SEMP Overview for Contractors/Vendors
Strategic Environmental Management Program
In 1998, former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge issued Executive Order 1998-1, an order that called for state agencies to develop plans to guide them in improving their environmental management performance.
To achieve this goal, PENNDOT Central Office directed each District to implement and registered under the International Standard Organization 14001 (ISO 14001) Standard that would help and guide the Department in improving its operational environmental performance.
Governor Tom Corbett’s Administration has chosen to continue the Environmental Management Initiative and has proposed expanding it.
ISO 14001:2004 (Green Plan Policy): PennDOT has implemented a Strategic Environmental Management Program (SEMP) which complies with the ISO 14001:2004 standard. As part of SEMP, PennDOT has established a Green Plan Policy that can be found at and is also posted at PennDOT District and County Offices. The Green Plan Policy is designed to protect the environment, conserve resources and comply with environmental laws and regulations. The Supplier shall ensure that its personnel (including the personnel of any of its subcontractors) are aware of PennDOT’s commitment to protecting the environment, are properly trained about the environmental impacts of their work and are competent (through appropriate work experience, job training or classroom education) to perform the work that they do.
By submitting a bid response to this Invitation for Bids, bidders agree to abide by the above “Green Plan Policy” stipulations.
The Standard requires Registered Organizations (PENNDOT) to inform other organizations working for or on the behalf of the Department of Transportation of our responsibilities under the SEMP program. The District will notify contractors/vendors of our SEMP program by distributing the “Work Partners Information Form” and wallet cards to hand out to their employees before work commences. We must make all Work Partners who do business with the Department and their employees aware that when they do work on PENNDOTs behalf, to keep our program in mind as they perform their contracted duties.
As Part of the SEMP you must:
ü Comply with environmental Laws
ü Plan work activities to help conserve and protect our environment
ü Clean up waste materials, spills and other releases
ü Perform your work following Sound Environmental Practices