Liberty Boys Lacrosse Boosters
October 2008
Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Mark Forsythe, Dan Bruck, Paul Guyot, Margaret Steen, Steve Choban, Jeanne Sprague, Ed Lando, Southwick, John Johnson, Wade Bright, Jeff Steen, Dave Specht, Jim Chickerella, Dan Finley, Susan Hudson, Dave McGuffin, Pam Blaine, Dan Sheehan, and Kirsten Johnson
Introductions-Margaret introduced the officers and then asked that everyone introduce themselves and tell who their player(s) were.
Officers: President-Margaret Steen
Vice President-Steve Choban
Treasurer-Paul Guyot
Secretary-Kirsten Johnson
Head Coach-Mark Forsythe
1) Financial Report-Paul Guyot
a) Paul passed out a spread sheet with profit and loss details from Sept 07 to Sept 08.
2) Budget-Margaret Steen
a) Margaret passed out an income/expenses sheet to illustrate our projected budget for 2009.
3) High School Boys’ Report-Mark Forsythe
a) Mark emphasized that volunteers are very welcome and necessary to run an effective program.
b) Mark is now in the building working.
c) Indoor schedules will be sent by e-mail from Mark in the very near future. There will be three teams. Freshmen, Defensive players (primarily) and Offensive players (primarily).
d) There is a 7 on 7 at Wellington on 11/02.
e) The season schedule is done and will be available soon.
f) The Spring Break trip will be going to a scrimmage camp at Hilton Head. Leave on 3/24 and return 3/28. This camp allows the boys to play more games as well as being more competitive. On Friday, they will leave Hilton Head and go to Chapel Hill to see North Carolina vs. John Hopkins play a game and then return home. The Hilton head portion is 562.00. The amt of the Chapel Hill portion will be around an additional 100.00. This includes food and lodging at Harbortown. The boosters will cover the cost of the bus. This trip is by invitation.
g) Back stop nets are being put in next week. The company that sold the nets are installing them. The Athletic Department is paying for these nets per an agreement made with Tom Gerhardt last year in a meeting with the executive committee. The cost of jerseys were covered by the Lacrosse boosters in exchange for our program to be put in the budget this year for the same amount spent. They can’t give us money, but can purchase necessary items up to the amount agreed on.
i) The blue/silver scrimmage may be held at Ohio Wesleyan University.
j) We have 6 coaches lined up for the season. We have 64 players signed up to play.
k) Mark has been discussing renting Super Kick with the owner for some spring practices in case of bad weather. It is hard to come to any agreement this far out. It was suggested that we consider renting some time regardless because we play on several turf fields.
l) 6 Freshmen games scheduled currently.
2) Fundraising ideas-We discussed different ideas regarding new/additional fundraising.
a) Clinic for younger kids in February put on by coaches and some players to help defer the cost of the Spring Break trip.
b) A percentage of sales at certain stores going to our organization-similar to Target or Kroger.
c) Pie sales-Young Life is selling pies from Pie Peddler for 10.00. 5.00 goes to the seller.
d) Selling old jerseys to restaurants or establishments in the area to hang up-Dave Specht and Jim Chickerella agreed to look into this.
3) Parent Meeting
a) This will be in January. More info to come.
b) Players will need to purchase a high school helmet from the boosters. They do not have to have this helmet for indoor. There also will be some required team gear. This all will be discussed and can be ordered at the January meeting.
c) Players will need to have their own pads, gloves, cleats and sticks.
4) Current Fundraising
a) Directory-Margaret Steen-The girls team handled this primarily this year. They will be in soon. Did not sell as many this year. The school has gone to no mailings before school starts and the order forms were no put in the report card mailing. We sold 386. We ordered 500. The extras will be in the office and will cost 6.00 each. If we sell all of them, we will make 1600.00 in profit. There will be no additional orders as it is too costly. Margaret and Annie have handled this and will not be here next year. Dave Specht agreed to handle the directory for next year.
b) Mulch-Much discussion was held regarding how much each player needed to sell and how it could effect players fees as well as how much payers fees should be. Wade Bright agreed to put together some of the options discussed. These will be e-mailed to all and then voted on at the November Booster meeting.
c) The following fund raising opportunities need volunteers to chair or work with current chair to take over next year:
1. Mulch sales-Margaret spoke to Scott’s. They liked us delivering the smaller orders. Did not believe cost would go up much more than 10 cents. Dan Finley has agreed to take this over next year.
2. Game programs
3. Logo Wear-Jeanne Sprague is currently handling. If you have ideas of what additional items you would like to see sold, please let her know.
4. City BBQ-Amy Zanetos
5. Wendy’s-Amy Zanetos
6. Massey’s-Jim Chickerella thought he could speak to the owner and have them do a similar fund raiser.
7) Volunteer opportunities-Our program would not run without the help of volunteers. The following opportunities need commitments:
a) Website designer-Coach Forsythe asked us to visit the to see an example of a well done and easily maintained lacrosse website. We need someone to set this up and maintain. Coach Forsythe volunteered to work on the website.
b) Drink/food coordinator-It was agreed that we would not do subs again. Most games are not far away and the boys are not allowed to eat on the buses. Bill Shimp did a great job last year and we hope he wants to continue. Ed Lando agreed to help him.
c) Senior recognition
d) Game day needs-scorekeepers/stats, video taping, photographers, time keepers
e) Team dinners-there will be a limited number this year. Senior parents get first choice on the dates.
f) End of season banquet/gathering-The question was raised as to whether this should be held at a facility or at the high school. The majority at this booster meeting felt it was better and less expensive to be held at the school.
8) Scorekeepers table-John Johnson will research cost and options.
9) Note after meeting-Paul Guyot has stepped down as Treasurer due to work commitments. Wade Bright will be the new Treasurer.