Extended Definition Essay Assignment

What is Courage?

You will be doing an extended definition essay on the meaning of the word “courage”, using examples from your own research on the term, your own life, and the dictionary. This essay must be between 1 ½-2 pages in length, double-spaced.

Your essay should be organized as follows:

Paragraph # / Section / Criteria /
1 / Introduction / ·  Start by grabbing your reader’s attention with a question, quotation, interesting fact, anecdote or some other interesting topic sentence.
·  Include your thesis statement: your personal interpretation of the word. The thesis should be as concrete as possible but not overly detailed as the body of the essay will then go on to expand on that definition. Here's an example: Courage is showing the fortitude to carry on even when one is afraid.
2 / Dictionary and Personal Definition of Courage / What courage is
(Dictionary definition)
3 / How Others Define Courage / ·  How others have defined courage
·  research quotations about courage from other sources (philosophers, motivational speakers, authors, historical figures)
·  Explain how these quotes contrast or reinforce the dictionary definition
4 / Anti-definition: / Explain what courage is not (1 paragraph; use terms that some people may confuse for courage, examples of a lack of courage you have seen)
5 / Personal examples of people who exhibit courage / Write about who in your life who shows courage a person you know well with many specific and descriptive details)
6 and 7 / Illustration by example / Research and explain the background of one individual who exhibits (or has exhibited) courage in a difficult situation. Include facts, opinions of others, and how the person showed courage (according to your personal definition).
·  Include the source of your information
·  Integrate quotations from sources, including page #s using correct MLA format
8 / Conclusion / Wrap up the essay by reinforcing your main points and the image your reader should have of what courage means when they finish reading your essay


To write your essay, you will use:

·  The dictionary

·  Background knowledge (what you already know)

·  Personal experience

·  Researched information (4 sources)


In –Text Citations

You must

·  Integrate quotations from outside sources in your essay

·  Include the source of your information

·  Include the author’s name (if known), title of article or source, and page #s (if applicable) using correct MLA format

Works Cited Page

You must

·  Create a Works Cited Page

·  Include the sources you cited in your essay in alphabetical order

·  Use resources, such as Little Seagull Handbook and handouts, to document your sources correctly, using MLA format.


Brainstorming Sheet (Complete this Sheet and Turn in With the Draft of Your Definition Essay)

1.  Look up the definition of the word “ courage” in one or more dictionary resources. Write down the dictionary definition here, along with a citation of the dictionary source in MLA format.

How to Cite a Dictionary Online in MLA

Include the definition, the name of the dictionary, the edition, and the year published.


Author Last, First M. "Entry Name." Def. Number. Website Title. Ed. First M. Last. Comp. First M. Last. Trans. First M. Last. Publisher/Sponsor, Date Mon. Year Published. Web. Date Mon. Year Accessed.


"Courage" Def. 2. Merriam Webster Online, Merriam Webster, n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2014.

Dictionary Definition of Courage:
Dictionary Source in MLA format

2.  How others have defined courage (at least 3 quotes, 1 paragraph) – research quotations about courage from other sources (philosophers, motivational speakers, authors, historical figures)

Person Quoted / Quotation / Source Where You Obtained Quote
Title of Source or Website
Sponsoring Institution/Publisher Publication Date.
Date Accessed
Title of Source or Website
Sponsoring Institution/Publisher Publication Date.
Date Accessed
Title of Source or Website
Sponsoring Institution/Publisher Publication Date.
Date Accessed
Title of Source or Website
Sponsoring Institution/Publisher Publication Date.
Date Accessed

3.  Jot down the “Anti-definition” - what courage is not

·  What terms do some people confuse for courage?

·  What are some examples of lack of courage you have seen?

4.  Write about a person (or persons) in your life who show courage. Use specific and descriptive details

5.  Research someone who showed courage in a difficult situation—

·  Write down facts, opinions of others, and how the person showed courage

·  Document the source of your research in MLA format

6.  Put all the sources you’ve cited in this block in alphabetical order. This will be a draft of your Works Cited Page

Works Cited
Source 1:
Source 2:
Source 3:
Source 4:
Additional sources


The Wizard of Oz (1939)

The Cowardly Lion's speech/song on courage:

Courage! What makes a King out of a slave? Courage! What makes the flag on the mast to wave? Courage! What makes the elephant charge his tusk in the misty mist, or the dusky dusk? What makes the muskrat guard his musk? Courage! What makes the Sphinx the Seventh Wonder? Courage! What makes the dawn come up like thunder? Courage! What makes the Hottentot so hot? What puts the ape in ape-ricot? What have they got that I ain't got? (Courage) You can say that again!


In the Wizard of Oz (1939), the Cowardly Lion explained that courage is “What makes a King out of a slave?”



Here is a quotation about courage by Winston Churchill:

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal it is the courage to continue that counts. “ Winston Churchill

Here are ways you might integrate the quote into your essay:


·  According to Winston Churchill, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal it is the courage to continue that counts. “

·  Winston Churchill says that “Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.”

How to cite a website in a Works Cited Page, using MLA format

The most basic entry for a website consists of the author name(s), page title, website title, sponsoring institution/publisher, date published, medium, and date accessed.

Last Name, First Name. "Page Title." Website title. Sponsoring Institution/Publisher, Publication Date. Medium. Date Accessed.

Smith, John. "Obama inaugurated as President." CNN.com. Cable News Network, 21 Jan. 2009. Web. 1 Feb. 2009.

The first author's name should be reversed, with a comma being placed after the last name and a period after the first name (or any middle name). The name should not be abbreviated and should be written exactly as it appears on the website. Titles and affiliations associated with the author should generally be omitted. A suffix, such as a roman numeral or Jr./Sr. should appear after the author's given name, preceded by a comma.


Smith, John. "Obama inaugurated as President." CNN.com. Cable News Network, Feb. 2013. http://www.cnn.com/POLITICS/01/21/obama_inaugurated/index.html

.NOTE: URL is not required but will enable your reader to access the source.


Note that 70 points on the rubric is assigned to documentation. You must use and cite sources correctly to make more than a C on this assignment.

Section / CRITERIA / Points Earned / Points Possible
Title Page / Include the following on a SEPARATE PAGE:
·  Title of Your Essay
·  The word “Final Draft”
·  Your Name
·  Freshman Composition
·  Date Due
·  Dr. Carpenter / 10
Brainstorming Sheet / Brainstorming Sheet is complete and attached to essay / 20
(Paragraph 1) / An effective introduction is included. The author begins by grabbing the reader’s attention with a question, quotation, interesting fact, anecdote or some other interesting topic sentence about courage. / 15
The author includes a thesis statement: - the author’s personal interpretation of the word.
Paragraph 2 / The author includes the dictionary definition of what courage is / 20
Paragraph 3 / ·  The author explains how others have defined courage (1 paragraph).
·  There are transitions integrating quotations in the paragraph such as According to XXX, courage is “XXXXXX” or
XXX defined courage as “XXXXXX”
·  The source of each quote is included
·  The author explains how these quotes contrast or reinforce the dictionary definition / 25
Paragraph 4 / The author explains what courage is not by explaining:
·  terms that some people may confuse for courage (is bravery the same as courage?)
·  examples of a lack of courage the author has seen / 25
Paragraph 5 / The author writes about who in his or her life shows courage with specific and descriptive details / 25
Paragraph 6 and 7 / ·  The author demonstrates research by discussing examples of individuals who have exhibited courage in difficult situations (at least 2)
·  There are transitions integrating the quotation in the paragraph such as According to XXXX, Name of individual exhibited courage by XXXXXX
XXX defined courage as “XXXXXX”
·  The source of the quote is included / 30
Paragraph 8
Conclusion / The author wraps up the essay by reinforcing main points / 20
Use of Sources / Quote/sources are well-integrated and flow naturally with the author’s individual style/voice / 35
Documentation / All sources are included in the Works Cited page and have correct in-text citations. / 35
Grammar, Punctuation / Grammar and mechanics are correctly used. / 20
Total / 280


Things To Work On:

Grading Scale:

A 90-100 (252-280)

B 80-89 (224-251)

C 70-79 (196-223)

D 60-69 (168-195

F 59 and below (194 and below)