1 May 2014



At St James our students spend three years working towards their final qualifications. This means at the end of Year 8 students choose which optional courses they wish to study in Year 9 and beyond.

This year this process will include the following steps:

  • Heads of Department will inform students in assemblies about different option subjects.
  • An options evening will be held from 6.00 pm until 7.00 pm on 8th May at which parents will be able to talk to subject leaders or members of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). At this event options booklets and forms will be given out.
  • All students will have an individual meeting with a member of SLT during the school day, during which they will be given a chance to talk through their options and subject combinations. These will happen between 12th– 15th May.

The deadline for submitting options forms is 16th May. All students will have their options confirmed by Friday 13th June. Any student who is not offered either their first or second choice will be spoken to individually by myself.

Cohort 2017 (the year they will leave us) are the most able in St James’ history and so we have modified our curriculum offer to make sure they are all challenged accordingly and a higher number of students access a more traditional curriculum giving them the broadest possible options at 16 when they apply to go to study beyond St James. Students will have a personalised range of core subjects based on recent and prior assessments.

It is proposed that XXXXXXXXX will be best suited to study the following core subjects:

English Language GCSE
English Literature GCSE
Mathematics GCSE
Statistics GCSE (Completed in Summer 2016)
Core Science GCSE
Additional Science GCSE
ICT ECDL (Vocational ICT)
World Issues GCSE (Religious Studies)
Geography or History GCSE
All students will also have two hours of PE lessons a week but this will not be examined.

All students will need to make choices for their future studies. Firstly whether they would like to study GCSE Geography or History as part of their core curriculum; and secondly, to indicate their first, second, third and fourth preferences from the list of option subjects below. They will study two of these option subjects in total:

Option Subjects
Art & Design GCSE
Catering GCSE
Computing GCSE
Dance GCSE
Drama GCSE
Geography GCSE
History GCSE
Italian GCSE
Media GCSE
Music GCSE / PE (including Outdoor Education) GCSE
Product Design GCSE
Psychology GCSE
Spanish GCSE
Engineering BTEC
Health & Social Care BTEC
Hospitality BTEC
Sport BTEC
More details can be found on the school website at:

XXXXXX will have a meeting on XXXXXXXXXXXXXX with a member of SLT. It would be helpful if XXXXXX arrived with intended option choices in mind so these can be discussedand agreed.

We have found it beneficial for our students to start developing clear ideas about their future studies and careers. Students will be able to access prospectuses and more information in school. Our specialist transition worker Mrs Jan Bowden can also advise students on possible future courses, especially if they have a specific career in mind.The majority of our students move on to Exeter College or one of the other regional providers such as Bicton College or Clyst Vale’s sixth form.

Most students find this an exciting process and are keen to make their choices. If you would like any further information at this time, have any questions, or are unable to attend on 8th May and would like to arrange another time to discuss your child’s options please contact Sandra Montgomery who is coordinating the process. You will also find a copy of the options booklet and more information online at

Yours sincerely

Mr T Rutherford

Deputy Headteacher