Open Response Scoring Breakdown: 4 = 50/50, 3 = 45/40, 2 = 30/50, 1 = 20/50

This test section contains TWELVE multiple-choice and ONE open-response (short-answer) questions. Please mark your answers for the multiple-choice questions in the spaces provided on your Student Response Booklet. Mark only one answer for each question. If you do not know the answer, make your best guess. DO NOT WRITE ANY ANSWERS IN THIS TEST BOOKLET. WHEN YOU FINISH, DO NOT WORK ON ANY OTHER TEST SECTION.
1. / Brad has been contacted by ABC Farm Supply to build a computer program to help them display a customer’s names, addresses and phone numbers each time they visit the store. Which of the following would best allow Brad to accomplish this task?
A. / Command Buttons
B. / Color Box
C. / Labels
D. / Text Boxes
2. / Jane has recently modified a program for the Pizza & Pasta Shop. One of the requests from the employees at the Pizza and Pasta Shop was an easy way to end the program. Which of the following would accomplish this task while using Visual Basic?
A. / Insert a Label with the caption of End.
B. / Insert an image of a stop sign into the program and after double clicking on the image type Image1.caption = “End”
C. / Insert a textbox so that the user can type the text End to stop the program.
D. / Insert a command button, change the caption to End and after double clicking the command button type the code END
3. / Ralph and Sam both work for Nelson’s Programming Shop as head programmers for their division. Recently Ralph and Sam have had a disagreement over Image boxes, the operation of image boxes and the properties associated with image boxes. Select the statement below that is not true concerning image boxes.
A. / Image boxes can be used to perform operations such as stopping a program or displaying information within the program screen.
B. / The Image property stretch allows the picture to be resized so that it can fit into the image box designed by the user.
C. / The image box property visible allows the image to be hidden or displayed during program execution.
D. / Image boxes cannot be stacked on top of each other because this will cause coding issues.
4. / Katy was recently asked to examine a section of code that was found inside a program being used at an insurance agency. The section of code that Katy was handed was as follows: Label2.caption = Val(Label3.caption) * .06. Select the statement below that best explains this mathematical equation
A. / If Label1 and the value of Label3 are equal to each other Label3 will be multiplied by .06
B. / The program will end if the value inside of Label3 is .06
C. / The program will multiply the value in Label3 by .06
D. / The program will stop due to a coding error


5. / Mary is working on a research program design for NASA and wants to change the font color within a label. Which property below would allow Mary to successfully make the change?
A. / Font
B. / Forecolor
C. / Fillcolor
D. / Backcolor

** Use the following screen shot to answer questions (6-9)**

6. / Al is trying to ensure that when a user displays data into label1 and label2 and wants to clear the information from the labels that command1 can be pressed to perform this operation. What code would be inserted into this command button?
A. / Label1.caption = CLEAR
Label2.caption = CLEAR
B. / Label1.caption = “Clear”
Label2.caption = “Clear”
C. / Label1.caption = “”
Label2.caption = “”
D. / Label1.text = “”
Label2.text = “”
7. / Which of the following items displayed in the graphic above is not intended to display information when clicked within a program?
A. / Command Button 1
B. / Label 1
C. / Text Box 1
D. / Command Button 2


8. / Carl wants to add two image boxes into the program with the names of Image1 and Image2. He wants to be able to click on command1 and have Image1 to display on the screen and Image2 to hide on the screen. Carl has set the visible property for both images to false. What code needs to be entered so that the correct image will show and the correct image will hide?
A. / Image1.visible = false
Image2.visible = true
B. / Image1.visible = true
Image2.visible = false
C. / This cannot be performed within Visual Basic
D. / Image1.visible = show
Image2.visible = hide
9. / After coding all parts of his assigned program Eric is ready to run his program and also check the program for errors(which he hopes he does not have). Which of the following illustrates what could happen next while using Visual Basic?
A. / Eric will select the start button and his program will ask him to save his program before it is run within visual basic.
B. / Eric will select the start button and yellow lines will outline the correct lines of code within the coding window.
C. / Eric will select the start button and any errors detected by Visual basic will be shown to the program user for review
D. / Eric will need to install VB98 before trying to run his program otherwise nothing will happen.
Use the following article to answer questions 10-12

Alice Teaches Kids To Program
Computer Scientists Develop New Kid-friendly Programming Language

October 1, 2007 — Computer scientists have found a way to make computer programming visual. Instead of using numbers, letters, and punctuation like other programming languages, Alice uses three dimensional figures placed in a storyline. Users select from a gallery of characters and backgrounds, then select the character's movements through a pulldown menu.

Computers used to keep businesses on track, assist doctors with complicated surgeries and even develop life-saving combinations of drugs. The demand for computer programmers has never been greater, yet there has been a 50-percent drop in the number of computer science majors over the past seven years -- especially among women.

A new program uses the lure of animated movies to entice young students.

The sky should be the limit for someone imagining a future in computers. But how do you light a fire under an aspiring student? Find a way to make it fun. Computer scientists at Carnegie Mellon University have developed a revolutionary new way to teach the basics of computer programming called "Alice."

Instead of using Java -- the computer language with lots of numbers and punctuation -- "Alice" relies on three-dimensional figures placed in a storyline.

"We like to refer to it as Pixar in your garage. It's 3-D characters, but it's obviously low-budget," says Randy Pausch, director of the Alice Project at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Penn.


Users manipulate their computer mouse to select from a gallery of 700 characters and backgrounds. Next, they choose their character's movements using a pull-down menu. Researchers say "Alice" is the perfect way to engage pre-teens, especially girls.

"To really have a substantial impact on the number of female students that end up in computer science, you really have to reach them no later than middle school." Caitlin Kelleher, Ph.D. at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Penn.

For 12-year-old Lucy Gabriel, "Alice" made her computer class the highlight of the school day.

"I like designing the characters. Making them look funny, or making them look the way I want them to look," Gabriel says.

"It's almost sinister in the fact that they're programming, but they don't know it," says Laurie Heinricher, Dean of Students at Winchester Thurston Middle School in Pittsburgh, Penn.

Alice's developers give the software away as a free download. They're hoping someday, Alice sparks enough interest in computer programming to sharply increase their ranks.

Alice's developers say they don't know exactly how many schools are using the program to teach computer programming, but they say there have been more than a half a million downloads. Download your own copy at:

10. / Which of the following is a theme that is developed within the passage?
A. / Programmers need new programming languages
B. / Fun programming languages may attract more programming interest
C. / Young programmers need more training
D. / Larger companies need to work with schools to draw in future programmers
11. / Which of the following is not a logical inference from the passage?
A. / Alice developers hope to make lots of profit from the programs development
B. / Alice is designed to attract a younger programming audience
C. / Computer programmers will continue to be in high demand over the next several years.
D. / Alice allows the user to make multiple decisions concerning backgrounds and characters.
12. / Which of the following best paraphrases the second paragraph within the article?
A. / Computers cannot survive without programs to work with
B. / Computer programmers are highly skilled and very well paid throughout the world.
C. / Women are actively entering the programming world due to new programming languages
D. / The future is very bright for individuals who select a computer programming career.


Read all parts of the open-response question before you begin. Write your answers to the open-response question in the space provided on your Student Response Booklet. DO NOT WRITE ANY ANSWERS IN THIS TEST BOOKLET.
Programs over here, over there, and just about everywhere!!!!
Computer programs are all around us. Sometimes people even fail to realize that a computer program is influencing his/her life. Take a traffic signal for example; yes a computer program is at work sensing vehicles, timing lights and also sending signals to the traffic lights to make them change colors. Without computer programs several everyday activities and procedures would become more difficult or sometimes next to impossible.
13. / A.  List and describe two computer programs that impact individuals throughout the world on a daily basis.
B.  Explain the process that a computer programmer would have to go through to build a program that display’s a person’s name and telephone number when a button is pressed and then allow the program to end when another button is pressed.