Anne G. Wahl
Ed.D. Executive Leadership2008St. John Fisher CollegeRochester, NY
Research Area: Assessment in
Higher Education
M.S. Teaching and Curriculum1991University of RochesterRochester, NY
B.A. English1984Gannon UniversityErie, PA
Permanent, Secondary English, New York State
Professional experience
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), Rochester, NY
Assistant Provost for Assessment and AccreditationApril 2014 to present
Academic Affairs
- Serve as Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO), theprimary contact with Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE); resource to RIT on accreditation issues, and maintain contact with RIT’s MSCHE vice president
- Provide strategic and operational leadership for the university's outcomes assessment practices, collaborating with faculty, staff and administrators to enhance institutional effectiveness and improve student learning
- Facilitate the assessment of institutional effectiveness campus-wide, collaborating with all divisions and administrative units
- Assist provost with academic quality initiatives including work with the Board of Trustees
- Ensure that the university meets the standards required for Middles States Accreditation
- Provide guidance and feedback for university, program, and international location assessment and accreditation needs and practices
- Provide direction to administrative units on strategic planning, developing goals, metrics, and reporting
- Oversee Office of Educational Effectiveness Assessment, Academic Affairs, including academic program and general education assessment
- Serve as edTPA coordinator for the university
- Serve as NYSTCE score report coordinator for teacher preparation programs
Director, Student Learning Outcomes Assessment OfficeJanuary 2009–March 2014
Academic Affairs
- Provide leadership for the university's student outcomes assessment processes, working with the faculty, staff, and administrators to assess and improve student learning
- Provide leadership for the university’s institutional assessment processes, working with administrative units to assess institutional effectiveness.
- Work collaboratively with Institutional Research and other divisional assessment professionals, deans and faculty to ensure the University meets the assessment standards required for Middle States Accreditation.
- Develop and implement student learning outcomes assessment plans for academic programs
- Design and implement student learning outcomes assessment plan for general education
- Selectand/or develop appropriate tests, surveys, observation protocols, interview and focus group questionnaires
- Identify and guide data collection and analysis processes
- Analyze and interpret university-wide data
- Complete Institutional annual reports and provide feedback to reporting units
- Prepare materials for Middle States accreditation review and related discipline/professional accrediting bodies
- Provide recommendations for strategic planning based on the outcomes assessment data
- Serve as a resource to faculty, staff and administrators on best practices and research findings in the area of assessment
- Support programs as they prepare for and maintain accreditation
Adjunct Instructor, School of Education, St. John Fisher College
- Assessment, Evaluation, and Organizational Improvement 2014-present
Ed.D Executive Leadership Program - Adolescence English Methods 2000-2002
BS English Secondary Education Program
Assessment Consultant 2009-present
Areas of Expertise:
- Assisting institutions and programs on assessing student learning in higher education
- Assisting programs on preparing for accreditation reports and site visits
- Developing survey instruments for programs and services
- Developing or reviewing evaluation and assessment plans
- Designing and presenting workshops on assessment and institutional effectiveness topics
St. John Fisher College (SJFC), Rochester, NY
Director of Assessment, Accreditation, and Certification 2006–December 2009
- Led and managed a comprehensive, integrated assessment and unit evaluation system for the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. School of Education (SoE)
- Managed the design and delivery of faculty, staff, and candidate training associated with the assessment and evaluation system
- Assisted with the development of SoE rubrics: student teaching evaluations, field experience evaluations, internships, capstones, etc.
- Designed and managed the administration of all program, alumni, and unit surveys
- Supervised staff members
- Developed the Dean’s Annual Report
- Managed the ongoing refinement and integration of the unit’s Conceptual Framework
- Coordinated accreditation site visits
- Maintained and updated documents required for state and national accreditation
- Prepared and maintained a budget and work plans for accreditation-related initiatives
- Prepared and presented reports related to assessment, certification, and accreditation
- Assisted with marketing materials, radio ads, and print ads
- Managed the content and production of SoE publications
- Managed the annual updating of the graduate and undergraduate catalog copy
- Developed and managed the content for the SoE’s website
- Served as the Title II coordinator for the College
- Managed the certification process and development of related materials
- Managed the registration and re-registration of new and existing SoE programs
- Provided leadership for the development and implementation of the SoE database
Accreditation Coordinator/Director2001–2006
- Provided leadership and assisted the National Council of Accreditation for Teacher Education (NCATE) accreditation efforts in the SoE
- Monitored and managed the accreditation effort for the SoE
- Created and monitored the NCATE work plans for faculty and staff
- Coordinated the Board of Examiner (BOE) visit and the Exhibit Room
- Directed and coordinated the Standards Committees
- Co-authored institutional reports for NCATE accreditation
- Managed the NCATE Budget
Webster Central School District, Webster, NY
English Teacher1988–1998
- Taught English grades 7, 9, 10, 12
- Newspaper Advisor, Speech and Debate Coach
Teacher Center Co-Director1994–1996
- Managed Teacher Center budget
- Provided support and professional development for faculty
publicationS, reports, and presentations
Wahl, Anne, Condry, K., Jackson, C., Jefferson, T., Miller, H. (July 2016) RIT’s Program Level Outcomes Assessment PracticesA “Deep Dive.” Presentation. Board of Trustees: Education Core Committee. Rochester Institute of Technology.
Wahl, Anne. (April 2016). Lessons Learned - MSCHE Collaboration Implementation Project. Invited Panelist. ANNY Conference. University of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.
Wahl, Anne, Hane, E., Lutzer, C., Martins, D., Timberlake, H., Olles, D. (July 2015) General Education Assessment@ RIT. Presentation. Board of Trustees: Education Core Committee. Rochester Institute of Technology.
Wahl, Anne. (September 2015). Engaging Faculty: On the Ground and Across the Pond. Presentation. Assessment Conference. Drexel University. Philadelphia, PA.
Wahl, Anne. (June 2014). Ahead of the Curve: developing a course-level assessment plan for intensive course. Faculty Workshop. Rochester Institute of Technology.
Wahl, Anne and Licata, C. (April, 2014). Getting Your Board on Board. Presentation, Middle States Commission for Higher Education Conference, Washington, DC.
Wahl, Anne. (April 2013). Assessing Academic Outcomes for the Good of Our Students. Article. athenaeum. Rochester Institute of Technology.
Wahl, Anne and Naveda, F. (May, 2013). Designing an Intensive Course. Faculty Workshop. Rochester Institute of Technology.
Wahl, Anne and Hane, E., L.Bradley, S. Connelly. (April, 2013). Assessment is a Team Sport. Presentation ANNY Conference, West Point, NY.
Wahl, Anne. (April, 2012). General Education Assessment. Presentation, Monroe Community College, Rochester, NY.
Wahl, Anne and Licata, C. (December, 2011). Institutional Assessment: Connecting the Puzzle Pieces.
Presentation, Middle States Commission for Higher Education Conference, Washington, DC.
Wahl, Anne and Rubin, G. (December, 2011). Integrating Student Learning Outcomes in a Sea of Diversity. Webinar for Taskstream.
Wahl, Anne and Clayton, L. (2010). Developing Course-level Assessments. Faculty Workshop. Rochester Institute of Technology.
Wahl, Anne and Clayton, L.(2010). Developing Course Goals and Student Learning Outcomes Workshop. Rochester Institute of Technology.
Wahl, Anne (2010). Assessment FacilitatorWorkshop. Rochester Institute of Technology.
Wahl, Anne (2010). Developing Rubrics Workshop. Rochester Institute of Technology.
Wahl, Anne (2009). Challenges of Assessing Student Learning.Rochester Institute of Technology. Faculty workshop.
Wahl, Anne. (2009). Assessment Initiatives. Rochester Institute of Technology. Poster Session. Faculty Institute on Teaching and Learning.
Wahl, Anne. (2009.) Assessment Matters. Presentation. Faculty Institute on Teaching and Learning Conference. Rochester Institute of Technology.
Wahl, Anne. (2008).A Study of the Relationship between the Elements in Assessment Systems and Improvements in Candidate, Program, and Unit Performance at NCATE Accredited Higher Education Institutions in New York State. Dissertation.
Wahl, Anne. (2008).Unique Approach to Teacher Preparation. Article. News Scope published by the Monroe County School Boards Association.
Wahl, Anne. (2008).Engaging Faculty in Assessment.Presentation. AACTE Accreditation, Accountability, and Quality an Institutional Orientation and Professional Development Conference.
Wahl, Anne. (2008).Engaging Faculty in Assessment. Panel Participant.AACTE Accreditation, Accountability, and Quality an Institutional Orientation and Professional Development Conference.
Wahl, Anne. (2008).How an Assessment System Promotes Learning Communities and a Culture of Improvement. Presentation. AACTE/NCATE Conference.
Developed or contributed to the following publications, reports, or materials:
Rochester Institute of Technology
- MSCHE Self-Study Design (2016)
- Institutional Effectiveness: Administrative Unit Annual Report
- Program Level Student Learning Outcomes Academic Program Annual Report
- General Education Bi-annual Report
- Creating Practical and Meaningful Course-Level Assessment of Student Learning(Faculty Guide)
- Program Level Assessment Planning (Faculty Guide)
- MSCHE Periodic Review Report (2012)
- MSCHE Progress Letter(2010)
- General Education Assessment Plan
- General Education Framework
- Art Education Program Inquiry Brief (TEAC)
committee memberships
Rochester Institute of Technology
- RIT’s Decennial Evaluation - Self-Study Co-Chair
- edX Advisory Council
- University Assessment Council, Co-chair
- Student Success Steering Committee
- Enterprise Information Management Steering Committee
- RIT T-Shape Tiger Team
- Student Survey Council
- General Education Committee (2009-2016)
- Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee (2009-2016)
- Strategic Planning Taskforce: Global Committee (2014)
professional memberships
- Association for American Colleges and Universities (AACU)
- Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AALHE)
- American Evaluation Association (AEA)
- Assessment Network of New York (AANY)
professional and community service
- Warner School Dean’s Advisory Council, University of Rochester (2013 to present)
- Dissertation Committee Member, Executive Leadership Program, SJFC (2013 to present)
- Imagine RIT, Volunteer (2009 to present)
- NYSED College Accreditation Site Visit Teams (2012)
- Regents Accreditation of Teacher Education (RATE) Reviewer for New York State Education Department (2009)
- Executive Leadership Program, Service Award, 2008
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