Dear Up-And-Coming Homeowner,

As you can see, I have attached a nice, crisp $1.00 bill to the top of this report. Am I crazy? Perhaps. But, actually, I’ve done this for two reasons:

  1. I have something very important to share with you and I needed some way to ensure this letter would catch your attention.
  2. And since what I am writing about involves money - your money in particular - a dollar bill seemed more than appropriate!

But first, let me ask you a question:

How Would You Like To Stop Paying Rent Once and For All

and Own A Home Of your Own Instead?

(This is not a trick question)

Silly question, right?

Nobody likes to pay rent month after month and have nothing to show for it but a bunch of rent receipts.

Owning a home continues to be the Great American Dream. It is a dream shared by everybody. Young, old, single, married - everybody! The one thing we all have in common is our dream …to own…a place…of our own!

It’s a dream as American as apple pie and baseball. It’s a dream that has been instilled in us from the time we were children. It’s a dream that says we have the right to have a place we call our own.

Not just another place to live. Not just another apartment or rental.

A place we can lay our heads and call home.

Your home!

You might even have a patio and a backyard if you’re lucky. You might even be living in a house. But what you will never have as long as you continue to rent is:

A Place Of Your Own. Your Own HOME!

A place you can call your own. A place where you can finally settle down and begin building the life you have always dreamed of…raising your family perhaps…or simply resting in the comfort and privacy of your own place.

Putting down some roots. Feeling…well…stable.

Because you know, deep down, when you rent an apartment or a house it’s always temporary. It’s just another place to live…for now!

. . . I want you out of this place just as bad as you do. But it just doesn’t make any sense to put up a first months rent, last, AND another security deposit and possibly a pet deposit just to move into another apartment. It just doesn’t make sense!

“I know,” replied Janice. “Then let’s see what we can do about buying a small place, Rick. It doesn’t have to be any place special – just our place. A place with a yard for little Ricky.”

Rick started to tap his fingers on the arm of his chair. “Look, Janice, we can’t afford it right now. You’ve seen the papers. Every bank out there wants 20% down. 20%! There’s no way we can get into a place – any place for less than $10,000 to $15,000. And we don’t have that kind of money.”

“I know.” Janice rubbed her face. It just didn’t seem fair. It was so hard living here. She was scared for herself and for little Ricky.

It just didn’t seem fair . . .

And besides, a lot of their friends were getting their own homes. How were they doing it? There was no way they all had ten grand lying around. No way!

Well, I guess it’s not soooooo bad, Janice thought to herself. At lease it was a fairly new building and they didn’t have to walk too far from the parking.

“Oh, whom am I kidding,” Janice said out loud to no one in particular.

Rick sat up in the chair. “Did you say something?”

“Yeah, I said I hate it here, Rick. I mean it. I know we’ve fixed the place up and all, and it’s a lot better than our last apartment…but still, Rick, we didn’t grow up in an apartment with no place to play and it is not fair that little Ricky should have to. It’s just not fair…” Janice said. Her eyes began to well with tears of anger and frustration.

Rick looked away. It hurt him to see Janice so upset. But what could he do? Rick was frustrated too. It seemed like they had been renting forever and, well, it was about time to get a home. It was their time. Still, he really didn’t see anyway to go about it other than to keep on saving until they got enough for a down payment.

Janice broke his train of thought. “I’m sorry, Rick. I didn’t mean to get so upset. It’s just . . .”

“I know,” Rick interrupted. “Come on, let’s get little Ricky to bed. There’s nothing we can do about it right now anyway. We’re on track. It’ll just take us a while longer…”



Many people, like Rick and Janice, feel they are doomed to keep feeding their hard earned money to the rent monster until they save enough money to make their dream of owning a home become a reality.

Most people do realize that they already have enough money!

As you’ll see in the rest of this report, there are many, many ways to buy a home with little or even NO MONEY DOWN! The problem is…most people simply do not know where to look or what to look for…like

  • Buying a home with 0 to 3% down!
  • Qualifying for a low interest mortgage!
  • Buying a home without involving a bank!
  • Instantly increasing your “take home pay” an extra $100 to $500 a month so you can afford a home!
  • Getting help with your down payment and closing costs from the OWNER!
  • Obtaining a cash down payment worth thousands of dollars without borrowing it!
  • Buying a home without all the cash you thought you needed!
  • Getting “pre-approved” for a home loan BEFORE you begin looking! (This strategy also gives you negotiating “clout” to get the best deal).

Almost half the people who buy homes are “first-time” buyers who want to escape the financial trap of renting. They, like you, thought they didn’t have the money they needed to buy a home. But the secrets I’ll be sharing with you are real, and they work! Let’s get started.

I have a team of top professionals in the various businesses that you will need to deal with to purchase your home. They all stand ready and willing to assist you.

The first step is yours! But it is very simple!

You do not have to be an expert in real estate. All you have to know is who to call – ME!

Call me today and let’s get you started on the road to the American Dream – Owning Your Own Home! It is only a call away!