Information Literacy Project – Scoring Rubric

Objectives / Low Performance / Average / Exemplary Performance / Earned
Self / Earned Points Teacher
Essential Question - What do you want students to learn? / 1 point
Essential Question is clearly stated, but lacks significant learning goals. / 2 points
Essential Question involving important knowledge is clearly stated. / 3 points
Essential Question involving enduring knowledge and understanding is clearly stated. /
Project Description - What will the students do to learn in the project? / 1 point
Project Description includes specific details but does not involve students in genuine, motivating learning tasks. / 2 points
Project Description includes specific details, and involves students in genuine, motivating learning tasks. / 3 points
Project Description includes specific details, is clearly written, and involves students in genuine, motivating learning tasks. /
Big6 Stages - How does the project make use of the Big6? / 1 point
Big6 Stages are incidental to the project. / 2 points
Big6 Stages are indirectly addressed with no direct instruction of them. / 3 points
Big6 Stages are directly addressed with instruction throughout the project. /
Technology Integration - How will students use technology to help solve this information problem? / 1 point
Students can complete the project with little or no use of technology. / 2 points
Some technology is needed to complete the project, but students receive no direct instruction in its use. / 3 points
Essential technology is integrated throughout the project with direct instruction provided where needed. /
Collaboration - With whom will you collaborate to enrich the learning in the project? / 1 point
No collaboration is included in the project. / 2 points
Collaboration with one other adult is integral to the success of the project. / 3 points
Collaboration with at least 2 other adults is integral to the success of the project. /
Score: /

Rubric created with Rubric Builder at The Landmark Project -

W:\STAFF\MAHONEY\KoelkeSt\ICT\Project rubric.doc