / 17 - 18
Section 5 - Health, Safety and Risk
5.1 Fire Safety / 19
5.2Smoking Policy / 19
5.3Alcohol and Substance Misuse / 19
5.4Borrowing / 19
5.5Criminal Activity / 19
5.7Health and Safety in the Kitchen
5.8Protection from Abuse
It is our policy to provide services on the basis of assessed need and irrespective of:
-Religious Belief - Political Opinion
-Gender and/or Marital Status - Sexual Orientation
-Disability - Race or Ethnic Origin
The above list is not exhaustive.
We are committed to providing the best possible service and to preventing any form of direct or indirect discrimination within our practices.
Beacon Day Support Centre
(Established 1990)
Hope Beacon Day Support Centre
25 Glasvey Drive
BT17 0DB
Tele:- 028 – 90 6111 97
Current Opening Hours
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday10am to 4pm
Registered Manager:Paul Crawford.
Project Worker:Cheryl Bell.
Project Worker:Thomas Chigogo.
Support Worker:Rian Lloyd.
Willowtree House also has access to a Peripatetic Support Manager
We currently enjoy input from Volunteer Kate Ramsey.
Under Beacon standards, members have the right to be treated with dignity, to make informed choices, to receive integrated services, and to have the opportunity to participate in the planning and delivery of those services.
We will provide you with a high quality service for as long as this is appropriate to your needs.
We want you to have respect for the other people who use the service.
You should also have respect for the people who provide a service to you.
The quality of our services is important to us, because we know it is important to you and we aim to provide you with services of the highest possible standard.
Information about the standards that you can expect is available in the scheme, and if you need further information please ask for this to be provided.
As someone who uses Beacon services, we are keen to know what you think about our services. You are welcomed and encouraged to forward your comments, ideas and suggestions at any time.
All of our services are regularly inspected and monitored by Beacon Senior Staff and Health and Social Care Trust You will be notified when inspections are going to take place if they are announced, unannounced visits will also take place and copies of all reports are available for you to read. Please ask a member of staff if you would like to see a copy.
1.1New Members
As a new member, the days on which you attend will be agreed with you. You will be given an introduction to the service, a copy of the activity programme and offered a choice of activities. You will also be allocated a key worker and information about staff on duty will be on display.
1.2Support Plans, Assessment and Review Process
As a member, you will have a written support plan which will be drawn up by you and your key worker. Your support plan will be based on your identified support needs or areas which you wish to develop. The support plan will be reviewed to ensure it continues to meet your needs, goals and aspirations. An annual assessment of need will be completed with you which will be used to identify any changes in your needs. There will also be a review held four months after you join and then annually thereafter. If a review is required at other times, either at your request or that of staff, this can be facilitated.
1.3Access to Records
All your personal information will be held on file and kept in a locked filing cabinet at all times. You will have “open access” to your records. If you wish to see your records, the Manager will explain the procedure to you.
1.4Leaving the Service
As a Member, you have the right to leave the service at any time. If you are planning to move on to another service, education or employment, staff will assist you. If you do not attend for a period of 3 months and you have not been in contact, staff will contact you by phone or letter. If there is still no contact from you for the next 3 months, it will be assumed that you no longer wish to attend and your name will be taken off the service register
1.5Member Files
You will have the opportunity to record in your own file aswell as staff. Your individual file is your property. Beacon will hold the file on your behalf to ensure confidentiality and secure storage. If you wish to keep your own file you should request this in writing, giving 5 working days notice. Beacon will retain a copy of your file. If you choose to keep your own file you will have full responsibility for ensuring the safekeeping of the file. When unwell you may feel it is in your best interests if staff hold onto your file, a contract can beput in place to assist you with this.
2.1Personal Belongings
You are advised not to bring large amounts of money or valuables to the service. If you do so, you must keep them with you at all times. Staff cannot take responsibility for the loss of your private property.
2.2Members Contributions
Where meals and transport are provided, you will be asked to make a contribution towards the cost. Details will be in your letter of acceptance and will be on display in the scheme. You will be notified 28 days in advance of any planned changes to costs. You will also be informed of the costs of any trips, outings or events.
Your participation is valued at many levels and will be encouraged. Some examples of member participation are:
-helping staff with practical tasks and activities
-getting involved inmember support teams and member-led sessions
-representing other members at meetings
-taking part in decision making and planning for the future.
You are free to choose the level of participation that you feel comfortable with.
2.4 Partnership meetings
Partnership meetings are meetings held between staff and members to discuss, for example, scheme activities, fundraising, outings, or anything else of interest to members. These meetings are held at least every three months and you will be invited to attend. A copy of the minutes of the meetings will be available.
2.5Beacon Voice
Beacon Voice is a meeting of members who represent all schemes. This is an opportunity to review how things are done and to discuss new ideas for developing services. If you wish to represent your service at the meetings, please speak to the manager.
Centre Costs
Beacon Members pay £2.00 per week which covers the cost of refreshments such as tea, coffee and biscuits.(figure correct at September 2016).
Special events or outreach trips are individually costed and agreed with Beacon Members in advance.
3.1Activities / Information
Information about the range of activities on offer will be available at all times. An up to date copy of the programme of activity will be held at the back of this Guide and in the scheme.
3.2Advocacy and Citizens Advice
Information on Advocacy services is available in the scheme.
You have the right to access an independent advocacy service and can access an advocate by contacting:-
a)Your Keyworker in the Community Mental Health Team
This means your CPN or Social Worker
Telephone: 028 – 90 602 705 (Dairy Farm)
b)Patient and Client Council
1st Floor
Leslie House
25-27 Wellington Place
Telephone: 02890 321230
c)Citizens Advice
208 Andersonstown Road. Belfast. Telephone: 028- 90 301 916
In addition, the Citizens Advice Bureau hold sessions in some schemes to offer a range of advice and information. Please speak to staff if you wish to make an appointment with them.
3.3 Use of Computers and Internet
Internet access is available in your scheme. Internet use will be monitored and you should use this facility responsibly. A laptop is available for your use and will be used to teach IT skills, complete support plans, review etc. Staff will provide you with guidelines and an IT Policy and Procedure is available.
3.4Telephone Calls
The telephone is available to members for support related calls. Inform a member of staff when telephone is required
Volunteers are an essential resource for Beacon. If you would like more information on the role of volunteers, please ask the manager.
3.7Visits to the Scheme
Representatives from the Health and Social Care Trust or Commissioning authority may visit the scheme. On these occasions, members will be fully involved in showing visitors the services on offer.
It is the Policy of Beacon that all information should be treated with the utmost confidentiality and respect. Information about you will only be shared with staff and health professionals involved in supporting you, except in exceptional circumstances.
You are also asked to respect the confidentiality of other members.
A copy of the Complaints Procedure and Complaints Information leaflets are available for you.
Beacon recognise that complaints help us to learn and help us to improve services. We therefore welcome your complaints, comments and suggestions about any of our services. If something is not right, we aim to correct this as soon as possible.
If you have a complaint, you should let us know by speaking to any member of Beacon staff. You may also make a complaint in writing or by e-mail. If you need any more information about how to make your views known, please ask any member of staff.
If you wish to complain to someone outside of Beacon, contact details can be found in the complaints information. This includes the local Health and Social Care Trust and the Ombudsman.
4.3Comments, Compliments or Suggestions
If you have an idea or suggestion about the service, please put it in writing or tell any member of staff. You can also make suggestions through our partnership meetings. If we are doing something well, you may want to record it in the ‘Good Practice Book’. We like to hear what you have to say about the service. If you need help to make your suggestion or comment, staff will be happy to help.
If things go wrong or you aren’t satisfied with our services, we want you to tell us so that we can try to put things right.
If you want to make a complaint, there are a number of ways to do this.
STAGE 1 – You can speak directly to staff, who will try to resolve things for you straight away.
STAGE 2 – If you are still not satisfied, or you didn’t want to speak directly to staff, you can make a formal complaint to our Services Department. This can be done by letter, by using a complaints form or by telephone to any of the Managers at Central Office or to any staff member.
If you need help in making a complaint or comment, our staff are trained in dealing with this and will be available and happy to help you.
Central Office: 80 University Street, Belfast, BT7 1HE
Tel: 028 90328474 Fax: 028 90234940
We want our response to be quick, fair, courteous and helpful.
- Your complaint will be acknowledged in 3 working days
- Any investigation will take place within 10 working days
- We will let you know the outcome within 20 working days.
STAGE 3 – If things are still not resolved to your satisfaction, you may wish to take the matter further. You can do this by contacting your local Health and Social Care Trust, the NI Ombudsman or by another method of your choice. Contact details are available.
You have the right to complain.
We learn from your complaints and we use them to help us to improve services.
Review Date: January 2015
June 2012
List of Contacts
Belfast HSC Trust
Complaints Office
6th Floor, McKinney House
Musgrave Park Hospital
Tel: 028 9063 0023
Website:Belfast HSC Trust
Northern HSC Trust
Complaints Office
The Cottage
5 Greenmount Avenue
BT43 6DA
Tel: 084 5601 2333
Website:Northern HSC Trust
South Eastern HSC Trust
Complaints Office
Health and Care Centre
39 Regent Street
BT24 4AD
Tel: 028 9056 1427
Website:South Eastern HSC Trust
Western Trust
Complaints Office
Altnagelvin Area Hospital
Glenshane Road
BT47 6SB
Tel: 028 7134 5171 Ext. 3487
Website:Western HSC Trust
Southern Trust
Central Reporting Point for Complaints
The Maples
Craigavon Area Hospital
68 Lurgan Road
BT63 5QQ
Tel: 028 3861 4150
Website:Southern HSC Trust
The Ombudsman
Freepost BEL 1478
Freephone: 0800 34 34 24
Website:The Ombudsman
Health and Social Care Board
Complaints Office
12-22 Linenhall Street
HSC Board Headquarters
Tel: 028 9032 1313
Website:Health and Social Care Board
Patient and Client Council
1st Floor
Lesley House
25-27 Wellington Place
Freephone: 0800 917 0222
Website:Patient and Client Council
Review Date: January 2015
June 2012
Beacon has a range of Health and Safety Procedures in place. If you have any concerns about health and safety issues you should report them to a member of staff.
5.1Fire Safety Procedure
You must be familiar with the fire procedure and take part in any fire drills. It is in everyone’s interest to prevent fire from occurring. The fire procedure will be discussed with all new members and will be updated regularly at members meetings.
All schemes are non-smoking buildings. Most schemes have an identified area outside where it is safe for members to smoke. Any cigarettes must be extinguished properly and disposed of in ashtrays or bins provided.
5.3Alcohol and Substance Misuse
Misuse of alcohol or inappropriate behaviour due to the use of alcohol is not permitted. The use of illegal drugs is strictly not allowed.
Members who appear to have used alcohol or drugs will be asked to leave the scheme for the remainder of that day.
Money or Cigarettes – You are strongly discouraged from borrowing money or cigarettes. Persistent borrowing can put pressure on vulnerable members and any member who borrows persistently may be asked to leave the scheme.
5.5Criminal Activity
In circumstances where it is evident that a member is involved in criminal activity, such as theft, fraud, antisocial behaviour or substance misuse, an emergency review will be held. This may result in being asked to leave the service.
Staff may need to pass on information about crime to the appropriate authorities.
You are not permitted to swap, borrow or sell medication. If you need to bring medication with you it remains your responsibility. Staff are not permitted to administer medication.
5.7Health and Safety in the Kitchen
If you wish to assist in kitchen duties, you will be encouraged to complete Basic Food Hygiene Training.
5.8Protection from Abuse
Adults with mental health issues can sometimes be open to abuse from others, including friends, family, staff and other service users. It is Beacon’s responsibility to ensure that you are protected from risk and harm. Beacon ensures all staff receive training on Vulnerable Adults and Child Protection.
Beacon have asked a group of Membersto provide information and guidance on the various forms that abuse might take. They stated the following:
Abuse can be any one or a combination of, the following and can be a single incident or carried out over a period of time.
Physical: this may be defined as when another person uses unnecessary physical contact.
Financial: this includes borrowing money or property from a Service User, withholding money or stopping Membersspending money as they personally choose.
Emotional: this can range from arguments, use of bad language, teasing and taunting. It can also be people being nasty or putting someone down.
Sexual: this can range from inappropriate sexual talk, to being touched in a sexual way without permission.
Neglect: this can happen when Membersare left completely on their own, without enough care or support.
If you feel you are at risk of harm, abuse or neglect you should speak to someone you trust immediately. This may be a member of Beacon Staff, another professional, a friend, a family member or you can contact Niamh, Central Office. We hope that this Guide meets your needs. If you have any comments about the information in this Guide, we would be pleased to hear from you.