Date published:January 92017



The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012

Notice of Intention to Conduct Business in Private

Notice is hereby given in accordance with Regulation 5 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 that the items listed below are likely to be considered in private.

The reason that these items are likely to be considered in private is that they involve the disclosure of exempt information under the following category of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972:

(3)Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding the information)

1.Contract Award London Consortium Framework for Community Equipment

The Council and Lewisham Clinical Commissioning Group jointly purchase community equipment services for disabled adults and children under a London-wide purchasing consortium arrangement. The Mayor and Cabinet is asked to support Lewisham’s continued membership of the consortium and to award a contract for the supply of community equipment to the successful tender.

2.Stage 1 Procurement for Expansions of Ashmead Primary School and Addey & Stanhope Secondary School and Pre-Construction Services Agreement

To award a building contract in respect of two schools and conclude a pre-construction services agreement.

3.Health Visiting and Children’s Centres Contract Award

The current contracts for Health Visiting and Children’s Centres are due to end on 31 March 2017. In order to promote a more integrated model, these services were therefore tendered as five lots (four area-based Children’s Centre lots and one cross-borough lot for Health Visiting and the Family Nurse Partnership) via the competitive dialogue process in order to support the development of innovative approaches to service delivery. Following the conclusion of this process, Mayor & Cabinet are asked to award contracts for Health Visiting and Children’s Centres to the successful tenderer/s.

4.Young Person’s Health and Wellbeing Service Contract Award

The current contract for the School Aged Nursing service is due to end on 31 March 2017. This service is funded through the Public Health grant and was therefore subject to savings targets for 2017/18. Following a review by the CYP Joint Commissioning team of all services provided for children and young people through the public health grant, proposals were made for a new Young People’s Health & Wellbeing Service, which will provide assertive outreach, online and face-to-face support for emotional wellbeing, alcohol & drugs misuse and basic sexual health issues, working alongside the school health service. Mayor & Cabinet are asked to award a contract for this new service to the successful tenderer.

5.Specialist Short Breaks Contract Award

The Children with Complex Needs service, currently commission Ravensbourne Project to provide specialist school holiday’s and weekend services to children and young people with complex needs. They also commission Action for Children to provide a specialist overnight service for children and young people with complex needs.

This report asks to award a new contract from 1 September 2017 for Lewisham’s specialist services of overnight, school holiday’s and weekend services for children and young to Ravensbourne Project, subject to Ravensbourne receiving Ofsted registration.

Also to award a contract from 1 April 2017 for a new specialist service contract for mentoring/ outreach of children and young people with complex needs to Young People Relate.

Owing to the overnight, school holiday’s and weekend service not starting until the 1 September 2017, to allow enough time to put all statutory requirements in place for Ofsted registration the report asks for agreement for the current contracts with Ravensbourne Project for school holiday’s and weekend services and Action for Children for overnight services to be extended from the 1 April 2017 to the 31st August 2017.

The reports further asks to agree to recommendations around setting up and running a new specialist service for children and young people with complex needs during the school holiday’s and weekends.

6.Library Savings Manor House Library Contract

To seek a partner organisation that will take responsibility for the Manor House building on a 25-years lease at peppercorn rent in exchange for the delivery of community benefits, including the continued provision of library services from the premises. The Mayor and Cabinet is asked to approve the preferred partner in a report containing commercially sensitive information.

7.Caretaker Properties Disposal and Lease Award

To identify four properties secured by property guardians to be brought back into beneficial use in order to support the refugee resettlement programme.


Barry Quirk

Chief Executive

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