1.Matter for Consideration

1.1The overall layout for the Hunger Hill scheme.

1.2Approval of detailed proposals for the West Quay Road section of the gyratory, to be constructed during Summer/ Autumn 2009.

1.3Approval to submit Planning Applications for the elements of the scheme to be constructed outside the current highway boundary for the Hunger Hill and Marston / Bay Hog gyratories.


It is recommended that approval be given to:

(a) Proposals for the West Quay Road section of the Hunger Hill gyratory, shown as Appendix C.

(b)Submission of Planning Application for those elements in each gyratory which require planning consent.


3.1An information report was presented to this Group on 5 June 2008 setting out progress on the Hunger Hill gyratory and Marston/Bay Hog gyratory schemes. The schemes form part of the proposed Poole Bridge Regeneration Initiative (PBRI) transport network, published in the Local Transport Plan in 2001. The overall road layout for this area is shown as Appendix A.

3.2The Section 106 Agreement for the Asda store committed the Developer to a contribution of £1.55m, plus inflation, towards the Hunger Hill gyratory scheme. To comply with the terms of the agreement it is necessary to commence work on site by the start of September 2009 with completion by September 2011, up to this value. It is proposed that this will be achieved by undertaking the following steps:

(a)Construction of the length of West Quay Road along the Asda frontage

(b)Acquisition and clearance of National Tyres premises

(c)Clearance of burial ground

(d)Acquisition of land from RNLI

(e)Statutory Undertakers diversions

Detailed consideration is currently being given to items (a) to (d), as it is anticipated that the amount of work which can be done within the Asda funding will be drawn from these elements.

3.3The construction of the remaining part of the Hunger Hill Gyratory, together with the works to provide the overall road layout within the wider regeneration area, will be undertaken when funding is secured through ongoing developments.

4.Hunger Hill Gyratory

4.1A detailed plan of the Hunger Hill gyratory is shown as Appendix B. The main features of this scheme are:

(a)A circulatory road layout providing for the predominant route to and from the Twin Sails bridge but also accommodating the important accesses to the existing Town Centre road network.

(b)Signal controlled pedestrian crossing facilities on all legs, except Dear Hay Lane, which has facilities further from the gyratory.

(c)Modification to previous design in terms of a more direct link for North Street onto the network.

(d)Creation of development land within the main gyratory and adjacent to Chapel Lane car park.

The details of this gyratory take into account comments made by Members at Town Centre & Bridge Advisory Group.

5.West Quay Road

5.1There exists the opportunity to construct the length of West Quay Road along the Asda frontage in advance of the main gyratory scheme, the details of which are shown on plan as Appendix C. The construction of this element of the scheme must commence before the beginning of September to ensure that the S106 contribution is not at risk of being lost.

5.2For the period of time until the final layout is completed a temporary signal controlled pedestrian crossing facility will be in place to provide direct pedestrian access to Asda

6.Marston Bay Hog Gyratory

6.1This gyratory scheme is a key part of the PBRI network shown in

Appendix A. Cabinet was advised on 9 September that preparation

work would cease following the unexpected failure of a funding bid from

the Communities Infrastructure Fund. However, there is now a good

chance that the scheme may be identified as a ‘‘minor major, early

delivery scheme’’ through the Regional Funding Allocation. The Marston

Road Link element of the scheme requires planning consent, and

sufficient design work has been done to submit a planning application.

This can be done within existing staff resource, and Members are

advised to support making the application for it to proceed as soon as


7.Planning Permission

7.1Planning permission is required for one element in each proposed gyratory which is not on or adjacent to existing highway. Approval is sought for these two applications to be submitted.

Julian McLaughlin

Head of Transportation Services

Appendix A- Poole Bridge Regeneration Initiative Road Network Layout

Appendix B- Drg JC0820/104 Hunger Hill Gyratory

Appendix C – Drg JC0820/106 West Quay Road re-alignment

Name and Telephone Number of Officer Contact:

Steve Tite (01202) 262020
