Government Body: Winterset Municipal Utilities

Date of Meeting: December 15, 2014

Time of Meeting: 8:30 A.M.

Place of Meeting: Electric Generation Plant, 321 N. 1st St.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the above-mentioned governmental body will meet at the date, time and place above set out. The tentative agenda for said meeting is as follows:


1.  Call to order, roll call

2.  Approval of agenda

3.  Minutes of meetings

4.  General Manager Report

5.  Dredge America Change Order

6.  Dredge America Pay Request

7.  Cramer Pay Request

8.  Electric Car Charging Station discussion, Patty Weeks

9.  Dredging Project update

10.  Electric Superintendent Report

11.  Water Superintendent Report

12.  Claims

Added items for discussion…

The Board of Trustees of the Winterset Municipal Utilities, Winterset, Iowa, met on December 15, 2014 in accordance with the above Notice & Call of Public Meeting. Chairman Gerrit Vrieze called the meeting to order with the following members of the Board in attendance.

PRESENT: Gerrit Vrieze, Patty Weeks, Kendall Kerns


Others in attendance, Steve Benshoof, Utility Water Superintendent, Chuck Johnson, Utility Electric Superintendent, and Dave Braga.

Chairman Vrieze asked for approval of the agenda, Trustee Kerns moved the agenda be approved. Seconded by Trustee Weeks. On a voice vote the motion carried.

Chairman Vrieze stated the minutes from the, November 17th and December 8th meetings had been provided to the board. Trustee Weeks moved to approve the minutes. Seconded by Trustee Kerns. On a voice vote the motion carried.

Mr. Wesselmann was asked to give his report to the board. Mr. Wesselmann reported that he has been reviewing the dredging project with the engineer and contractor. Mr. Wesselmann stated that the easement and other legal consideration for the Power line sale to CIPCO has been completed and sent to the lawyers. Mr. Wesselmann reported that he is getting a proposal from Midland GIS for GPS mapping for the water and electric systems. Mr. Wesselmann stated that he would like to reimburse employees $30 a month for using their personal cell phones for utility business. After a brief discussion the board agreed that would be a fair agreement and approved of the payments.

Chairman Vrieze asked Mr. Wesselmann to address the next agenda, Dredge America Change Order. Mr. Wesselmann stated that he received an approved change order from Shive-Hattery for the final portion of the dredging. The Change order amount would be $ -96,688.40. Trustee Weeks moved to approve Change Order #7. The motion seconded by Trustee Kerns. On a voice vote the motion carried.

Chairman Vrieze asked Mr. Wesselmann to address the next agenda item, Dredge America Pay request. Mr. Wesselmann stated that he had received a pay request from Dredge America for the amount of $226,012.42. Mr. Wesselmann reported that the engineer had certified it for payment. Trustee Kerns moved to approve the payment of $226,012.42 to Dredge America. The motion seconded by Trustee Weeks. On a voice vote the motion carried.

Chairman Vrieze asked Mr. Wesselmann to address the next agenda item, Cramer & Associates Pay request. Mr. Wesselmann stated that he had received a pay request from Cramer for the amount of $444,018.32. Mr. Wesselmann reported that the engineer had certified it for payment. Trustee Weeks moved to approve the payment of $444,018.32 to Cramer & Associates. The motion seconded by Trustee Kerns. On a voice vote the motion carried.

Chairman Vrieze asked Trustee Weeks to address the next agenda item, Electric Car Charging Station discussion. Trustee Weeks stated that she was approached by Tom Leners, of the Madison Co. Development Group, about the possibility of establishing an electric car charging station with hopes of drawing some visitors from the Des Moines area that have electric cars. Trustee Weeks stated that no definite plans were in the works but she wanted the board aware there might be some interest in the idea. The board members were open to hearing more and were in favor of looking into it.

Mr. Johnson was asked to give the report on the electric department. Mr. Johnson presented the written report to the board and reported that they have heated up the Hy-Vee transformer and are finished at that site. Mr. Johnson reported that they removed the 3-phase transformer bank at BB&P and installed a new underground transformer for the wind turbine, and corn dryer. Mr. Johnson stated that they put up the Christmas lights and helped with the lighting of the square. Mr. Johnson reported that they bored in several new services and street light wires that went bad.

Mr. Benshoof was asked to give the report on the water department. Mr. Benshoof presented the written report to the board and reported that they assisted with the 6” water main tap for Hy-Vee. Mr. Benshoof stated that they replaced a lead service line to a business on the square. Mr. Benshoof reported that they repaired a water main break at 10th Ave. and W. south St. Mr. Benshoof stated that Utility Service is currently working on the replacement of the filler pipe on Tower #1. Mr. Benshoof stated that he was recommending a pay raise for Jason Scoles due to a satisfactory annual evaluation. Mr. Benshoof recommends moving him from Range 13 Step 6 to Range 14 Step 4. Trustee Weeks moved to approve the above stated range and step increase for Jason Scoles. Seconded by Trustee Kerns. On a voice vote the motion carried.

Trustee Vrieze stated he had reviewed the claims. Trustee Vrieze moved to approve the following list of claims. Seconded by Trustee Weeks. Roll call vote:

AYES: Weeks, Kerns and Vrieze

NAYS: None




Agriland FS Inc., diesel 21,402.16

Breedings Hardware, hdw supplies 56.00

CenturyLink, phone service 205.06

CIPCO, install stub pole 2,077.25

City of Winterset, salaries 1,146.80

City of Winterset, salaries 1,433.50

DeWild Grant Reckert & Assoc, engineer fees 467.00

Docs Soft Water, office supplies 5.89

Family Center, hdw supplies 76.98

Iowa Dept of Public Safety, tank reg 40.00

Physio-Control Inc., AED redipak 70.09

SENECA Companies, tank cleanout 3,633.87

SIMECA, purchase power 247,505.01

The Bakery Unlimited, safety mtg supplies 27.56

Verizon, cellular service 13.97

Wiegert Disposal, garbage service 36.75

Winterset Oil Co., gasoline 52.50


Breedings Hardware, hdw supplies/safely clothes 523.02

Brian Drey, rebate 35.00

Brittains Std Parts, truck maint 10.69

CenturyLink, phone service 24.40

City of Winterset, salaries 10,273.72

City of Winterset, salaries 10,784.39

Cody Frank, rebate 35.00

Family Center, safety supplies 23.61

Fletcher Reinhardt Co., line supplies 3,966.49

Iowa Assn of Municipal Utilities, CIASSO dues/apprenticeship fees 1,242.04

Iowa One Call, locates 35.77

Kenneth Bassett, rebate 70.00

Phil Macumber, rebate 25.00

R & B Tire & Auto Inc., tire repairs 8.56

Soloman Corp, transformer test 2,223.47

Verizon, cellular service 13.32

WESCO, marking paint/HyVee transform/line supplies 18,036.21

Wiegert Disposal, garbage service 30.00

Winterset Oil Co., gasoline 544.95


City of Winterset, reimb internal 760.62

City of Winterset, reimb sewer/reimb garbage 10,396.11

City of Winterset, salaries 1,102.94

City of Winterset, salaries 987.61

Cynthia Parmer, deposit refund/interest 93.41

CYPREXX Service, deposit refund 75.00

David Leach, deposit refund/interest 82.16

Heidi Mullins, deposit refund 75.00

Jennifer Walkup, deposit refund/interest 78.75

Juan Vega, deposit refund/interest 78.75

Postmaster, postage 602.14

Tony Slight, deposit refund/interest 77.79

Trent Sturos, deposit refund 75.00

Winterset Municipal Utilities, deposit forf/interest forf 803.06


City of Winterset, benefits 2,430.87

City of Winterset, benefits 9,533.20

City of Winterset, reimb internal 760.62

City of Winterset, salaries 2,063.73

City of Winterset, salaries 2,063.74

City of Winterset, transfer 15,810.00

Flander, Casper & Rosien, atty fees 63.77

Madison Co Chamber of Commerce, EVP contribution 468.75

Verizon, cellular service 54.82

Water Fund, reimb utilities 5,887.20

Winterset Madisonian, pub 155.83


Electric Revenue Bond Sinking, transfer 37,070.83

Electric System Improvement, transfer 5,500.00


Busenbarrick, refund 22.23

Cynthia Parmer, refund overpayment 44.43



SIMECA, debt service 17,000.00



Agriland FS Inc., gasoline 318.82

Breedings Hardware, testing supplies 112.15

Brittains Std Parts, cleaning supplies 44.99

Card Services, testing supplies/hdw supplies 166.15

CenturyLink, phone service 155.60

Chem-Sult Inc., chemicals 4,068.40

City of Winterset, salaries 4,430.92

City of Winterset, salaries 4,972.89

DPC Industries Inc., chemcials 1,954.95

Electrical Engineering & Equip, motor repairs 623.00

Hach Co., lab testing chlorine analyzer 4,465.04

Hughes Network Systems LLC, internet service 90.94

Iowa Dept of Natural Resources, exam fee/cert fee 70.00

State Hygienic Laboratory, lab testing 228.00

The Bakery Unlimited, safety mtg supplies 28.40

Verizon, data service 80.16

Wiegert Disposal, garbage service 60.00

Winterset Municipal Utilities, utilities 5,887.20

Winterset Oil Co., gasoline 169.74

Zee Medical Inc., first aid supplies 124.60


Agriland FS Inc., gasoline 318.81

Breedings Hardware, hdw supplies/safety boots/tools 288.07

Brittains Std Parts, truck maint 16.00

Card Services, hdw supplies/safety clothes 300.62

Carquest of Winterset, truck repairs 201.50

CenturyLink, phone service 24.40

City of Winterset, salaries 6,162.88

City of Winterset, salaries 6,370.22

Continental Research Corp, tools 408.28

Family Center, safety boots 72.99

Iowa Assn of Municipal Utilities, CIASSO dues 231.11

Iowa One Call, locates 35.77

Martin Marietta Aggr, rock 418.20

Municipal Pipe Services Inc., line tap 600.00

Municipal Supply Inc., line supplies 2,754.05

Wiegert Disposal, garbage service 30.00

Winterset Oil Co., gasoline 148.29


City of Winterset, reimb internal 760.62

City of Winterset, salaries 1,102.94

City of Winterset, salaries 987.61

Postmaster, postage 602.14


Card Services, postage/office supplies 386.52

City of Winterset, benefits 2,300.31

City of Winterset, benefits 8,959.17

City of Winterset, reimb internal 760.62

City of Winterset, salaries 2,063.74

City of Winterset, salaries 2,063.75

City of Winterset, transfer 1,190.00

Iowa Rural Water Assn, membership dues 350.00

Madison Co Chamber of Commerce, EVP contribution 156.25

Stephen Wesselmann, reimb mileage 127.68

Verizon, cellular service 54.82

Winterset Madisonian, pub 155.83


Water Revenue Bond Sinking Fund, transfer 20,120.00

Water System Improvement Fund, transfer 5,000.00



August Enterprises LLC, asbestos inspection 800.00

Cramer & Assoc, Inc., pay estimate 444,018.32

Dredge America, pay est 226,012.42


Metering & Technology Solution, line supplies/handheld equip 13,805.00


ELECTRIC: $328,213.20

WATER: $115,186.16

The date of the next regular meeting was set for 8:30 AM, Monday, January 19, 2015 at Light Plant. Being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting was now adjourned.


Gerrit Vrieze, Chairman



Stephen Wesselmann, General Manager