TATE Action Group Meeting 20th October 2016

Present: Peter (Chair),Nicola (secretary), Shirl, John R,Bern,Keith



  1. Previous minutes
  2. Matters arising
  3. Hard copy of planning application
  4. General update on meetings and contacts
  5. Status of objections
  6. SAP consultation - do we respond?
  7. Prison HCA site (HG2-227). (Information only not within TAG remit)
  8. Supporters
  9. What else should we be doing?
  10. a.o.b.
  11. Next meeting


Item 1 Previous Minutes and Actions

The previous minutes were agreed as accurate.

With regard to actions:

  • John had spoken to Ray Collins and had been given a useful contact to write to regarding Rocksprings approach to dealing with contamination on TATE.
  • Peter’s action to write to LCC to inform them we will be submitting comments later than 30/9/16 was not carried out as the deadline has been extended to 28/10/16 and TAG has had a meeting with the planning department. TAGs objections may not all be submitted until the end of November but this was not felt to be a problem. The case officer(Andrew Crates) has gone to some length to reassure us that he will look at all objections until much nearer decision date.
  • John had contacted Councillor Proctor who did not shed any light on the current TATE proposals but was hopeful of the proposed Parlington development.

The remaining actions had been completed.

Item 2 Matters arising:

●Any further work on the TAG highways objection was waiting for LCC highways report and that submitted by TTHC on behalf of Cunane.

●Peter had spoken to Peter Smart regarding TATE not being wholly brownfield. PS has some thoughts which could be favourable, but is going to check them with some of their legal team if possible.

●There was a discussion of the responses to the Neighbourhood Plan including that from Rockspring and the likely outcome of this.

Item 3Hard copy of planning application available

Peter had obtained the hard copy that had been available at the TATE site office.

Item 4General update on meetings and contacts

CPOPeter reported on the meeting TAG had with the CPO, David Newbury and Adam Ward (LCC team leader, North East Team) at which he had said if LCC approved the application TAG would seek a judicial review and if it was rejected TAG would provide support for the likely appeal process.

Chris Dowswas working on the highways response.

Parlingtonexhibition TAG had attended and Bern reported that the site seemed large enough to be able to be developed flexibly. The exhibition showed what could be achieved but was subject to comment and change.

LCC plannersAdam Wardand Andrew Crates (LCC case officer) appear receptive and helpful. Andrew has arranged a meeting with LCC ecology and contamination and had asked Peter for input prior to his meeting.

Julia ReynoldsPeter had been in touch to remind her of the background to the site.

CunanePeter continues to maintain this contact.

Ryan Stephenson(now councillor for Harewood) was asking questions about the case against housing on TATE, because he was coming under pressure from the anti-Parlington group wanting to dump their problem on TATE (again).

Item 5Status of objections

Currently there are nearly 100 objections including one from Walton PC. Peter had tried to get Wealstun prison worried about road access in an emergency but although he had finally got through to someone who had some clout in the justice department, when that person phoned the governor of Wealstun she said she had no issues. We won't give up - if LCC highways put in an objection Peter will try again (Action PL).

Peter would try to get Wetherby News interested in a front page article about traffic lights and loss of parking on Bridge Road in order to attempt to get Boston Spa residents involved in objecting to the application (Action PL).

Thorp Arch PCs objection was yet to be submitted as they were using planning consultants (Northern Planners).Peter had taken part in the original briefing to them but was now standing back.

Nicola had updated the list of TAG objections taken from the original table produced by Shirl at the meeting on 25th August which is copied below:

Status of TAG objections

Objection volume / Status
1. Strategic overview / Volume 1 submitted
2. Sustainability issues / Volume 2 submitted
3. Contamination issues / Pl & GD
3add Special site viability implications / PL & GD
3add2 contamination – loose asbestos / PL & GD
4 Ecological Issues add1 & 2 / SD
5. Consultation issues / Volume 3 - Statement of Community Involvement submitted
6. Public transport comparisons / Volume 4 – Public Transport Comparison submitted
7. Walking accessibility / GD
8. Woodlands Walton chase car survey / New survey completed and summarised and will form part of the highways objection
9.Photographic evidence / X – consider later
10. Accessibility criteria / Volume 5 – Non-compliance with Core Strategy Accessibility Criteria submitted
11.Deliverability and viability / PL (later)
12. Employment land retention / X
13. Distortion of planning process and lack of local involvement / X
14.and add. Relief road petition / X
15. objection to defer and delegate / X
16. Infrastructure and sustainability / Volume 6 – Infrastructure submitted
17. Objection to detail in planning application documents / Not to be done
18.and add1,2,3 Objections to WYGtech note 10, and trip rates / x
19. Re preliminary site survey / PL & GD (with old volume 3)
20. WYG tech note 11 / X
New objections / Action
Highways overview / Wait until after mtg with Chris Dows and professional advice
Highways detail / Keith (start to compare base case between 2 applications and try to make sense of figures used (PL to discuss)
Not brownfield / For later

Item 6SAP Consultation – do we respond? Do we encourage supporters to respond?

TATE was shown as employment land in the revised SAP for ONE with Parlington for housing and the Thorp Arch area to be green belt. Peter will submit a SAP response on behalf of TAG saying that strategically Parlington seems to be a good site (Action PL).

It was decided that supporters could be encouraged to respond. Bern will draft an email (Action BC).

Item 7 Prison HCA Site (HG2-227)

The late inclusion of 147 houses on the HCA prison site was contrary to the Core Strategy and should have been sieved out. Peter had submitted a personal objection questioning the gradings the site had been given.Some individuals in Walton were very concerned about it. Despite several attempts by Peter, Rudgate, Grange Avenue and Woodlands residents were not concerned enough to act, it seems.Shirl would draft an update to let supporters know about it and would liaise with Bern (Action SD).

Peter and John had attended the SAP consultation exhibition at Barwick-in-Elmet. John had spoken to objectors to the Parlington development who appeared to have yet to organise themselves. Ryan had also attended. He alerted us to some political issues with the Parlington opposition which JR will follow up (Action JR).

Item 8 Supporters

The meeting agreed they were being kept well informed with Peter’s updates. It was felt that no further push to get them writing objections was needed.

Item 9 What else should we be doing?

There was a discussion of the SAP process and likely timetable. The updates to TAG supporters would continue on a monthly basis unless circumstances required the frequency to change. Peter was optimistic about our chances of success this time.

Item 10AOB

Peter showed the meeting the photos (taken by Bern) of the truck on Wood Lane that had gone off the road edge. These would be kept for use later if needed.

Item 11Next meeting

No next meeting date was set.