Module 8. Rules and Regulations

8 a. That’s the rule

1. Fill in the spidergram, add some more types of dwellings.

2. Which of the type of dwelling do you like best? Where would you like to live and why? Share your preferences with the classmates. What is the most popular type of dwelling?

3. Translate the following words and word combinations.

  1. Шуметь – ______
  2. Содержать животных – ______
  3. Получить разрешение на приглашение гостей – ______
  4. Босиком – ______
  5. Выносить еду – ______
  6. Ездить на велосипеде внимательно – ______
  7. Регистрировать посетителей – ______
  8. Время экзаменов – ______

Find the sentences with these words in the leaflet at p.77, SB.

Which of the items can and can not students of The International Summer School do? What can/ cannot you do?

4. Split into pairs and choose a type of dwelling. Now imagine that you live there. What are the rules for your guests? Make a poster.

5. Read the rules of one of Moscow schools. Use must, mustn’t can, can’t.

  • Students ______wear a school uniform every day, but on Friday they ______be dressed as they wish.
  • Students ______be late for the lesson.
  • Students ______ask for help and have extra-classes.
  • Students ______talk at the lesson.
  • Students ______ask a question only with their hand raised.

6. Make up short dialogues as in the example and use the words in the table.


Pete: Let’s go for a walk (1)!

Tom: Sorry, I can’t.

Pete: Why can’t you?

Tom: Because I must help my dad (2).

1 / 2
Go to the cinema / Do a lot of homework
Go to the birthday party / Do the flat
Go to our dacha / Write a composition
Go to the library / Visit me granny

7. a. Think of the rules at your school. List them and share with your classmates. What are the common rules? What are the differences?

b. Work in groups and work out rules for your class. Make a leaflet and stick it in your classroom.

8 b. Shall we?

1. Match activities and the places where you can do them.

Relax / Gym
Buy things / Fast-food restaurant
See works of art / Library
Watch a film / Department store
See animals / Theatre
Read / Gallery
Have a snack / Aquarium
See a play / Zoo
Do sports / Cinema

Say what you did last holidays and use the expressions from the table above.

2. Reconstruct the dialogue and role play it.

Sandra / Mary
Are serious? It’s the funniest cartoon in the world! And it teaches a lot! Come on, let’s go! / What do you feel like doing tonight?
How about going to the cinema? / Oh, how can you watch it? It’s about fish!
That sounds good! I hope they still show “Finding Nemo”. / “Pushkin”? Are you joking? It’s the most expensive cinema in Moscow!
Shall we go to “Pushkin”? / Brilliant idea! I haven’t been to the cinema for ages!
No, it isn’t. There are cinemas much more expensive than “Pushkin”. / How about “W&E”? It’s nice and the seats there are really comfortable. By the way they sell the tastiest popcorn!

3. Look at the pictures and compare them. Use than and the adjectives in the box.

Aggressive, small, young, slow, friendly, short, big, old, interesting, boring, fast, tall

FerrariDaewoo Matiz

4. Complete the sentences and use a comparative form.

  • This coffee is very weak. I like it a bit ______.
  • The room in the hotel was really big. I expected it to be ______.
  • The weather is too hotin this city. I’d like to live somewhere ______.
  • Your work isn’t very good. I know you can do ______.
  • My home task is a bit boring sometimes. I’d like to do something ______.

5. Complete the sentences and use a superlative form.

  • This is ______coffee I have ever tried! (strong)
  • It is the ______church in my city. (old)
  • She is one of ______tennis players in the world. (good)
  • Everest is ______mountain. (high)
  • Russia is ______country in the world. (big)

6. Say what a student mustn’t do.

  • Be late for classes
  • Do the home work on time
  • Talk at the lesson
  • Miss classes
  • Be ready to answer the questions
  • Interrupt the teacher

7. Think of the signs you would like to have at school (at the canteen, in the cloakroom, in the concert hall, etc.). Draw them and sign.

8 C. House rules

1. Read the dialogue between Mr. Cox and Daniel at p. 80, SB and agree or disagree with the statements.

  • Daniel thinks the room is awful.
  • Daniel mustn’t make noise.
  • Daniel doesn’t have to keep the room tidy – there is a maid who does it.
  • Daniel can’t invite his friends to his room.
  • He can have snacks and soft drinks in his room.

2. Use have to/don’t have to/needn’t

  • He ______keep the room tidy.
  • You ______buy tomatoes, we have lots of them.
  • The car park is free here, so you ______pay for it.
  • You ______speak louder, I can hear quite well.
  • We have got plenty of time, so we ______hurry.
  • They ______wear a school uniform on Fridays, but they usually do.

Culture Corner

1. Read the text about The EmpireStateBuilding and choose the correct answer.

  • The EmpireStateBuilding
  1. is the tallest building in the world.
  2. is the tallest building in New York.
  • It took….. to complete.
  1. 410 days
  2. 420 days
  • At the EmpireStateBuilding most visitors go straight to the
  1. Laboratory.
  2. Observatory.
  • The building can be white, green, blue, purple, red and orange
  1. depending on the day of the week.
  2. depending on the occasion.

2. Read about OstankinoTower and make an outline of the text:

The total height of the OstankinoTower (designed by Nikolai Nikitin) is 540 meters. Construction began in 1963 and was completed in 1967. It is the highest freestanding building in Europe and Asia. At one time, the Ostankino TV Tower was the highest construction in the world. This grandiose construction has 45 levels, tens of ring decks and balconies It has also got a restaurant called “The seventh sky”with a glass revolving floor. The restaurant opens a fantastic view over Moscow. /





English in Use

1. Translate the sentences into Russian.

I’d like to book some theatre tickets, please!
How would you like to pay?
Which play would you like to see?
Can I pay by credit card?
Give me the number and the expiry date.
Enjoy the show!

2. a. Group the words according to the sound [au] or [əu]:

Cow, bone, road, round, row, coal, house, toast, how, low

[au] / [əu]

b. Read out the sentences as fast and correct as you can.

  • Now, now! –Ну, ну! Успокойся!
  • It’s bound to be found out. – Это непременно обнаружится.
  • Out of the house to the grounds! – Ну-ка, всенасвежийвоздух!
  • It’s a cold coal to blow at. – Этобезнадежноедело.
  • Go slow. – Неспеши. (Будьосмотрительным.)


8 a

1. palace, hotel, tent, cottage, university halls of residence, house, block of flats, dormitory/ hostel, detached house.


  1. Make noise
  2. Keep pets
  3. Get permission to invite friends
  4. Barefoot
  5. Remove food from
  6. Cycle carefully
  7. Register one’s guests
  8. Exam period

5. Read the rules of one of Moscow schools. Use must, mustn’t can, can’t.

  • Students must wear a school uniform every day, but on Friday they can be dressed as they wish.
  • Students mustn’t be late for the lesson.
  • Students can ask for help and have extra-classes.
  • Students can’t talk at the lesson.
  • Students can ask a question only with their hand raised.

8 b


Relax / Aquarium
Buy things / Department store
See works of art / Gallery
Watch a film / Cinema
See animals / Zoo
Read / Library
Have a snack / Fast-food restaurant
See a play / Theatre
Do sports / Gym


M.: What do you feel like doing tonight?

S.: How about going to the cinema?

M.: Brilliant idea! I haven’t been to the cinema for ages!

S.: Shall we go to “Pushkin”?

M.: “Pushkin”? Are you joking? It’s the most expensive cinema in Moscow!

S.: No, it isn’t. There are cinemas much more expensive than “Pushkin”.

M.: How about “W&E”? It’s nice and the seats there are really comfortable. By the way they sell the tastiest pop corn!

S.: That sounds good! I hope they still show “Finding Nemo”.

M.: Oh, how can you watch it? It’s about fish!

S.: Are serious? It’s the funniest cartoon in the world! And it teaches a lot! Come on, let’s go!


  • Rex is more aggressive than Fluffy.
  • St Paul’s Cathedral is bigger than St Basil’s Cathedral.
  • Jack is taller than Tom.
  • Mrs Brown is younger than Ms Marple.
  • Adventure stories are more interesting than the textbook.
  • Ferrari is faster than Dawoo Matiz.


  • This coffee is very weak. I like it a bit stronger.
  • The room in the hotel was really big. I expected it to be smaller.
  • The weather is too hotin this city. I’d like to live somewhere colder.
  • Your work isn’t very good. I know you can do better.
  • My home task is a bit boring sometimes. I’d like to do something more interesting.


  • This is the strongest coffee I have ever tried!
  • It is the oldest church in my city.
  • She is one of the best tennis players in the world.
  • Everest is the highest mountain.
  • Russia is the biggest country in the world.


  • You mustn’t be late for classes.
  • You must do the home work on time.
  • You mustn’t talk at the lesson.
  • You mustn’t miss classes.
  • You must be ready to answer the questions.
  • You mustn’t interrupt the teacher.

8 с


  • I disagree. Daniel thinks the room is really nice.
  • I agree. Daniel mustn’t make noise.
  • I disagree. Daniel has to keep the room tidy.
  • I disagree. Daniel can invite his friends to his room if they are students of that school and only between 1 pm and 9 pm.
  • I agree. He can have snacks and soft drinks in his room.


  • He has to keep the room tidy.
  • You needn’t buy tomatoes, we have lots of them.
  • The car park is free here, so you needn’t pay for it.
  • You don’t have to speak louder, I can hear quite well.
  • We have got plenty of time, so we don’t have to hurry.
  • They don’t have to wear a school uniform on Fridays, but they usually do.

Culture Corner


  • The EmpireStateBuilding

b. is the tallest building in New York.

  • It took….. to complete.

a. 410 days

  • At the EmpireStateBuilding most visitors go straight to the

b. Observatory.

  • The building can be white, green, blue, purple, red and orange

b. depending on the occasion.


When: it was built in 1963-1967.

Who: Nikolai Nikitin designed it.

Height:540 meters

What: It has got 45 levels, tens of ring decks and balconies; a restaurant with a glass revolving floor.

English in Use


I’d like to book some theatre tickets, please! / Я бы хотел заказать несколько билетов в театр.
How would you like to pay? / Как вы будете оплачивать?
Which play would you like to see? / Какой спектакль вы бы хотели посмотреть?
Can I pay by credit card? / Я могу оплатить кредиткой?
Give me the number and the expiry date. / Продиктуйте, пожалуйста, номер и срок действия.
Enjoy the show! / Приятного просмотра!

2. a.

[au] / [əu]
сow / bone
round / road
row / coal
house / toast
how / low