Faculty ofManagement and Law
Programme Specification
Programme title:BSc (Honours) Business Studies and Law
Academic Year: / 2016/17Degree Awarding Body: / University of Bradford
Partner(s), delivery organisation or support provider (if appropriate): / None
Final and interim award(s): / BSc (Honours)
[Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) level 6]
BSc (Ordinary)
[Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) level 6]
Diploma of Higher Education
[Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) level 5]
Certificate of Higher Education
[Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) level 4]
Programme accredited by (if appropriate):
Programme duration: / 3 years or 4 years (including study abroad or placement year)
UCAS code: / NM11 (3 year) NM21 (4 year)
QAA Subject benchmark statement(s): / Law
Business and Management
Date of Senate Approval:
Date last confirmed and/or minor modification approved by Faculty Board / 16-03-16
This programme has been specifically designed to allow you to study law and business in combination to provide a genuinely interdisciplinary degree. It enables you to study key law modules which give you a good grasp of general legal skills and principles and also to study business and management modules which give you an insight into one or more specific areas of that discipline. In addition our programme is designed to study the impact of law on business and business on law and the interaction between the two disciplines. Your law options in particular are therefore focused on those issues which might be important in and relevant to a business context. Study of this programme is enhanced through learning opportunities such as the opportunity to undertake a dissertation or other legal project work as well as extra-curricular activities such as taking part in a business challenge or mooting which will enable you to develop a clear understanding of the context in which diverse businesses and legal practices operate in society.
The programme learning outcomes have been developed with reference to the nationally agreed subject benchmark statements for Law and for Business and Management published by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, at
Programme Aims
The programme is intended to:
- Provide you with an interdisciplinary education in law and business and management which fosters your critical thinking, analysis and problem solving skills in a business and legal context and which encourages you to become an ethical professional
Programme Learning Outcomes
To be eligible for the award of Certificate of Higher Education at FHEQ level 4, students will be able to:
LO1Describe legal institutions, legal rules and legal principles in their social, economic and political context
LO2Apply legal knowledge to solve legal problems
LO3Reflect on their own learning
LO4Describe and explain key theories from business and management disciplines
LO5Plan and learn independently and take responsibility for achieving appropriate outcomes
LO6Work in Groups as an effective participant to achieve agreed tasks
LO7Communicate effectively in writing and orally
Additionally, to be eligible for the award of Diploma of Higher Education at FHEQ level 5, students will be able to:
LO8Critique legal institutions, legal rules and legal principles
LO9Assess management knowledge from the business and management disciplines studies
LO10Make and communicate a reasoned logical argument and exercise critical judgment as to the merits of competing arguments in a variety of legal and business and management areas
LO11Make use of a variety of different sources of information, including textual, numerical and statistical data, to underpinarguments
LO12Identify issues to research independently
Additionally, to be eligible for the award of Ordinary Degree of Bachelor at FHEQ level 6, students will be able to:
LO13Evaluate legal institutions, legal rules and legal principles in a variety of legal areas
LO14Evaluate and apply appropriate theories, tools and techniques in order to analyse business situations and problems
LO15Think critically about and provide solutions to legal and business problems
Additionally, to be eligible for the award of Honours Degree of Bachelor at FHEQ level 6, students will be able to:
LO16Carry out independent research drawing on variety of both primary and secondary materials
LO17Act as an ethical professional who is aware of the cultural and social contexts in which law operates and is responsive to changing environments
You will study a total of 120 credits every year to achieve the BSc (Honours) Business Studies and Law.Over the course of your degree you will study half your credits from Law options and half from Business and Management options. In the first year you will study Legal Relationships, Sources and Institutions which provides you with a framework of knowledge which will help you understand other legal topics as you progress through your degree. You will learn important academic legal skills as well as become familiar with the English Legal System as it sits in a global context, the relationship between the State and individuals as well as key powers in law making and interpretation. Business, Ethics and Law which will give you the opportunity to consider how ethical issues impact on legal and business contexts. You then take 60 credits worth of Business and Management modules. You will take Ops Management and then you choose a Business and Management module. You can opt for People, Work and Organizations, Introduction to Accounting and Finance or Foundations of Marketing. You can then follow a pathway through your degree which focuses on those aspects of business and management you are most interested in. For example, you could select marketing modules throughout your degree to sit alongside the law modules’ or you could focus on issues as they relate to people in the workplace by choosing options around employee relations or human resource management. If you are interested in financial aspects of business, you can also focus on those. The Programme Handbook will give you more information as well as suggested routes and tutors are on hand to advice.
In the second year you study Criminal Law and The Law of Tort as well as Law in a Global Context in Semester 2. You will then also be required to take Employability and Enterprise Skills which will help you think about your options after graduation and your role as a professional. You can then choose your business and management options to follow your chosen path, or, prerequisite permitting, get involved in a new area. In your final you should select 60 credits from Law and 60 credits from Business and Management.
Stage 1
FHEQ Level / Module Title / Type(Core/
elective) / Credits / Semester (s) / Module Code
4 / Legal Relationships, Sources and Institutions / Core / 40 / 1&2 / LAW4001-D
4 / Business Lawand Ethics / Core / 20 / 2 / LAW4004-B
4 / Operations and Information Systems Management / Core / 20 / 1&2 / OIM4002-B
4 / People, Work and Organisations / Option / 20 / 1&2 / HRM4002-B
4 / Introduction to Accounting / Option / 20 / 1&2 / AFE4005-B
4 / Foundations of Marketing / Option / 20 / 1&2 / MAR4002-B
At the end of stage 1, students will be eligible to exit with the award of Certificate of Higher Education if they have successfully completed at least 120 credits and achieved the award learning outcomes.
Stage 2
FHEQ Level / Module Title / Core/Option / Credits / Semester (s) / Module Code
5 / Criminal Law / Core / 20 / 1 / LAW5003-B
5 / The Law of Tort / Core / 20 / 1 / LAW5004-B
5 / Employability and Enterprise Skills / Core / 20 / 1 &2 / HRM5004-B
5 / Financial Management / Option / 10 / 1 / AFE5002-A
5 / Marketing Management and Strategy / Option / 10 / 1 / MAR5004-A
5 / Organisational Design / Option / 10 / 1 / HRM5003-A
5 / Law in a Global Context / Core / 30 / 2 / LAW5006-C
5 / The Transformation of Work / Option / 10 / 2 / HRM5002-A
5 / Principles of Personal Finance / Option / 10 / 2 / AFE5006-A
5 / Employee Relations / Option / 10 / 2 / HRM5006-A
5 / Organisational Analysis / Option / 10 / 2 / HRM5001-A
5 / Integrated Marketing Communications / Option / 10 / 2 / MAR5002-A
At the end of stage 2, students will be eligible to exit with the award of Diploma of Higher Education if they have successfully completed at least 240 credits and achieved the award learning outcomes.
Stage 3
FHEQ Level / Module Title / Core/Option
(Honours) / Credits / Semester (s) / Module Code
6 / You in the Workplace (4 year programme only) / Core / 20 / HRM6006-B
6 / International Marketing / Option / 10 / 1 / MAR6001-A
6 / Brand Management / Option / 10 / 1 / MAR6003-A
6 / Ethics in Business and Society / Option / 10 / 1 / HRM6005-A
6 / Creativity and Innovation / Option / 10 / 1 / EAE6002-A
6 / Global Business Environment / Option / 10 / 1 / SIB6002-A
6 / European Employment Policy / Option / 10 / 1 / HRM6008-A
6 / Personal Finance Planning / Option / 10 / 1 / AFE6004-B
6 / The Financial Services Sector and its Environment / Option / 10 / 1 / AFE6005-A
6 / International Finance / Option / 10 / 1 / AFE6008-A
6 / Commercial Law / Option / 20 / 1 / LAW6015-B
6 / Competition Law / Option / 20 / 1 / LAW6018-B
6 / Banking and Finance Law / Option / 20 / 1 / LAW6019-B
6 / Land Law / Option / 20 / 1 / LAW6001-B
6 / Equity and Trusts / Option / 20 / 2 / LAW6002-B
6 / Law Dissertation / Option / 20 / 2 / LAW6003-B
6 / Marketing and Entrepreneurship / Option / 10 / 2 / EAE6001-A
6 / Human Resource Development / Option / 10 / 2 / HRM6003-A
6 / Organisational Change / Option / 10 / 2 / HRM6004-A
6 / Employment Law / Option / 20 / 2 / LAW6025-B
6 / Company Law / Option / 20 / 2 / LAW6016-B
6 / Intellectual Property Law / Option / 20 / 2 / LAW6017-B
6 / Services Marketing / Option / 10 / 2 / MAR6005-A
6 / Corporate Marketing / Option / 10 / 2 / MAR6006-A
6 / International and Comparative Employment Relations / Option / 10 / 2 / HRM6001-A
6 / Enterprise and Innovation in Practice / Option / 10 / 2 / EAE6003-B
6 / Sustainable Operations Management / Option / 10 / 2 / OIM6006-A
6 / Human Resource Management / Option / 20 / 1&2 / HRM6002-B
6 / Taxation / Option / 20 / 1&2 / AFE6002-B
6 / University Elective / Option / 20 / 1 or 2
Students will be eligible for the award of Honours Degree of Bachelor if they have successfully completed at least 360 credits and achieved the award learning outcomes.
Please note that not all options will be available every year as they depend on student demand and staff availability. Students will be given the opportunity to state their preferences and the School of Law will do its best to accommodate these
Placement and/or Study Abroad
This programme provides the option for students to undertake a work placement or period of study abroad between Stages2 and 3. Students wishing to take this option will be registered for the 4 year programme.
For further information about study abroad opportunities please refer to
Learning and Teaching Strategy
The Learning Teaching and Assessment strategy on our Business Studies and Law has been designed to help you develop your knowledge, understanding and skills over the course of your studies. We recognise that you will require more guidance and support in your first semester than you will in your final one and our programme is designed to ensure that you get appropriate support throughout. This means that in your first year of study you will receive a lot of skills training early on to help you acquire the skills needed for successful legal study. In the first year you will study modules which introduce you to the context in which law and business operate and the topics covered in this year will provide the framework for further study. The business and management modules you choose in your first year provide the context for your further study of the subjects. The second year builds on the first by introducing a greater variety of legal topics, all relevant to business and additional business and management options and professional skills which can then be honed further in the final year.
Teaching and module delivery patterns vary and they vary for a number of reasons. First, we recognise that students come to us with different learning styles and we need to ensure that all of you are given the opportunity to succeed. We believe this is best achieved by including a variety of teaching methods and patterns. In addition, as teachers, we also have different strengths and weaknesses as well as preferences and we want to ensure that you get the benefit of us using our skills most effectively. Finally, some topics lend themselves particularly well to certain types of teaching. You can therefore expect to take part in traditional lectures on some occasions, have tutorials in groups of no more than 25 students or larger workshops where you might engage in problem based or team based learning to solve legal problems.All modules are supported by materials provided through the Virtual Learning Environment including for example a module handbook, session hand-outs, sample questions, reading lists and discussion forums and by a dedicated module leader who will be available to support your learning.
Assessment Strategy
Assessment on the programme is also varied and where possible you will be permitted choice in how you demonstrate that you meet the learning outcomes of the module and the programme overall. We also have a wide variety of forms of assessment including examinations, traditional essays, portfolios of work, presentations and other coursework. We have designed to programmes to ensure that you are not over assessed and that the assessment you do have to complete contributes to your learning in a meaningful way. Our assessments are designed to encourage you to think critically about legal and business problems rather than just learn and recite materials.
Assessment Regulations
This Programme conforms to the standard University Assessment Regulations which are available at the link below
However, there is one exceptions to these regulations as listed below:
1.Should one of the modules detailed below be failed, then referral and progression to the next stage will be permitted if:
- only one of the modules detailed below is affected and all other modules in that stage have achieved 40% or above, and
- at least 40% or above has been achieved in 50% of the overall assessment component weighting of the module.
Stage 1: LAW4001-D Legal Relationships Sources and Institutions (40 credits)
Stage 2:LAW5006-C Law in a Global Context (30 credits)
Admission Requirements
The University welcomes applications from all potential students and most important in the decision to offer a place is our assessment of a candidate’s potential to benefit from their studies and of their ability to succeed on this particular programme. Consideration of applications will be based on a combination offormal academic qualifications and other relevant experience.
The minimum entry requirements for the programme are as follows:
A typical offer to someone seeking entry through the UCAS scheme would be 300 points with GCSE English and Mathematics at Grade C or above. If your first language is other than English – a recognised English language qualification is required, for example a score of 550 on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or an overall band of 6.5 in the International Language Testing Service (IELTS). Other qualifications may be acceptable and these can be checked on request.
The UCAS tariff applicable may vary and is published here
Applications are welcome from students with non-standard qualifications or mature students (those over 21 years of age on entry) with significant relevant experience.
Recognition of Prior Learning
If applicants have prior certificated learning or professional experience which may be equivalent to parts of this programme, the University has procedures to evaluate and recognise this learning in order to provide applicants with exemptions from specified modules or parts of the programme.
Minor Modification Schedule
Version Number / Brief description of Modification / Date of Approval (Faculty Board)1 / Year and date of approval changed; Inclusion of module You in the Workplace (4 year programme only); Inclusion of module Land Law / 16-03-16
2 / Waiver approved for referral / August 2016
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