College Council


Oct. 20, 2008
3:00-4:30 pm
mal community Room
Attendees / Fergus Currie, Edwin Deas, Kim Dozier, Susan Evans, Adrian Gonzales, Lorraine Hernandez, Pat Keller, Bill Kelly, Susan Kitagawa, Pam LiCalsi, Rosa Limon, Mary Lisi, Doug MacIntire, Jerry Patton (chair), Diane Ramirez, Jack Randall, Florante Roa, Terry Schukart, Michelle Shannon.

Agenda topics

1. introductions
j. patton
discussion / Leslie Young and Jim Berg were introduced as new members of College Council, representing the deans.
action items / person responsible / deadline
2. Committee reports
vice presidents
Discussion / Diane Ramirez:
CORE (Datatel): Committee is going to do an inventory on the modules of Datatel that the college uses, doesn’t use, and those that would be useful if implemented. The committee is also looking at textbook affordability.
Jack Randall: Distributed a written summary (attached to these minutes). Included updates on the following committees’ activities: College Staff Development Committee, Diversity Council, Health & Welfare Committee, Reclassification Committee, Management Personnel Committee, Market Basket Committee, and Professional Growth Committee.
Bill Kelly: No update, except the Student Success Initiative Committee is meeting every other week.
Edwin Deas: No update.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
3. administrative procedures and board policies
D. Macintire / b. kelly
discussion / BP4070 Auditing and Auditing Fees: Went to the Board last week for a first reading.There was some discussion regarding how deans and instructors would know which students were auditing and what impact auditors have on whether classes are closed for low enrollment or auditors taking the places of students who need the class for credit. The administrative procedures (yet to be written) will articulate the remaining details regarding implementation.It was noted that motivations for auditing a class range from students’ desire to be introduced to material before taking the class for credit, to taking a class for personal interest only.
AP7120 Recruiting and Hiring: Please review these procedures and email Dr. Randall with suggestions/corrections. These procedures have been reviewed by many constituents on campus.
conclusions / A Board policy for auditing classes is being developed. The procedure for implementing the policy has yet to be written. The procedures for recruiting and hiring have been shared with various campus constituents for input and need to be approved soon.
action items / person responsible / deadline
1. Email Dr. Randall with suggestions for recruiting and hiring procedure. / All / 11/1/08
4. job descriptions
j. randall
discussion / Both job descriptions (Exec. Dir. of Human Resources and Vice President Academic Affairs) went to the Board this month.
Executive Dir. Human Resources and Labor Relations: Title added labor relations to reflect actual duties. No longer a VP because college is consolidating the administration. The salary is equivalent to that of a Dean. The candidate should be chosen in time to be submitted to the Board in February for approval. Because the VP of Human Resources used to be the Chair of the Council of Classified Supervisors, this role will need to be assigned, possibly to someone else.
conclusions / Both job descriptions will be finalized so recruiting can move forward.
action items / person responsible / deadline
1. Determine who will now chair the Council of Classified Supervisors. / J. Randall / J. Patton / Feb. 2009
5. budget update
e. deas
discussion / Dr. Deas presented a PowerPoint summary of the budget update.
State Budget: The state budget encompasses $144.4B from all sources, year-to-year General Fund expenditures increase by $68M. Note: the total worth of Jordan is $15.2B, same as the CA state deficit. The state budget relies on short term fixes; there are also a number of one-time solutions.
How affecting COD? Prop 98: We will get a 2.4% increase, does not keep up with our growth.
No COLA or growth for categorical programs. The average state growth funded is 2%, for us 4.2 percent because we are in a growing area. $2.3m is what we will receive more than last year.
COD budget:
Additional expenditures that impact our budget: Salary step increases amount to $500K each year, non-payroll inflations, EastValley, technology upgrades, emergency preparedness, priority list.
We budgeted for a deficit of just over $2 million last year. Actually had deficit of only $1.6 million. $1.1M to come from reserve for 2008-2009. By law, reserve must be 5%. This $1.1M leaves us with sufficient reserve.
Dr. Deas projects deficits for the following 2 years. State is talking about 0% growth for next year. Next month, the state will know the new year’s property tax revenue situation, expected to be down again, same cycle continues.
If the state cuts funding, they would most likely start with COLA, then growth, then categorical funding, andcuts to the apportionment funding could be grim. Range of funding lost to state budget cuts could be between $250,000 and $5.25M, $1.6M is possible.
No employees with current contract will be laid off. Hiring freeze is not strategic, hiring restriction is better (Planning Council will be called on to help determine). College will first pursue non-payroll savings on travel, supplies, equipment, etc. Identify “non-essential” programs.
conclusions / State budget deficit will most likely affect COD’s apportionment this year which will not cover our growth. COD has reserves which will need to be used if the state cuts our funding. College will need to be strategic in its savings decisions.
action items / person responsible / deadline
6. strategic planning
j. patton
discussion / Strategic planning is used for both time of plenty and times of retrenchment. President and MBreindel just returned from an accreditation visit. The Commission is expecting all institutions to have a strategic planning process in place and functioning. The planning process makes recommendations for 1. operational planning and budgeting processes, 2. revision to mission/vision/values statements, 3. goals and action plans.
There are 5 components to a Master Plan: Academic, Human Resources, Physical, Technological, and Financial. The presentation summarized the planning process and its individual steps.
Our planning council is focusing on 3 institutional goals: 1. Make learner success our core 2. Develop new programs, strengthen existing programs, and 9. Make better use of existing data and information. These are institutional goals which will be assigned to someone to work on, probably vice presidents, include progress reports throughout the year. For planning andprogram review, the accreditation commission wants all colleges to be at the continuous, sustainable level. For SLOs, we need to be at level 3, the implementation stage. The 8 regional accrediting commissions in the United States “report” to CHEA, Council on Higher Education on Accreditation. CHEA stands between us and the federal government. So far, we are self-regulating. We have a March 2009 progress report; our next 6-year cycle is in March 2011. We have little time to get there. This Planning PowerPoint willbe on the portal.
conclusions / The Accreditation Commission expects colleges to have an ongoing, sustainable strategic planning process. Our Planning Council is focusing on 3 institutional goals and developing a process. We have work to do in this area in order to meet the Commission’s rubric for planning. Our next 6-year study is due March 2011.
action items / person responsible / deadline
7. reports
shannon / hernandez
discussion / Lorraine Hernandez: attended the HACU conference and COD won the trivia contest there. Attended the CA Community College Student Affairs Association’s (CCCSAA) leaders’ conference in San Diego along with 10 other COD students.
Michelle Shannon: Attended the CCCSAA conference and many workshops on leadership. There is a fall general assembly in San Joseand COD is sending students. ASCOD will present the half-time show during Homecoming, which is this Saturday.
action items / person responsible / deadline
Meeting adjourned 4:35 pm.