Minutes of a meeting of the Public Toilets and Library Committee held on 5th February 2015 at 10:00am, at the Parish Council Office, 12 High Street.


Cllrs Cantle, Pepper (arrived at 10:40), EJ Rogers, J Rodgers – Chairman, Spence and Woodhouse (arrived at 10:55)

Alan Willcocks – BUSCA/Library Management Committee


Mrs LM Bell – Clerk

RESOLVED Mr Willcocks is invited to join Committee members at the table.


Cllr Goater

Cllr Ranson

37/2015 Declarations of Interest

Cllr Spence – Neighbour to Library building.


RESOLVED minutes of the meeting, detailed above, are confirmed and signed as a true record by Cllr J Rogers, Chairman.


a)  The toilet is in place the Licence Agreement referred to Full Council

The Clerk advised of difficulties in addressing queries raised in regard to the original Licence issued. An update will be provided in due course.

b)  To confirm promotion and future management of toilet facility

Cllr J Rodgers advised that A3 signs indicating the site of the toilet are installed and A4 signs, for installation at Parish Council owned open spaces, are in preparation.

Finger post at the Three Crowns junction is still to be adjusted. Clerk to remind caretaker.

Articles will be published in the Village News, Loughborough Echo/Barrow Focus and it is intended that BUSCA/Barrow Voice will publish a funny article, subject to the availability of suitable material.

It is confirmed that the toilets are checked by the caretaker each working day.

c)  To consider a long term solution

Cllr J Rodgers advised, in regard to ‘Changing Places Grant’, that it would be difficult to attain the necessary evidence to meet the required criteria.

RESOLVED to investigate the possibility of a formal agreement between the Parish Council and outlets known to offer toilet facilities, whereby the proprietors would allow public use.

Exploratory letter to be sent.

40/2015 LIBRARY

a)  To receive an update in regard to progression of Community Partnership

Alan advised as follows:

The Register of Interest has been formally accepted

The Business Plan is in progress in preparation for submitting in March

Attendance at 3 training sessions is confirmed

There has been one meeting of the Library Management Committee and the following appointments agreed:

Chairman – B Tetley

Vice Chairman – W Brudenell

Secretary/Admin – P Padmore

Minutes Secretary – C Holmes

Visits to Dunchurch and Saxilby have been organised

LCC has advised that BUSCA will be responsible for buildings insurance

A person spec and job description in regard to the volunteers coordinator is in progress

All is going to plan, the right things are being pursued in order to meet the relevant deadlines.

b)  To consider a formal agreement between the Parish Council and BUSCA

Cllr Pepper arrived 10:40am

It was felt important that an agreement which defines the Parish Council’s commitment is formalised and suggested that a ‘model’ may be available.

RESOLVED to seek guidance from LRALC.

c)  To consider/confirm ideas for use of the library building outside of normal opening


It is expected that the Library Management Committee will bring forward ideas in addition

to those previously considered. Responses to the Neighbourhood Development Plan questionnaires, subject to release of the detailed analysis into the public domain and site visits, will further inform the process.

RESOLVED with 2 abstentions that meetings of the Parish Council are held at the library.

Cllr Woodhouse arrived 10:55am.

Discussion ensued in regard to methods by which the Library building could be secured in public ownership in perpetuity.

RESOLVED to pursue the Right to Buy/Bid in regard to the Library building.

d)  Attendees, if present, to report on Community Partnership Training Sessions

Alan advised of his attendance at one session and his confirmed attendance at additional sessions. It is expected that the training will assist in preparation of the business plan. Cllr J Rodgers confirmed her attendance at a session this coming Saturday.

e)  To receive a report on site visits undertaken by members of the management


40/2015 above refers

f)  To consider further response from Wolds villages and to confirm attendance of Cllrs

EJ Rodgers and Woodhouse at Parish Council meetings

RESOLVED to confirm attendance of Cllrs EJ and J Rodgers at Burton on the Wolds Parish Council meeting on 3 March and to request that they are accommodated early on the agenda in order that they are able to attend the meeting of Barrow Parish Council held on the same evening.

g)  To confirm support of Borough Councillor to the Wolds villages – Cllr Ranson

It is advised that Borough Councillor Boker also stands as a Parish Councillor for Burton on the Wolds and therefore, support may be confirmed at the March meeting.

41/2015 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – scheduled for 19th March 2015 at 10.00am

RESOLVED meeting is held 19 March 2015 commencing @ 11:00am, subject to appropriate business.

The meeting was closed at 11:15am.

SIGNED……………………………………………… DATE……………………………………..



Minutes of a meeting of the Public Toilets and Library Committee held on 5th February 2015