Week 17 Vocab. Words

Bandy –v. – to toss back and forth; to exchange; to discuss lightly.

Degenerate – v. –to decline in physical, mental, or moral qualities;
-- n. – a person having low moral standards
-- adj. – having grown worse or deteriorated

Efficacious -- adj. – producing the desired effect; effective

Equestrian – n. – a horseback rider
-- adj. – pertaining to horses or the riding of horses

Felony – n. -- a crime of such seriousness (such as murder, kidnapping, or burglary)

that it is punishable by a severe sentence.

Flay – v. -- to strip off the skin, as by whipping; to scold or criticize severely

Imperious – adj. – domineering; overbearing; arrogant

Malevolent – adj. -- wishing harm or evil to others; showing or having ill will toward others;

Rationalize – v. – to explain in a manner that is false but seems reasonable; to devise
self-serving but false reasons; to explain away.

Relent – v. – to give in or yield to something; to become less harsh

Sentence Pattern:

S V Word(s): Appositive

Airport thieves have a common target: unwary travelers.

Vocab. Week 17 Practice

bandy degenerate efficacious equestrian
felony flaying imperious malevolent
rationalize relent

1. Generally, it is a good thing for the police when a suspect ______from trying to escape. The officers don’t have to use force when suspects give themselves up.

2. Certainly, police are not ______; their job is to help others, not to show ill toward them.

3. At the beginning of class, students usually ______jokes and small talk back and forth while waiting for the teacher to start class.

4. Today your English class has a speaker, and your teacher has asked you to act like polite, dignified human beings – not, she added jokingly, like ______with low moral standards.

5. Central Park in New York City is patrolled by ______or mounted, police officers who roam the immense park on horseback.

6. When the policeman walked into the classroom, the students fell silent. This was exactly the ______response for which the teacher had hoped.

7. The police officer hoped to change the image of police as ______people who act arrogant and overbearing because of their badges.

8. No dedicated, caring police officer would try to ______, or explain away, the use of unnecessary force.

9. The police officer explained the difference between a misdemeanor, a less serious crime, and a ______, a serious offense in the eyes of most people.

10. Animal activists would like to see the ______of an animal as a felony, not a misdemeanor.

Sentence pattern:

Use one or more vocabulary words to illustrate the following pattern:

S V Word(s): Appositive

Vocab 17 Practice Answer Key

1.  Relent

2.  Malevolent

3.  Bandy

4.  Degenerate

5.  Equestrian

6.  Efficacious

7.  Imperious

8.  Rationalize

9.  Felony

10. Flaying