1182 Ridge Road Rectory: (716) 823-6182. Cell Father 716-4654878 Lackawanna NY 14218 OLPHUkrchurch.org ***********************************************************************************************************************
Pascha: The Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ. April 15-22. (16) 2017
Sun April 16 8:00 AM Resurrection Matins
9:00 AM Easter Divine Liturgy. Blessing of Easter Food. Myrovania
Mon April 17 8:00 AM Bright Monday. Mating
9:00 AM Divine Liturgy
Tue April 18 8:00 AM Bright Tuesday Mating
9:00 AM Divine Liturgy
Wed April 19 8:00 AM Good Health family–Olha Shutka
Thu April 20 8:00 AM Special intention –Olha Shutka
Sat April 21 5:00 PM Divine Liturgy
YOUR PRAYERS are requested for those who are sick our parishioners. ***********************************************************************************************************************
The Eternal Light (Red color) for the month of April burns in memory of +Vasyl Mychajluk as requested by Mychajluk family. ***********************************************************************************************************************
This year our Easter Sviaczene (Св'ячене) will be Sunday, April 30 in our Church Hall at 11:30 AM. We welcome all parishioners and guests. Tickets for this Easter Dinner are free for parishioners but donations are appreciated. Adults $12.00 -- Children (under 12) free Donations needed - Please plan to attend this happy event. Come join us in celebrating the Resurrection! ***********************************************************************************************************************
Starting today, the feast of Pascha, and continuing until Pentecost Sunday, we do not kneel during the Divine Liturgy. Kneeling is a sign of penance and contrition – but the joy of Pascha is so much greater in this season that we stand in celebration instead.
***********************************************************************************************************************Pastoral Letter. For the Feast of the Resurrection, we have received the 2017 Paschal Pastoral Letter. The entire text is posted on the bulletin board in the Church vestibule. ***********************************************************************************************************************
Thank you. At this time I would like to thank Magdalina Barabazh . For their donation of a Tretopar lines and hurshnyk. May the Risen Christ shower them with many blessing for their contribution to beautify the church.______
Щиро дякукуємо пані Магдалині Барабаш за її пожертву вишитий рушник на аналое а також вишите покритт'я на престіл і тетрапот. Хай Господь Благословить вас і всю вашу родину
Dear Parishioners, if you need a memorial service (Panakhyda) at the grave of your dearly departed at a cemetery, please call the Rectory for an appointment.
Христос Воскрес! CHRIST IS RISEN! Khrystos Voskres! Воїстину Воскрес! INDEED HE IS RISEN! Voistynu Voskres!
Із Христовим Воскресінням щиро Вас вітаємо!
Жити в радості й любові від душі бажаємо!
Запашною нехай буде Великодня паска,
І довіку буде з Вами світла Божа ласка.
We send the Paschal greeting of Love to all of you! May our Victorious Savior stay with you and your family throughout the year. I pray that you may receive this special joy and hope of Resurrection from our Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ. Father Andriy and family
Church Project Update: At this time we are finishing the first part of our initial project for this year. The entrance floor was redone and we would like to begin renovating the entrance walls. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this project. The donations will be acknowledged in a few weeks. The donations and the expenses of the project will be included in the bulletin. So far we have collected $2365 from 22 parishioners.You can still contribute to this project. Please use the envelopes available in vestibule for your donations.
You also can read more information on our Web-page: www.Ophukrchurch.org
We sing after Paschal (Resurrection) Matins before Paschal (Resurrection) Divine Liturgy three times: Khrystos Voskrese iz mertvych,smertiju smert poprav, I suscym vo hrob’ich zyvot darovav. CHRIST IS RISEN from the dead! By death He conquered death, and those in the graves He granted life.
Also after Liturgy sing three times: Khrystos Voskrese iz mertvych, smertiju smert poprav, I suscym vo hrob’ich zyvot darovav.
Song 57. Khrystos Voskres! Radeest z neba.
55. Sohlasno zaspeevajmo and others songs during Myrovonia ***********************************************************************************************************************
1. Христос воскрес! (2) 2. Христос воскрес! (2)
Радість з неба ся являє, Земленька зі сну збудилась,
Пасха красна днесь витає, В трави, квіти замаїлась,
Радуйтеся щиро нині, Звір і птичка веселиться,
Бог дав щастя всій родині, Миром Божим світ краситься.
Бог дав радість нам з небес: Люди! Мир дав Бог з небес:
Христос воскрес! Христос воскрес!
3. Христос воскрес! (2)
Мир нам сам Христос приносить,
Мир нам небо днесь голосить,
Мир той Божий всі вітаймо,
Ласку Божу прославляймо,
Чудо Боже всіх чудес:
Христос воскрес!