Colegio Sagrados Corazones (Torrelavega)




1.  He painted the door in the house.

2.  We bought some ice-cream for dinner.

3.  She writes three stories every month.

4.  We had paid a lot of money for that book.

5.  George has given me a new book.

6.  She buys the fruit on Mondays.

7.  John will write that letter for the newspaper.

8.  She gave them some sweets after lunch.


1.  They are going to send the invitations next week.

2.  send the invitations.

3.  the invitations.

4.  They will spend their summer holidays in London.

5.  They.

6.  They go on holiday once a year.


On May 1st we_____(PLAN) to hold a dinner to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Selmore Literary Society and I____(INVITE) you on behalf of our committee to be the guest of honour on this occasion. Since you_____(COME) to live in our town last year, you__(always, SHOW) a great deal of interest in our activities and you____(BE) without doubt our most popular speaker. We___(all,BE) delighted as well as highly honoured if you_____(CAN) once again___(FIND) the time to spend an evening in our company. I __ (SEND) further details as soon as I ___(HEAR) from you. I___ (HOPE) you____(BE ABLE) ___(ACCEPT) this invitation.


1.  We can hire a car from that man. His father owns the local garage.

2.  1945 was the year. The Second World War ended then.

3.  France is a nice country. The best wine is produced there.

4.  That is the radio. I won it in the competition.

5.  That is Fiona Webb. Her songs are well-known all over the world.


1.  If I______(BE) you, I would take the job.

2.  What______( you, DO) if it rains tomorrow?

3.  If I______(HAVE) time, I would travel around the world.

4.  You could have done anything if you really______(WANT) enough.

5.  If he______(ARRIVE) soon, we will go out for a pizza.

6.  The baby wouldn’t have woken up if you______(MAKE) too much noise.

7.  If you commit a crime, you______(HAVE) to go to prison.

8.  Alan______(TRAVEL) to Egypt if he won the contest.

9.  If Sarah______(not, EAT) well, she’ll have poor nutrition.


A) Read the paragraphs and put them in the correct order.

a…….She’s been with her dad most of the times, but the last time she went with some friends. Her mum worries that when she is old enough she’ll buy a big Suzuki or Honda.

b…….’It’s frightening how fast those motorbikes can go and the thought of my

daughter on one, well it’s terrifying.’ For the moment her mother can relax, as Lucy

is only fifteen and she hasn’t ridden a big motorbike yet.

c……Lucy Vincent has had a passion for motorbikes since the first time she saw

a motorcycling grand prix on television. She was immediately fascinated by the

bikes and their riders and how dangerous the races were.

d……She has asked her parents but they had said she has to wait. However, in a

few years’ time things could be different, as Lucy has already saved up 1,000euros

from a Saturday job to buy her first bike. Good luck, Lucy, but be careful.

e……... The first accident she saw was quite shocking but it didn’t deter her and

she’s watched every race she can for the last four years. She has already been to

six races live at tracks like Montelmo o Jerez, and each time she gets really excited.

B/ Answer the following questions.

1.  How long has Lucy had a passion for motorbikes?

2.  How does Lucy feel about the bikes and the riders?

3.  How many races has she seen live?

4.  How does her mother feel about lucy’s passion?

5.  Why hasn’t Lucy ridden a big bike yet?

C/ Find words or expressions in the text that mean the same as.

1.  nearly always (a)

2.  alarming (b)

3.  delighted ( c )

4.  nevertheless ( d)

5.  stop (e)