Meeting Agenda

5:30 PM

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Vision/Mission of School Council

To improve communication, academic achievement, support teachers and administrators, and to serve as Board of Directors for the Smyrna Elementary Foundation.

Vision/Mission of Foundation

To raise funds and provide resources beyond PTA and CCSD for the benefit of all students.

Board Members Present – Brett Ward, Sean Murphy, Dawn Britt, Ken Lunsford, Kim Olson, Justin Rader, Sarvia Gaxiola, Melissa Rone

Board Members Absent – None

1.  Call To Order Ken Lunsford

2.  Review/Approval of Minutes Ken Lunsford

·  Minutes from the April 2014 meeting were reviewed and approved

3.  Treasurer Report Sean Murphy

·  We have a new liaison with the Cobb Foundation; a member of the School Council will attend a meeting with her in the near future

·  We have a deposit that will take our balance to about $10,000

·  We have enough money to build a majority of the garden. We do not yet have enough funds to cover the cost of pouring the concrete.

·  Sean will be meeting with a representative of Home Depot soon – they have committed to a gift card donation.

·  Sean is also in contact with Adventure Outdoors to attempt a negotiation for naming rights of the garden.

4.  Unfinished Business

·  Thank You Notes for Contributors – Sean will forward names of future contributors ($50 or more) to Brett; Brett will send thank you notes to them on behalf of the council.

5.  New Business

Determine Next Steps for Learning Garden

·  We probably need an additional $5,000-$6,000 to get the garden mostly finished, with the exception of smaller pieces like archway, mulch bins, etc.

·  IBM will be sending us a group of volunteers on Oct 24 (unskilled volunteers); Sean would like to schedule a staff/parent/student work day to assemble the pieces of the garden on Oct 25th. He would like to have a small group of skilled volunteers do all of the prep work (cutting wood, etc) before Oct 24th. He would like to schedule 2 work days with about 10 people who are comfortable with saws, levels, and carpentry. We can do a call out and send a request home to parents for both skilled and unskilled volunteers. Dawn and Justin will talk with their churches about volunteering, as well.

·  We will add 2 new parent members to the council with elections in August, for a total of 10 School Council/Foundation Board members.

Determine timeline for fundraiser/campaign

·  Sarvia is requesting that we order nametags for our school council members, so that as we go to businesses we will appear more professional and official.

·  We need to create a packet of information that we can share with businesses as we solicit funds (What? Why? How?)

·  Road Rally – January 31st - 1:00-5:00. It will start and end at Smyrna Elementary.

·  We watched a promotional video of a Road Rally.

·  This will be a great way to reach out to our Smyrna business community; we can request prizes and donations from local businesses in return for some foot traffic and advertising.

·  Usually each person participating would pay an entry fee; teams can ride in one car together, but each person would pay separately.

·  Brett will send out an email to the staff and PTA asking for volunteers to help plan the Road Rally (4 committees) and the dance.

·  We will send out an Evite for the event to have a rough idea of attendance.

·  PR package (general) for Foundation will be created by Brett and Melissa now; Letter to parents about Road Rally will be created by Brett and Melissa after we have details; Sean and Sarvia will create a letter for businesses about the Road Rally.

·  Brett and Melissa will create sign-up sheets to have available during conference week for Road Rally and dance volunteers.

·  Brett will call Sherri Brante and Darryl York to ask about liability issues with a Road Rally.

·  We will do our March fundraising campaign again to complete the garden.

·  Date for dance – Friday, March 27th

Determine specific fundraisers

·  Finish garden

·  Inflatable screen

·  Sound equipment

·  Shade screen for primary playground

6.  Adjournment at 7:25.

Meeting Dates/Times for 2014-2015

·  Tuesday, December 9, 2014

·  Tuesday, February 10, 2015

·  Tuesday, April 14, 2015