Chapter 27: The Path of Empire

Identification: People & Terms

  • Yellow press
  • Joseph Pulitzer
  • William Randolph Hearst
  • Joseph Strong
  • Theodore Roosevelt
  • Henry Cabot Lodge
  • Alfred Thayer Mahan
  • James G. Blaine
  • Big Sister Policy
  • Pan-American Conference
  • Richard Olney
  • Great Rapprochement
  • Queen Liliuokalani
  • The Maine
  • Teller Amendment
  • John D. Long
  • George Dewey
  • Emilio Aguinaldo
  • Rough Riders
  • Anti-Imperialist League
  • Foraker Act of 1900
  • Insular Cases
  • Platt AmendmentThe Philippine Commission
  • John Hay
  • Open Door Note
  • Hay-Pauncefote Treaty of 1901
  • Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
  • Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

Chapter 27 Focus Questions:

  1. What motivations did the U.S. have for expanding oversees?
  2. Why did the U.S. almost end up at war with Italy, Germany and Chile?
  3. What situation almost led to war between the U.S. and Great Britain over Venezuela?
  4. Describe the U.S.’s early relationship with Hawaii. What event led to economic and political trouble for Americans in Hawaii?
  5. What was Cleveland’s position on annexation?
  6. Why did Cubans revolt against Spain? What motivations did the U.S. have for getting involved?
  7. How did yellow journalists impact the war?
  8. In spite of his beliefs, why did McKinley go to war “to free…Cubans”?
  9. Why did the U.S. Navy attack the Spanish in the Philippines?
  10. Why was Hawaii annexed in July 1898?
  11. In what ways was the American army ill-prepared for war with Spain? Why did they win?
  12. What spoils did Americans get out the war?
  13. Why was McKinley conflicted over the Philippines?
  14. What did he ultimately decide to do and why?
  15. What were the anti-imperialists oppositions to empire building?
  16. What scientific and social improvements did the U.S. try to bring to their new territory?
  17. What efforts did McKinley make to assimilate the Filipinos? Why did it fail?
  18. What was the Boxer Rebellion? How did the U.S. respond to the rebellion and to the indemnity it received after the rebellion was put down?
  19. Why was Teddy Roosevelt made Vice President?
  20. What were the primary election issues of 1900?
  21. Why did McKinley beat Bryan again?
  22. Why was a canal across the Central American isthmus necessary?
  23. Why (and how) did the Panamanian revolution occur? How did Roosevelt support the revolution
  24. Why did Roosevelt feel his corollary to the Monroe Doctrine was necessary?
  25. Why did Japan and Russia go to War in 1904?
  26. Why (and how) did Roosevelt get involved in this war?