Appendix B – Stability Study Results1

Standard Disturbance Cases

A group of standard disturbances are conducted on each operating case or base case before it is distributed to assure that the power flow and stability data are compatible. The standard disturbances provide a dynamic and power flow data check to verify that the data responds well to a number of disturbances and if there are any potential data discrepancies they are noted for further investigation. The disturbances were selected to be distributed around the Interconnection to assure that the data will be exercised. The table below identifies any issues observed during the simulations.Such issues should be further investigated by the entity responsible for the data identified.

Western Electricity Coordinating Council

Appendix B – Stability Study Results1

Item # / Base Case / Standard Disturbance / Base Case Area / Steady State or Dynamic / Issue Description / Model or Performance
1 / 16LS1 / 2 Palo Verde Generating Unit Outage / 50 / Dynamic / 50773 units 1, 2 and 3 do not recover after fault / Model
2 / 16LS1 / 2 Palo Verde Generating Unit Outage / 22 / Dynamic / 22124 has a continuously increasing angle post fault / Model
3 / 16LS1 / C3 OUTAGE: LOSE BOTH METCALF-MOSS LANDING ANDTESLA-METCALF 500KV LINES - FAULT ON METCALF 500 KV BUS / 30 / Dynamic / 33832 Cog. CAPT has a continuously increasing angle post fault / Model
4 / 16LS1 / 3PH COLORADO RIVER 500 KV FAULT / 24 / Dynamic / 25640 does not recover post fault / Model
5 / 16LS1 / 3PH COLORADO RIVER 500 KV FAULT / 24 / Dynamic / 25645 and 29060 have Q values that oscillate and grows post fault / Model
6 / 16LS1 / LOSS OF HELLS CANYON-BROWNLEE 230 KV LINE / 22 / Dynamic / 22124 has a continuously increasing angle post fault / Model
7 / 17HS2 / 3PH COLORADO RIVER 500 KV FAULT / 54 / Dynamic / Speed of Generator at 55734 SHELL M2 continuously oscillates post fault / Model
8 / 17HS2 / LOSS OF HELLS CANYON-BROWNLEE 230 KV LINE / 54 / Dynamic / Speed of Generator at 55734 SHELL M2 continuously oscillates post fault / Model
9 / 17HS2 / C3 OUTAGE: LOSE BOTH METCALF-MOSS LANDING ANDTESLA-METCALF 500KV LINES - FAULT ON METCALF 500 KV BUS / 54 / Dynamic / Speed of Generator at 55734 SHELL M2 continuously oscillates post fault / Model
10 / 17HS2 / C3 OUTAGE: LOSE BOTH METCALF-MOSS LANDING ANDTESLA-METCALF 500KV LINES - FAULT ON METCALF 500 KV BUS / 30 / Dynamic / Exciter on generator 33832 reacts strongly to fault and does not recover to a stable flat state / Model
11 / 17HS2 / 2 Palo Verde Generating Unit Outage / 50 / Dynamic / Exciter of generator #2 at bus 50177 takes a step at approximately 24 seconds post fault / Model
12 / 17HS2 / STAB STUDY 3PH COMANCHE 345 KV FAULT / 54 / Dynamic / Exciter of generator #2 at bus 50177 takes a step at approximately 24 seconds post fault / Model
13 / 17HW3 / 2 Palo Verde Generating Unit Outage / 30 / Dynamic / 30531 0162-WD EFD doesn't dampen after disturbance / Model
14 / 17HW3 / 2 Palo Verde Generating Unit Outage / 30 / Dynamic / 31460 KIARA EFD doesn't dampen after disturbance / Model
15 / 17HW3 / 2 Palo Verde Generating Unit Outage / 30 / Dynamic / 30506 0227-WD EFD doesn't dampen after disturbance / Model
16 / 17HW3 / C3 OUTAGE: LOSE BOTH METCALF-MOSS LANDING ANDTESLA-METCALF 500KV LINES - FAULT ON METCALF 500 KV BUS / 30 / Dynamic / 30531 0162-WD EFD doesn't dampen after disturbance / Model
17 / 17LW2 / 2 Palo Verde Generating Unit Outage / 40 / Dynamic / LHFRT warnings at 31 seconds for unit B8 at bus 46895 RI SOUTH, unit B9 at bus 46895 RI SOUTH, unit BA at bus 46895 RI SOUTH, unit U1 at bus 46802 ROCKI U1, unit U7 at bus 46820 ROCKI U7, unit U8 at bus 46822 ROCKI U8, unit C8 at bus 46848 ROCKYR08, unit CB at bus 46851 ROCKYR11, unit C4 at bus 46844 ROCKYR04, unit C5 at bus 46845 ROCKYR05, unit C7 at bus 46847 ROCKYR07, unit C1 at bus 46841 ROCKYR01, unit C2 at bus 46842 ROCKYR02 / Model
18 / 22HS1 / 2 Palo Verde Generating Unit Outage / 50 / Dynamic / 50307 JHN 13 G1 angle plot never settles out / Model
19 / 22HS1 / 2 Palo Verde Generating Unit Outage / 50 / Dynamic / 50308 JHN 13 G2 angle plot never settles out / Model
20 / 22HS1 / 2 Palo Verde Generating Unit Outage / 50 / Dynamic / 50309 JHN 13 G3 angle plot never settles out / Model
21 / 22HS1 / LOSS OF HELLS CANYON-BROWNLEE 230 KV LINE / 73 / Dynamic / 73130 MBPP-2 EFD exhibits oscillatory behavior / Model
22 / 22HS1 / STAB STUDY 3PH COMANCHE 345 KV FAULT / 73 / Dynamic / 73130 MBPP-2 EFD exhibits oscillatory behavior / Model
23 / 22HW2 / 2 Palo Verde Generating Unit Outage / 30 / Dynamic / Post disturbance the exciters on generators at bus 30531 ID FW, bus 31460 ID FW, and bus 30506 ID FW recover and then begin increasing output until the simulation ends / Model
24 / 26HS1 / LOSS OF HELLS CANYON-BROWNLEE 230 KV LINE / 73 / Dynamic / 73130 MBPP-2 PG exhibits oscillatory behavior / Model
25 / 26HS1 / LOSS OF HELLS CANYON-BROWNLEE 230 KV LINE / 50 / Dynamic / 51054 MCP 4G2 EFD exhibits oscillatory behavior / Model
26 / 26HS1 / C3 OUTAGE: LOSE BOTH METCALF-MOSS LANDING ANDTESLA-METCALF 500KV LINES - FAULT ON METCALF 500 KV BUS / 30 / Dynamic / 30531 0162-WD exciter spins off / Model
27 / 26HS1 / C3 OUTAGE: LOSE BOTH METCALF-MOSS LANDING ANDTESLA-METCALF 500KV LINES - FAULT ON METCALF 500 KV BUS / 30 / Dynamic / 30506 0227-WD EFD exhibits unstable behavior / Model
28 / 26HW1 / 2 Palo Verde Generating Unit Outage / 40 / Dynamic / LHFRT warnings at 32 seconds for unit B1 at bus 46889 "RI STUB1", unit B8 at bus 46895 "RI SOUTH", unit B9 at bus 46895 "RI SOUTH", unit BA at bus 46895 "RI SOUTH", unit U1 at bus 46802 "ROCKI U1", unit U7 at bus 46820 "ROCKI U7", unit U8 at bus 46822 "ROCKI U8", unit C8 at bus 46848 "ROCKYR08", unit CB at bus 46851 "ROCKYR11", unit C1 at bus 46841 "ROCKYR01", unit C2 at bus 46842 "ROCKYR02", unit C3 at bus 46843 "ROCKYR03", unit C4 at bus 46844 "ROCKYR04", unit C5 at bus 46845 "ROCKYR05", unit C6 at bus 46846 "ROCKYR06", unit C7 at bus 46847 "ROCKYR07". / Model
29 / 26LSP1 / 2 Palo Verde Generating Unit Outage / 40 / Dynamic / LHFRT warnings at 32 seconds for Unit B1 at bus 46889 “RI STUB1”, Unit B6 at bus 46893 “RI NORTH”, Unit B7 at bus 46893 “RI NORTH”, Unit B8 at bus 46895 “RI SOUTH”, Unit B9 at bus 46895 “RI SOUTH”, Unit BA at bus 46895 “RI SOUTH”, Unit U7 at bus 46820 “ROCKI U7”, Unit U8 at bus 46822 “ROCKI U8”, Unit C8 at bus 46848 “ROCKYR08”, Unit C9 at bus 46849 “ROCKYR09”, Unit CB at bus 46851 “ROCKYR11”, Unit C2 at bus 46842 “ROCKYR02”, Unit C3 at bus 46843 “ROCKYR03”, Unit C4 at bus 46844 “ROCKYR04”, Unit C5 at bus 46845 “ROCKYR05”, Unit C7 at bus 46847 “ROCKYR07”, Unit C1 at bus 46841 “ROCKYR01”, Unit C6 at bus 46846 “ROCKYR06” / Model
30 / 26LSP1 / LOSS OF HELLS CANYON-BROWNLEE 230 KV LINE / 54 / Dynamic / Speed of generators at buses 59734 ID 1, 57834 ID 1, and 55734 ID 1 does not stabilize post fault / Model
31 / 26LSP1 / LOSS OF HELLS CANYON-BROWNLEE 230 KV LINE / 26 / Dynamic / EFD of generators at buses 26288 ID 12 and 26290 ID 14 does not stabilize post fault / Model
32 / 26LSP1 / 3PH COLORADO RIVER 500 KV FAULT / 54 / Dynamic / Speed of generators at buses 59734 ID 1, 57834 ID 1, and 55734 ID 1 does not stabilize post fault / Model
33 / 26LSP1 / STAB STUDY 3PH COMANCHE 345 KV FAULT / 54 / Dynamic / Speed of generators at buses 59734 ID 1, 57834 ID 1, and 55734 ID 1 do not stabilize post fault / Model
34 / 26LSP1 / STAB STUDY 3PH COMANCHE 345 KV FAULT / 26 / Dynamic / EFD of generators at buses 26288 ID 12 and 26290 ID 14 does not stabilize post fault / Model
35 / 26LSP1 / C3 OUTAGE: LOSE BOTH METCALF-MOSS LANDING ANDTESLA-METCALF 500KV LINES - FAULT ON METCALF 500 KV BUS / 54 / Dynamic / Speed of generators at buses 59734 ID 1, 57834 ID 1, and 55734 ID 1 does not stabilize post fault / Model
36 / 26LSP1 / C3 OUTAGE: LOSE BOTH METCALF-MOSS LANDING ANDTESLA-METCALF 500KV LINES - FAULT ON METCALF 500 KV BUS / 26 / Dynamic / EFD of generators at buses 26288 ID 12 and 26290 ID 14 does not stabilize post fault / Model
37 / 26LSP1 / Chief Joe Brake Insertion / 54 / Dynamic / Speed of generators at buses 59734 ID 1, 57834 ID 1, and 55734 ID 1 does not stabilize post fault / Model
38 / 26LSP1 / Chief Joe Brake Insertion / 26 / Dynamic / EFD of generators at buses 26288 ID 12 and 26290 ID 14 does not stabilize post fault / Model
39 / 26LSP1 / Chief Joe Brake Insertion / 24 / Dynamic / EFD of generator at bus 24312 ID 3 does not stabilize post fault / Model
40 / 18HS3S / No Disturbance / 22 / Dynamic / Exciter on gen at bus 22082 Oscillates when composite load models are added to dynamics file / Model
41 / 18HS3S / LOSS OF HELLS CANYON-BROWNLEE 230 KV LINE / 54 / Dynamic / Speed of generators at buses 59734 ID 1, 57834 ID 1, and 55734 ID 1 do not stabilize post fault / Model
42 / 18HS3S / 3PH COLORADO RIVER 500 KV FAULT / 54 / Dynamic / Speed of generators at buses 59734 ID 1, 57834 ID 1, and 55734 ID 1 do not stabilize post fault / Model
43 / 18HS3S / STAB STUDY 3PH COMANCHE 345 KV FAULT / 54 / Dynamic / Speed of generators at buses 59734 ID 1, 57834 ID 1, and 55734 ID 1 do not stabilize post fault / Model
44 / 18HS3S / C3 OUTAGE: LOSE BOTH METCALF-MOSS LANDING ANDTESLA-METCALF 500KV LINES - FAULT ON METCALF 500 KV BUS / 54 / Dynamic / Speed of generators at buses 59734 ID 1, 57834 ID 1, and 55734 ID 1 do not stabilize post fault / Model
45 / 18HS3S / C3 OUTAGE: LOSE BOTH METCALF-MOSS LANDING ANDTESLA-METCALF 500KV LINES - FAULT ON METCALF 500 KV BUS / 40 / Dynamic / EFD of generator on bus 46889 ID B1 constantly decreases post fault - does not appear to stabilize / Model
46 / 18HS3S / 2 Palo Verde Generating Unit Outage / 40 / Dynamic / EFD of generators 1,2 and 3 on bus 65021 oscillates and then constantly decreases post fault - does not appear to stabilize / Model
47 / 18HS3S / 2 Palo Verde Generating Unit Outage / 50 / Dynamic / EFD of generators at buses 503071 ID 1, 50311 ID 5, 50309 ID 3, and 50308 ID 2 oscillates and then constantly decreases post fault - does not appear to stabilize / Model
48 / 18HS3S / 2 Palo Verde Generating Unit Outage / 30 / Dynamic / EFD of generators at buses 31460 ID FW, 30506 ID FW, and 30531 ID FW oscillates and then constantly decreases post fault - does not appear to stabilize / Model
49 / 18HS3S / 2 Palo Verde Generating Unit Outage / 40 / Dynamic / LHFRT warnings at 32 seconds for unit B1 at bus 46889 "RI STUB1", unit B8 at bus 46895 "RI SOUTH", unit B9 at bus 46895 "RI SOUTH", unit BA at bus 46895 "RI SOUTH", unit U1 at bus 46802 "ROCKI u1", unit U7 at bus 46820 "ROCKI U7", unit U8 at bus 46822 "ROCKI U8", unit C8 at bus 46848 "ROCKYR08", unit C9 at bus 46849 "ROCKYR09", unit CA at bus 46850 "ROCKYR10", unit C1 at bus 46841 "ROCKYR01", unit C2 at bus 46842 "ROCKYR02", unit C3 at bus 46843 "ROCKYR03", unit C4 at bus 46844 "ROCKYR04", unit C5 at bus 46845 "ROCKYR05", unit C6 at bus 46846 "ROCKYR06", unit C7 at bus 46847 "ROCKYR07" / Model

Western Electricity Coordinating Council