
NassauCountyHigh School Principals’ Association

School Leadership Seminar Series


To provide a forum for high school principals, aspiring administrators and college professors to:

  • Meet and discuss issues of school leadership.
  • Encourage aspiring administrators to consider the high school principalship as a career goal.
  • Explore the emerging challenges of the principalship.


  • NassauCountyHigh School Principals Association
  • HofstraUniversityCenter for Secondary School Administrators and Supervisors
  • Long IslandSchoolLeadershipCenter


  • The seminar series consists of three late afternoon sessions (4-7 p.m.), including a light dinner held at Hofstra University, Scott Skodnek Business Development Center, Room 246 ( Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, South Campus).
  • All sessions will be led by NassauCounty high school principals.
  • Individuals participating in all three seminars will receive a Leadership Series Certificate from HofstraUniversity and the Nassau County High School Principals’ Association.

Dates and Topics: Focusing on the first year as principal.

  • Thursday, January 11, 2007: Scheduling Conflict-moved to April 12th

“Building Constituencies of Support

Through Effective Communication”

Presenters John Bifolco, James Clark & David Seinfeld

  • Thursday, February 15, 2007:“Dealing with Hot Topic Issues”

Presenters: John R. LewisReginald Stroughn

  • Thursday, March 22, 2007: “Building Constituencies of Support Through Effective


Presenters John Bifolco, James Clark & David Seinfeld

  • Thursday, April 12, 2007: “Looking Back on Year One- Prioritizing for Year Two

Presenters: Randolph Ross & Kevin Scanlon


  • High school principals
  • Each NassauCounty high school principal (whether he or she can or not participate) may nominate up to three aspiring administrators.
  • HofstraUniversity faculty
Be a part of this special program – Register now!

(Fees and registration information on reverse side)


The fee is $50 per person for each seminar, and $135 per person for the entire three part seminar series.

Registration is required by January 5, 2007, by mail or fax. If you have any questions, please call the School of Education and Allied Human Services, Office of Field Services at (516) 463-5750.

The registration form below, together with a check (or purchase order) payable to HofstraUniversity should be mailed to:

Martin Blum, Associate Director

School of Education and Allied Human Services

120 Hagedorn Hall

119 Hofstra University

Hempstead, NY11549-1190

Fax: (516) 463-4370


“School Leadership Seminar Series”

Thursday, January 11 Scheduling Conflict Thursday February 15 Thursday, March 22 Thursday, April 12

4– 7 p.m. each date

ScottSkodnekBusinessDevelopmentCenter, (BDC) Room 246 (Axinn Library, South Campus)

Entire three-part Seminar Series, $135 per person


The following seminars, at $50 per person, per seminar

__Thursday, January 11, 2007 – Scheduling conflict-moved to April 12th

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Thursday, March 22, 2007

__ Thursday, April 12, 2007

Name of Principal: ______

High School: ______

Name of Aspiring Administrator: ______

Name of Aspiring Administrator: ______

Name of Aspiring Administrator: ______

School Address: ______

School Telephone:______Fax: ______


Please find enclosed a check or purchase order in the amount of $ ______.