lmmanuel Christian Reformed Church
August 17, 2014
We’re glad that you joined us today, and we pray that you will experience a meaningful time of worship with us.
Guest mailboxes are located after the alphabetical list of members. Please pick up this information if you would like details on Immanuel’s ministries.
This morning Pastor Bob will lead us from Matthew 13. Jordan Kuiper will make his public profession of faith in Jesus Christ.
Offerings: General Fund & Faith Promise Missionary Support
This evening Pastor Bob’s message will focus on Lord’s Day 2-4, “God’s Justice and Mercy”.
Offering: Smile Train
10:00AM (Infant) Sherri Vedders, Kara Koenig
(Toddler) Katie Bonner, Mike Wigger, Kelli Nesky,
Kyle Koenig, Vanessa Veldink
5:30PM Ruth & Kati Pohler
Next Sunday:
10:00AM (Infant) Kelsey Janke, Alicia Ter Keurst
(Toddler) Stephanie Miedema, Cyndy Hoogeboom,
Emily Wolters, Riley Kooienga,
Cody Hoogeboom
5:30PM Julie & Janelle De Boer
7:00PM Education Committee
Basement Prayer Room
6:00-7:00AM Prayers for Immanuel & our community
12:15-12:45PM Prayers for Revival in Hudsonville
10:00AM Pastor Bob
Lift Up Your Hearts hymnal dedication
Benton Harbor Ministry Update
Offerings: General Fund & Benevolent Fund
5:30PM Pastor Bob
Offering: FARM INC
Elder Lester Knot
Victory, Vredevoogd, Vruwink families
Today, following the 10AM service, the family of Phil and Barb Cutrara invite the Immanuel church family in celebrating the life and marriage of Elizabeth & Melvin Brink with cake & coffee.
Melvin and Elizabeth celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary today and Elizabeth will celebrate her 90th birthday on August 22.
God is good and has truly blessed our family!
Thank you for the kind words, prayers, and cards that we have received since the passing of our father and grandfather.
The Ridder family
Thank you to elder Lester Knott for your visits and to the congregation for your prayers, visits and so many other acts of kindness during my recent surgery and recovery. They were very much appreciated. Thank you especially to our Heavenly Father for hearing and answering. John Dykstra Sr
Gary Schmitt will have back surgery this Thursday, August 21. He also will require rehab due to the pain medication he has been taking. Pray for guidance for the doctors and a complete recovery for Gary.
We thank God, along with the Van Dyken family, that Annika was able to come home following a time in the NICU. Continue to pray for good health and growth.
Joe Lems – severe back pain
Sharon Ondersma – M.S.
Pete Van Rijs – durable cancer remission
Brian Wigger – medication to shrink tumor
Josh Ter Keurst – Marines
Capt Ron Thenn – Army
2nd Lt Stephan Thenn – Marines
Circle Letter A – New Members Class
Are you interested in finding out more information about becoming a professing Immanuel member? This 90-minute course, led by Pastor Bob, will familiarize you with the history of Immanuel church, current ministry opportunities, membership requirements and areas for service. This course is designed both for individuals interested in membership and current members interested in making public their profession of faith in Jesus Christ. A class will be available on Sunday, September 14, at 3PM. If you are interested in attending, please circle Letter A in the Friendship Folder.
Circle Letter B – Grand Re-Opening Invitations
Please help us invite our neighbors to the Grand Re-Opening! On September 2, 3, & 4 we will be passing out fliers around church to our neighbors. What if one of our neighbors is waiting to be invited? Let's answer the call together! Please help us for an hour on one of these nights. If you can help, please circle Letter B in the Friendship Folder to receive more details!
Circle Letters D, E, or F - E100 Campaign
We are launching our 20 week E100 campaign (Essential 100 stories from the Bible – 50 O.T. & 50 N.T.) on September 14th and we want to invite you to be involved in this church-wide study with us! There is a table in the foyer where you can ask more questions about how to get involved.
There are 3 ways that we are encouraging you to do this study: 1) Triad study group
2) In an already existing small group OR with your family
3) On your own.
We encourage you to pick up a book once they are in to use for the study or you can follow a guide of questions that we will be releasing along with the outline of the readings each week. Please stay tuned to updates from the pulpit and online updates (facebook/website) for more information!
Circle Letter D – to be involved in a triad group (group of 3, same gender)
Circle Letter E - for study with an existing small group or family Circle Letter F - for information on how to do a self-study
Do you have the gift of hospitality?
Do you love to plan a get-together, or just like to have fun? We have an opportunity for you. We would love for you to join us on the Fellowship Committee. If you are interested in this opportunity to serve, please call Tammy Wolters @ 662-9901 or email at .
We are in need of volunteers for our weServe on Tuesday nights this summer. The dates are August 26, September 23, and October 31st (Trunk or Treat).
Food, Fun, and Faith Formation Save the Date!
Do you have a love for the kids in our church? Do you pray that they will grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ? The Education Committee wants to invite anyone who has this desire to come out for a fun, don't want to miss evening, that includes a free dinner, games (with prizes!) and an opportunity to be supported, encouraged and learn ways that we can achieve this goal together!
If you are currently involved in any children or youth ministries (GEMS, Cadets, Children's Worship, Sunday School, ET, Crossroads), come! If you have no desire to be involved in a youth ministry or you're not sure how God can use you but you want to know how you can encourage the kids of our church to grow in their walk with the Lord, come! If we've just peaked your interest, come!
Save the date Saturday, September 6, from 5-7PM (only two hours!!!). We will meet in the Family Life Center. You won't want to miss this event!! Please RSVP by August 31 to Lindsey Heuker r 901-6511
Grand Re-Opening Celebration
We invite you to join us on Sunday, September 7th, for a Grand Re-Opening Celebration. We will have a neighborhood pig roast! Next Sunday there will be 2 flyers in your mailbox at church. ONE for you and ONE for a friend or neighbor. We'd love for you to invite someone to come join us for worship and fellowship.
The party will follow the 11:00AM service.
We ask that Immanuel-goers bring a dish to pass (side or dessert). We will provide the paper products.
Come and enjoy beautiful people, delicious food, and give thanks for our updated space!
Sunday School Volunteers Needed
Do you have a desire for the youth of our church to know more about Jesus and to grow in their walk with the Lord? We have many opportunities available if you are being called by God to Advance His Kingdom into the next generation! No experience necessary. Just a love of God and a willingness to answerHiscall to go out and make disciples!
Please contact Lindsey Heuker if you want to be a part of our exciting Sunday School team, teaching our kids more about Christ! Any level of commitment will help our team grow from weekly volunteers to every 6 weeks, to only 6 weeks! Contact Lindsey today at or 901-6511.
Kids Hope USA
Would you consider joining the Kids Hope team? We would love to have you! We need both mentors and prayer partners who want to share God's love with a student at Park Elementary. Right now we have a list of 10 students that need a mentor! There will be training available to give you all the resources and information you need. Contact Evamarie Eggebeen at 371-2086 f you have any questions.
Treats for Teachers at Park Elementary
We are looking forward to another season of Kids Hope at Park beginning in September! One way we encourage the staff at Park is by giving them treats each month, and you have the opportunity to be a part of that blessing. Check your mailbox at church for the Treats for Teachers sheet, and use it to sign up. Questions? contact Evamarie Eggebeen (371-2086 or ).
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?
Save Saturday, November 8, for dinner, dessert and fellowship! More details will be coming in September!
Parent Meetings
Are your kids going to be in Crossroads or ET this year? We are having 2 short parent meetings on September 14th. This is a way for you to meet the new director, Tyler Cook, and to get your forms, schedules, and other details for the year.
The ET Meeting will be from 4:00-4:30pm in the FLC and the Crossroads Meetingwill be from 4:30-5:15pm in the FLC.
Cadet Kick-Off
Our kick-off will be on Wednesday, September 3, from 6:30-8:30PM. No uniform will be needed for that night.
August Corners Offering – Love INC Back-to-School Ministry
August 10, 2014
General Fund $13,431
Level 3 Tuition Assistance 2,121
Roosevelt Park Ministries 77
General Fund Year-to-Date
Received $59,952
Budget goal 69,518
Over (Under) (9,566)
Budget received – 86%
Fiscal year – July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
To fulfill our General Fund budget,
an average weekly offering of $11,586 is necessary.
Please tithe in faith and as your response to God’s blessings.
August 17, 2014
Remember in prayer and with a card this week our shut-ins:
Lula Ringerwole, Henrietta Meinema
Pray for God’s strength to be with the many persecuted Christians in Nepal.
Pray for God’s blessing and protection this week on our Youth Director, Tyler Cook.
Pray for Lee & Carolyn Baas as they work with the Walking in Their Shoes Missionary Support Ministry.
Pray for these young adults and remember them with a note or card:
Lanae Nesky, Denise Ondersma, Zachary Smidstra
Pray for God’s safety for our youth during the summer months.
Ask God to bless the civil and church leaders of our city and the residents of your street.
Denominational Prayer Line: 1-888-CRC-PRAY
Saturday, August 23, the Christian Reformed Conference Grounds invites you to join us at Grand Haven High School Performing Arts Auditorium for The Browns concert. Tickets will be available at the door for $10/person. If you would like to reserve a ticket in advance you can call us at 842-4478. Tickets purchased or reserved prior to the 23rd will be $8 per ticket.
Come to the Grounds first and enjoy our final Chicken BBQ of the season! It will be served in the Sunshine room from 4:00-6:30. We have combo tickets available for the concert and Chicken BBQ. If purchased or reserved prior to the 23rd you can get one admission to the concert and one ¼ Chicken dinner for only $13 or two admissions and two ¼ Chicken dinners for only $25.
Grand Haven High School is on Ferris Street; just go north on Lakeshore Drive as you are leaving the Grounds, turn right on Ferris and it will be on your left. See you there!!
Worship on the Waterfront
Sunday, August 24, Worship On the Waterfront 2014 welcomes, PEDER EIDE to the Grand Haven Waterfront Stadium from 7:30 – 8:45 p.m. Always a crowd favorite, Peder leads in celebrative and creative worship that excites, energizes and draws an audience closer to God. There is no cost, nor any tickets needed to attend W.O.W. Check out our web site at www.worshiponthewaterfront.org. Any questions? Call: (616) 842-6600.
Unity Christian High School’s 1st Annual Victory Day is Saturday, September 6, 3–5PM - a fun, free day for people of all ages with special needs or physical limitations to play football or cheerlead with Unity’s football program. Sign up by August 15. Information can be found at www.unitychristian.org under the “Athletics” tab or in Unity’s office (8:30 am–3:30 pm Monday thru Thursday).
2014 Michigan Bible League Retreat Using a unique speaking style with moving stories of personal loss with her incredible sense of humor, Adelle Dickie will be our featured speaker at a retreat on September 23 at the Prince Conference Center. Invite some friends, and send in your registrations today. Don’t forget, men are invited to join us for the banquet and concert in the evening. Everyone is encouraged to come to hear the talented singing group, The Metropolitan Choir of Praise. You can make an eternal difference in the lives of people in South America, by taking part in this retreat and providing Bibles through the special offering. This unique event is designed to glorify God through great music and speakers, and to renew and uplift all who attend. Ask your Key Contact, Martha Herweyer, for more details.