12th June 2015.

Don’t let ‘technical issues’ kill the bill say Australia’s prawn farmers

The Australian Prawn Farmers Association fears the Abbott Government’s new food labelling laws, due to be in place before Christmas, will ignore fresh seafood.

At its executive meeting in Brisbane today, the Association expressed concerns that new labels released this week for public comment, while addressing packaged food, will not cover fresh seafood sold in restaurants and takeaways.

And according to APFA President Matt West, a senate bill to introduce national laws on seafood labelling in restaurants and fast food outlets could well be lost when it is voted on in August.

“Although we were encouraged that the recent senate second reading of the bill showed there was widespread support from both sides of politics and the independent senators for the labelling concept, it seemed likely the bill in its current state would not pass.

“The message was that to get through, this bill will need the support of the state governments and the Australia New Zealand Ministerial Forum on Food Regulation.

“We can’t allow this bill to die because of ‘technical issues’ – and APFA is calling for some political will to overcome the obstacles,” Mr West said.

"We need bi-partisanship in Canberra to end seafood lover’s confusion over the origin of what they buy in restaurants and takeaways.

"Consumers will continue to be kept ignorant, while the current "gap" in the country of origin labelling for cooked or pre-prepared seafood sold by the food services sector remains”.

Mr West said the simple addition of the words "Product of Australia" alongside locally produced seafood dishes on menus and chalkboards would ensure consumer demands for clarity and confidence.

"Consumer surveys consistently reveal the overwhelming majority of seafood lovers want and expect the choice of being able to order seafood they know is Australian when they dine out.”

Matt West 0428 457 787

Australian Prawn Farmers Association

P O Box 2202, WOORIM QLD 4507

Phone: (07) 3400 2002 - Facsimile: (07) 3408 3535 - Mobile: 0417 006 639 1