Minutes of the meeting held from 11.00 to 12.30 on
23rd June 2010 in 17AY04
Wakile LA Mr (FHMS Faculty Admin); Hay JN Prof (FHMS Faculty Admin); Newcombe JE Dr (Biosciences); Chapman N Mr (FHMS Faculty Admin); Howell NK Prof (FHMS Biosciences) (Chair); Edbury SM Mr (FHMS Faculty Admin); Hampton SM Dr (Biosciences); Stewart GR Dr (Biosciences); CS Parkinson Mr (Safety); Sewry DM Miss (Biosciences); Wright GL Mr (FHMS Faculty Admin)
Carter MM Dr (Biosciences);Denyer MS Mr (PGMS);Brown A Mr (FHMS Faculty Admin); Varcoe J Dr (Chemical Sciences)
1. Approval of minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising
The minutes of the meeting held 26th November 2009 were accepted as a true record. The matters arising were:
1.1The FHMS Disinfection Policy has been reviewed and updated by GS, Sue Wall and Tim Baker. NC to circulate to the members.
1.2The Faculty Local Radiation Rules have been updated to include reference to Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material
1.3The changes the lone work approval system is to be discussed at this meeting (see below).
1.4The Driving at Work Policy has been publicised by Central H&S.
1.5It is not necessary to have a CoSHH assessment for each student teaching practical if the individual hazards and controls (e.g. Irritant liquid, wear gloves) are set out in the manual/protocol.
1.6The Explosives inspection by Surrey Police was not needed as the material in question is now exempt from licensing.
2. Biological Safety Adviser's Report
There was nothing to report.
3. Genelux GM Project Approval Discussion
This project was approved subject to satisfactory clarification on the following:
Section A
Has it been proven that GL-ONC1 is a “highly attenuated derivative of LIVP”? Section C
More detail is required on “Precautions are in place to isolate patients on the treatment ward to avoid environmental contamination” and “Laboratory procedures are in place...”
How long will patients stay in isolation?
To what is the text about animal cages relevant? Is this supposed to be here?
Sections D and E
Need to give details about waste disposal procedures i.e. lab waste will be autoclaved etc.
Need to ensure the disinfectant is in line with University policy - suggest Virkon for decontamination and dealing with any spills.
Detail PPE to be worn by users. Gloves, lab coat, eye protection.
Change “VACV will be prepared for administration in a dedicated clean room, within the Category 2 area, inside a laminar flow cabinet” to “...inside a class 2 cabinet”. A laminar flow cabinet would blow vaccine into the users face.
4. Lead Radiation Protection Supervisor's Report
A potential incident with the Iodination Suite Fume Hood was discussed. The required 48hrs of notice to users was not provided by E&FM with the result that users were unaware that there was a contractor on the roof on a day that Iodination was scheduled. The RPA has reiterated to E&FM that roof work must be arranged (with the 48hrs notice) with the RPS for the Iodination suite and Lawrence Wakile.
The Radioactive Substances Act 1993, which controls what levels of radiation can be held and can be released to the Environment, has been superseded by the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2010.
5. Accidents and Incidents
The accidents and incidents were reviewed to see what lessons could be learned. There were no RIDDOR reportable incidents to discuss.
6. Changes to Radiation Protection in the University
Neil Chapman and Clive Parkinson explained that it is likely a new approach to radiation protection will be necessary in the two Faculties that currently use radioactive materials. A key person will act as the first point of contact and will liaise with the new RPA (probably external) and the central Health and Safety Department. When full details are known they will be circulated.
Action NC and CP to work through and advise those concerned
7. Human Tissue Act Compliance and Audit follow up
An in house audit of the University of Surrey Facilities that hold material that is covered by the Human Tissue Act is underway. The Audit will cover the following Units:Stag Hill Campus CIU and associated laboratory areas, Manor Park CampusCRC, PGMS Oncology and Diabetes Research Centres.
Action NC to present the findings at the next meeting
8. Safety Adviser's Report and H&S Briefing
The proposed changes to the regulation of biological material and Contained Use of Genetically Modified materials (the so called Single Regulatory Framework) were outlined.
When the timescale of these changes has been fixed by the UK government NC and the Central H&S department will inform relevant staff.
Action NC to monitor the Health and Safety information sources
Neil Chapman explained that in order to work outside normal working hours the person’s University card must be validated to give them access: permission must be sought from their manger or supervisor in advance of any work being undertaken outside of normal hours. This can be done by filling in the access approval form obtainable from the Health & Safety Advisor. The blue copy of the form will be returned to the worker who must show this to Security staff if they ask to see it. They may also ask for further identification
Work involving any hazardous activities, for instance in an engineering workshop or laboratory, requires extra precautions. All staff, visitors and students who wish to work in a hazardous area must undertake a risk assessment as set out in the Lone and hazardous working policy. This policy sets out simple rules on lone working and what additional measures may be required.
Meeting closed at 12.25
Date of Next Meeting
24th November 2010