ScSEED Board Meeting



Present: Julie Mach, Liza Marron, Mark Swart and Lynne Thompson

Location: Lynne’s House

Approval of minutes from 9/17/13 meeting, Liza motioned, Mark seconded, all in favor


Julie: Mark was reimbursedthe $83.40for website hosting.

Nothing new other than board will decide how much carryover will stay as savings and will not be included in the 2014budget (approx. $10-15k will be available).

After Julie attends quickbooks training she will developa new budget for the board to review and approve at the December meeting.


Julie: Mark Talbot still training county staff on the ED Website. Jesse DuBoe has contacted real estates folks for info to add to the website, or at least submit some links for their companies.

Will know on 10/24/13 if we will receive the sales tax grant. Also Julie will be giving presentation to Saguache County BOCC today after meeting and maybe they can give her some indication as to us getting the grant.

Will be meeting with Mikayla Tarlow next week to get a more concrete proposal for the CEC Grant.

All plan on attending Pocket Park Ribbon cutting on Saturday the 19th. Lynne will provide large coffee pot for cider.

Press release was sent to all 3 papers ( Cresent, Center Post, Crestone Eagle). Julie proposed idea of a quarterly e-news letter from us to our mailing list.

There is a proposal to have a scenic byway on the Saguache to Gunnison to Pocha Springs loop. This will be run through CDOT. We all agreed it would be great to have signs for people to stop and read along this loop. It also would not require a lot of up keep. Julie & Liza will contact Lenore Bates with CDOT for an update.


We decided to have a citizens input/social on 12/4/13 from 5:30 to 6:30 in Center followed by the annual meeting ofthe board at 7pm. Board members are encouraged to review the ScSEED Bylaws prior to the annual meeting as they will be a topic of discussion.

We decided on Center as we still feel we need to do some outreach for that town. Julie is going to check on having it either at the school or at Nino’s restaurant. We will have snacks etc for the public. Julie will conduct outreach via email and press.