CYCLE 1 2016 iPEC Coaching Live Teleclass Schedule
8:30 PM Eastern : Tuesdays


Teleclass Outlines: Each teleclass outline (for all classes noted below) can be accessed through the iPEC Student Center. Please refer to your Welcome email which indicates your log in information.

Teleclass – US/Canada Schedule / Date / No.
Starting the Coaching Relationship – Kerri Myers
- Coaching agreement, Initial session, setting the foundation
- Co-creating the relationship, Session progression, Client management / April 5th / 1
LPT Skill & Concept Review – John Bond
-  GAIL’s
-  Acknowledging, validating
-  Other key skills from LPT and manual / April 12th / 2
Forwarding the Action – Stephanie Marisca
-  Setting Goals, Assignments, Making Action plans / April 19th / 3
Therapy and Coaching – Francine Carter
- Recognizing need for referral and to whom
- Where one ends and the other begins / April 26th / 4
Typical Client Issues –Wheel of life Overview Part 1 – Stephanie Marisca
-  Inner directed/right brain
-  Personal Development, Spiritual Awareness, Fun/Enjoyment, Intimate/Social Relationships / May 3 / 5
Typical Client Issues –Wheel of life Overview Part 2 – Deborah Van de Grift
- Outer directed/left brain
- Family/Parenting, Career/Profession, Personal Finance, Health/Aging / May 10 / 6
Niches, Specialties, and Branding- Cindy Gardner
-  Benefits of niche coaching
-  How branding supports your niche
-  Choosing a niche that fits you! / May 17 / 7
Relationship Coaching – Fredi Baker
-  How to do it, with whom & how to get those clients
-  Life, small business, and corporate applications / May 24 / 8
The Business Mindset of Coaching – Ed Abel
-  How to prepare yourself to get paying clients as you launch your coaching practice / June 7 / 9
Master Coaching Demos - Stephanie Marisca
- The key to BEING a coach
-  Live Demos / June 14 / 10
Ask the Coach – Deborah Van de Grift
-  Q & A Open Forum / June 21 / 11
Typical Client Issues –Values -John Bond
-  Values Clarification
-  Decision making techniques / June 28 / 12
Typical Client Issues -Time Management – John Bond
-  Time/Choice management
-  Boundaries, Prioritizing / July 12th / 13
Life Purpose Coaching – Erika Ferenczi
-  Life Purpose, Vision and Legacy Coaching
-  Visualization & Mental Imagery
-  Life, small business, and corporate applications / July 19 / 14
Sales Success Secrets –Erika Ferenczi
-  The top 8 secrets to sales / July 26
/ 15
Typical Client Issues –Communication -Mark Schall
-  Communication & Conflict Resolution
-  Resistance/Getting a buy in / August 2
/ 16
Intuition in Coaching –Tara Roth
-  The value of intuition –Holographic thinking
-  Developing Intuition / August 9
/ 17
Group & Team Coaching – Deborah Van de Grift
-  Working with Groups –Life
-  Working with teams –Corporate / August 16
/ 18
Leadership Development – Carla Ogunrinde
-  Strategic planning for leaders –Ideal Image
-  We all lead – how well will you lead? / August 23
/ 19
7 Keys to Mastery - Cindy Gardner
- Living the process / August 30 / 20

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