HELD ON TUESDAY 6th JUNE 2017 AT 7.30pm


Parish Councillors Present:

Martin Broomhead Glyn McAllister Nigel Aston Vicky Ball

Sue Billington Emma Bown Melissa Hadfield Ian Grogan

Mandy Jordan Roger Peat Deborah Taylor John Sutherington Chris Tunaley

Officers Present: Clerk and Deputy Clerk to the Council

Also Present: 2 members of the public

20/17 Public Recess

No questions were asked.

21/17 Apologies for Absence

Councillor Rowlinson’s apologies were received and accepted by Council.

22/17 Declarations of Interest on items on the Agenda

Councillor Mandy Jordan declared a pecuniary interest in agenda item 7b, to receive and approve the bank balance statement as at the 31 March 2017, as a member of Councillor Jordan’s family is employed by the Council.

Councillors Deborah Taylor and John Sutherington declared non-pecuniary interests in agenda items 12a, b and c relating to consultations from Charnwood Borough Council, as Councillors Taylor and Sutherington are Borough Councillors.

Councillor Martin Broomhead declared a personal interest in item 14, Petanque as he knows the directors of both companies who have quoted for the work.

23/17 Minutes of the meetings

The Council RESOLVED including minor alterations to accept as a true record the minutes of the meeting held on the 16th May 2017.

24/17 Chairman’s Announcements

The Chairman made the following announcements:

·  The refurbishment of the war memorial.

·  A reminder that the picnic in the park is taking place on the 25th June 2017

·  Planning hearing for the Bloor Homes proposals for Cropston Road. Planning Inspectors decision is due mid to end July 2017.

·  Trevor Jones, a long standing member of staff attended the Queen’s Garden Party on 1st June 2017

·  It is Sharon Pyke’s last meeting as Deputy Clerk as Sharon has accepted a post as Town Clerk to Bingham Town Council. We wish her well and thank her for her work over the past 12 months.

25/17 Planning

The Planning Applications were not considered in order but the outcomes have been recorded in agenda order.

(a) Application number: P/17/0881/2

Proposal: Erection of 46 dwellings

Location: 129 Cropston Road, Anstey LE7 7BR

Parish Comments: OBJECTIONS

Anstey Parish Council objected to the application for development at this site and the points raised remain current. A copy of these original objects appears at appendix A.

APC are disappointed with this current proposal as it under delivers on many aspects which are as follows:

Housing Supply

●  The only affordable housing offered for the site is a single 3 bedroom bungalow. This proposal would only deliver 2% affordable housing and make no effort to reach the requirements of the CBC core strategy.

This under delivers by Charnwood Borough Council core strategy guidelines.

Community Infrastructure

●  The proposal offers no community infrastructure contributions.

●  This relates to no contribution for schools, doctors, open space or highways.

●  Previously a pelican crossing had been agreed across the Cropston Road this has been withdrawn with this proposal.

●  The proposal will further increase vehicle movements onto an already busy main road and village centre,

Housing Design and Mix

●  The proposal allows for no landscaping of the site.

●  Many of the properties have parking spaces directly in front of the houses which will have the effect of a concrete jungle with no front gardens / landscape to break this up.

●  The housing has been off set and puts houses in the flood plain leaving properties 8M from the brook.

●  The proposal fails to deliver sufficient 2 bed houses to address the Borough wide shortfall recognised in the Core Strategy

The Council conclude that the proposal is poor design. There is overdevelopment of the site which is on Green Wedge, outside the permitted limits of development and is contrary to the recently adopted core strategy.

(b) Jelson development

The Council considered a request from Jelson to take over the responsibility for the SUDs associated with their development on Cropston Road. The Council

is unable to arrive at a decision as there was insufficient information. To be brought back to Council for consideration once the necessary information has been supplied.

(c) Davidsons development

The Council considered a request from Davidsons to take over the responsibility

of the SUDs associated with their development on Gynsill Lane. The Council is unable to arrive at a decision as there was insufficient information. To be brought back to Council for consideration once the necessary information has been supplied.

26/17 Audit 2016/2017

(a) The Council NOTED the updated final year’s budget comparison report.

(b) The Council APPROVED the bank balance statement as at the 31st March 2017.

(c) The Council RECEIVED and NOTED the balance sheet as at 31st March 2017. This was signed by the Chairman.

(d) The Council RECEIVED and NOTED the internal auditors report.

(e) The Council by RESOLUTION APPROVED and ADOPTED the Annual

Governance Statement 2017/2017 – section 1 of the Annual return.

(f) The Council by RESOLUTION APPROVED and ADOPTED the Statement of

Accounts by members at the meeting – section 2 of the Annual Return.

(g) By RESOLUTION of the Council the statement of accounts was signed and

dated by the person presiding at the meeting.

(h) The Council NOTED and APPROVED the Announcement of public rights.

27/17 Project and Finance Committee

The Council received the minutes of the Project and Finance Committee meeting held on the 23rd May 2017. The Council RESOLVED to set the following as their priorities for the 2017 / 2018:

Active priorities

·  Priority one - complete Mitchells Field

·  Priority two - Planning obligations associated with the Davidsons

development at Groby Road

·  Priority three - Consider the long-term future for the Scout Hut

·  Priority four - Link Road recreational facility

Other priorities

·  Improvements to the Jubilee Hall

·  Public Art

·  Improved car parking in the Nook

·  Provision of affordable housing in Anstey

·  Planning obligations associated with the developments along Cropston Road and the Davidsons development at Gynsill Lane.

28/17 Events Committee

The Council received the minutes of the Events Committee meeting held on the 30th May 2017. The Council RESOLVED to increase the Christmas lights budget by £336.50 to include Christmas lights in a tree at the bottom green.

29/17 Policies

(a) The Council reviewed and ADOPTED the Social Media Policy.

(b) The Council reviewed and ADOPTED the Equal Opportunities Policy.

(c) The Council considered a new Reserves Policy and by RESOLUTION ADOPTED this policy.

30/17 Millfield Playing Field

The Council discussed the problem of residents from Millfield Close encroaching on Millfield Playing Field and RESOLVED to discuss the circumstances with Charnwood Borough Council, who own the land, before taking any further action.

31/17 Consultations from Charnwood Borough Council.

(a) Licensing Action 2003 – Review of the Statement of Licensing Policy 2017. The Council NOTED this document has been updated to include current legislation.

(b) Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) and Brownfield Land Register was NOTED by Council

(c) Open Space Strategy, the Council AGREED their response to this consultation.

32/17 Naming of Thoroughfares – land off Cropston Road

The Council had been given the opportunity to suggest four road names for the Jelson’s development on Cropston Road. The Council DEFERRED its decision to the following Council meeting so that names based upon Anstey’s shoe industry could be collated.

33/17 Petanque

Councillor Glyn McAllister took over as Chair at this point in response to Councillor Martin Broomhead’s declared interest.

The Council made a decision at a recent meeting to have a 15M petanque court at Mitchells Field on Cropston Road. There is not enough space to provide this so the decision was revised to complete a 4M x 3M petanque court at this location.

Councillor Martin Broomhead resumed the Chair.

34/17 Multi Use Games Area (MUGA)

Following the recent refurbishment of the MUGA quotes have been gathered to introduce a maintenance contract. The Council RESOLVED to enter into a contract with Durasport to have the area maintained four times a year at a cost of £300 per visit.

35/17 Leicestershire & Rutland Rural Achievement Awards 2017

The Council RESOLVED to propose Anstey library for the Best Community Library Award subject to the library’s confirmation that they are happy to be nominated.

36/17 Wayleaves

The Council NOTED with disappointment the termination notice received from Vodafone relating to the use of telecommunications apparatus installed on the National Grid 4YZ overhead power line crossing the land on tower77.

37/17 Charnwood Community First Responders

The Council RESOLVED to offer their general support and to inform the group of the next round of grant awards in October and the process of application.

38/17 Good Councillor Guide

A new edition of the ‘Good Councillor Guide’ has been produced and the Council RESOLVED to order copies for all members.

39/17 Members Reports

·  Councillor Mandy Jordan informed the Council that the duck race has raised £2,300

·  Councillor John Sutherington is taking part in a fund-raising event at the Anstey Nomads for the Anstey Community Library

40/17 Clerk’s Report

·  Planning decisions received from Charnwood Borough Council

·  CCTV monitoring report

·  The Mitchell’s Field Project Management Company has recommended that the grounds are not at a sufficient standard to be transferred across to the Parish Council

·  Temporary Traffic Regulation Order for Bradgate Road, Groby Road, Anstey Lane and Church Lane.

·  The service to mark the re-dedication of the British Legion Standard

·  Queen’s Park Picnic in Loughborough to be held on 10th June 2017.

·  Letter of thanks received from AWOL (Anstey Without Lycra)

41/17 Future Agenda Items

Grant Funding for the Parish Meeting

42/17 Exempt

The Council RESOLVED to enter into a confidential session due to the staffing

item that needed to be discussed.

43/17 Staffing Committee

The Council RESOLVED to give the Staffing Committee delegated authority to

determine the recruitment for a new Deputy Clerk.

The meeting finished before at 9.25pm

...... Date ......


Parish Council Meeting 6 June 2017

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