Adıyaman University Journal of Educational Sciences, 2015,5 (1), 49-71

AUJES / Adıyaman University Journal of Educational Sciences /

The Factors Affecting SSPS Achievement: The Case of Adıyaman[1]

Ramazan Gürbüz1, Emrullah Erdem2, Ali Temurtaş3, Aygen Koç4

1,2,3,4Adıyaman University, Faculty of Education, Turkey

Article History:
Received 05.05.2015
Received in revised form 19.06.2015
Accepted 25.06.2015
Available online 10.07.2015 / In Adıyaman, as industries have developed and as transportation and communication opportunities have improved, it can be said that young generation tends to receive higher level education, especially from the beginning of 1990s. Thusly, the number of candidates applying to Student Selection and Placement System (SSPS) increases each year in Turkey generally and in Adıyaman particularly. As the number of candidates taking the exam increased, the factors that influence the SSPS achievement have also been a matter of curiosity. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors affecting Student Selection and Placement System (SSPS) achievement of the city of Adıyaman. The participants are 10 individuals who live in Adıyaman, know the educational background of Adıyaman and are experts in their fields. Data were collected by using a semi-structured interview form comprising of open-ended questions. By conducting a content analysis, the researchers created codes from data and categories from codes. After the analyses, the factors affecting the SSPS achievement were determined as Coefficient Problem, Continual Education, Training Centers, Teachers, Exam System, Socio-Economic Structure, Student Profile and The Effect of Technology.
© 2015 AUJES. All rights reserved
SSPS achievement, Adıyaman, between 1993 and 2012, exam systems

Extended Abstract


In Adiyaman, a city that hosted many civilizations throughout history, as industries have developed and as transportation and communication opportunities have improved, it can be said that young generation tends to receive higher level education, especially from the beginning of 1990s. Thusly, the number of candidates applying to Student Selection and Placement System (SSPS) increases each year in Turkey generally and in Adiyaman particularly. As the number of candidates taking the exam increased, the factors that influence the SSPS achievement have also been a matter of curiosity. The purpose of this study is to determine factors affecting SSPS achievement of Adiyaman.


Case study, one of the qualitative research designs, was used in this study. The study was carried out with 10 people (superintendent, school principals, psychological counselor, teachers and parents) who live in Adiyaman and are considered to know Adiyaman’s history of education with an expertise in that area. In order to ensure confidentiality, the participants were coded as follows: S for the superintended, SP1, SP2, SP3 for the school principals, C for the psychological counselor, T1, T2, T3 for the teachers and P1, P2 for the parents. For the purpose of determining factors affecting SSPS achievement in Adiyaman, a semi-structured interview form was used as the data collection tool. Interview data were recorded using an audio recorder and taking notes during the interview by the researchers.

The data were analyzed using the method of content analysis. Common features of the codes or concepts derived from the inductive analysis of the data were explained with higher level categories. After the analysis process, 8 categories were created. In order to provide coding reliability, the formula from Miles &Huberman (1994) (reliability=number of agreements/total number of codes) were utilized. It was determined that the codes created independently by the two researchers showed 85% consistency. In addition, while presenting the interview findings, participants’ ideas were projected as they were to increase reliability of the study.


After the analysis, this section presents participants’ opinions on the factors affecting SSPS achievement.

Coefficient Problem

Participants expressed that different coefficient applications used for university placement affected students’ SSPS success negatively. When Graph 2 was examined, it can be said that the sharp decline in 1999 arose from different coefficient applications.

T2: “… While many factors being effective, after the educational system has changed and the problem of coefficients has emerged, Adiyaman’s success in SSPS has affected negatively. Because of the coefficient problem, enrollments to Religious High Schools have decreased heavily. The students in these schools were mostly verbal students. This provided Adiyaman to be successful in the verbal section. Because the coefficient problem caused the number of students who chose religious high schools to decrease, class sizes in regular high schools increased to 90 and above… And this…”

Continuous Education

In general, the participants stated that transition to continuous education without building a sufficient infrastructure affected students’ SSPS results negatively. After the transition in 1997, students graduated within this system started taking SSPS in 2003-2004 and lowered the general achievement (see Graph 1 and 2).

SP: “After the 8-year continuous education has started and then secondary education has become mandatory, meaning 12 years of education, the number of students increased. This situation caused the number of students who take the university entrance exam to increase. Did it used to be like that? Most people started doing craftsmanship, tradesman and farming when they were young. Now, everyone has to go to school for 12 years. Consequently, a person who goes to school for 12 years cannot learn any other profession….”

Training Centers

The participants indicated that training centers and teachers in those are less effective in students’ SSPS achievement compared to before. It can be said that the proliferation of training centers in Adiyaman and the transition of their mentalities influenced students’ exam performance.

T3: “… I can say that the quality of the teachers in training centers is worse than before. The number of teachers in those centers has increased, but I don’t think that their qualities have increased likewise. Resources, teaching materials and facilities might be better, but I don’t think that these are as essential as teachers. I mean, we don’t have those former teachers any more...”


Participants stated that teachers have an essential role in students’ success and that recently teachers have not been working devotedly for several reasons affecting students’ performance.

T2: “… Teacher factor is very influential at this point, because teacher is the one who is actually doing the work. Educational administrators are responsible for planning and programming education while teacher is the person who will guide and prepare the students academically. Nowadays we have teachers who are more equipped and knowledgeable about computer technologies, but why did teachers use to be more effective? Because former teachers were more devoted in every respect. If we can reach that devotedness, we will have more productive teachers…”

Examination System

The participants expressed that the variation of the examination system and the content of the exam questions have a negative effect on students’ achievement. Examining Graph 1 and Graph 2, it can be inferred that the most important reason for the rapid declines in some years is the changes in the examination system. For instance, performing the exam at one stage in 1999 and at two stages in 2006 directly influenced the exam results. Difficulty indexes of the exam questions have also effects on the exam results.

T1: “… I think our current examination system is harder than former systems. It has got harder. Separating the tests, asking higher level questions. Higher Education Examination (HEE) is similar to SSPS, but Undergraduate Placement Examination (UPE) requires more knowledge and detail. I mean, we can see that the difficulty of the questions has increased…”

Socio-Economic Structure

Some of the participants asserted that the results have been affected negatively by families being socially and economically insufficient, while others thought the opposite.

C: “… Social opportunities have been increased. Unemployment benefits and social welfare are all social opportunities. This leads one to become a person who expects everything to be handed to him/her on a silver platter. Also, motivation for the future in the society has been decreased. Belief for meritocracy is weak. This weakness obstructs people to strive. This applies everywhere. It surely affected the success negatively…”

Student Profile

The participants indicated that, compared to before, students have been acting less responsibly and they don’t make any future plans, resulting in unsuccessfulness.

T1: “… I think our students exploit their parents’ devotion. Maybe, the ease of opportunities provided by their families triggers the unsuccessfulness. There is no unsuccessfulness stemming from inopportunity at this age. OK, Adiyaman might be a poor city, but, Kilis and Bitlis have become famous with their results in the recent examinations; they have become successful in SSPS. They also…”

The Impact of Technology

The participants expressed that, as technology has advanced, teachers have got less functional in the learning process, which has had an impact on the decline of the level of success.

T1: “… Technology has started having more and more impact on everyone’s lives. That also had an impact on the young generation. While television was a source of problem for children previously, today, it is the internet and games and social networks… That moved children further away from books. The new generation dropped the book in their hands and replaced it with a mobile phone or tablet. I think that also dropped the level of success…”

Discussion and Conclusion

This study was carried out to identify factors affecting the SSPS achievement of the city of Adiyaman. As a result of the analyses performed, the factors that influence Adiyaman’s SSPS achievement were determined as the Coefficient Problem, Continuous Education, Training Centers, Teachers, the Exam System, Socio-economic Structur, Student Profile and the Impact of Technology. However, it can be said that this list is not conclusive. Especially when Graph 1 and 2 are analyzed, different factors can be observed, as well. For instance, difficulty of the questions of the exam can also be considered a factor. Moreover, it is thought that the fact that the number of distance education graduates is higher in Adiyaman compared to other cities and that the number of candidates taking the exam in 2013 has increased since 1997-1998 might be other factors affecting SSPS achievement.

ADYÜEBD / Adıyaman Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi /

ÖSYS Başarısını Etkileyen Faktörler: Adıyaman İli Örneği[2]

Ramazan Gürbüz1, Emrullah Erdem2, Ali Temurtaş3, Aygen Koç4

1,2,3,4Adıyaman Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, Türkiye

Makale Tarihçesi:
Alındı 05.05.2015
Düzeltilmiş hali alındı 19.06.2015
Kabul edildi 25.06.2015
Çevrimiçi yayınlandı 10.07.2015 / Adıyaman’da sanayinin gelişmeye başlaması ve gelişen ulaşım ve iletişim imkânlarıyla beraber genç nüfusun, özellikle 1990’lı yılların başından itibaren daha ileri düzeyde eğitim alma eğiliminde olduğu söylenebilir. Nitekim, Türkiye genelinde ve Adıyaman özelinde Öğrenci Seçme ve Yerleştirme Sistemi (ÖSYS)’ ne başvuran aday sayısı her geçen yıl artmaktadır. Ancak sınava giren aday sayısının artmasıyla birlikte ÖSYS başarısını etkileyen faktörler bir merak konusu olmaya başlamıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Adıyaman ilinin ÖSYS başarısını etkileyen faktörleri belirlemektir. Çalışma grubunu, Adıyaman ilinde yaşayan, Adıyaman’ın eğitim geçmişini bilen ve bu konuda uzman olduğu düşünülen 10 kişi oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın verileri, açık uçlu sorulardan oluşan bir görüşme formu vasıtasıyla elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen verilerin içerik analizi yapılarak, verilerden kodlar ve kodlardan kategoriler oluşturulmuştur. Yapılan analizler sonucunda, ÖSYS başarısını etkileyen faktörlerin; Katsayı Sorunu, Kesintisiz Eğitim, Dershaneler, Öğretmenler, Sınav Sistemi, Sosyo-Ekonomik Yapı, Öğrenci Profili ve Teknolojinin Etkisi olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
© 2015 AUJES. Tüm hakları saklıdır
Anahtar Kelimeler: [3]
ÖSYS başarısı, Adıyaman, 1993-2012 yılları arası, sınav sistemleri


21. yüzyılda eğitimli işgücünün öneminin artmasıyla birlikte, Türkiye’de yükseköğrenim talebi hızla artmıştır. Ülkemizde yükseköğretime geçişte arzın talebi karşılayamaması, öğrencilerin bir eleme sınavına tabi tutulmasını gerektirmiştir. 20. yüzyılın ortalarına kadar Türkiye’de pek çok fakülte az sayıdaki lise mezunlarını sınavsız olarak kabul etmiştir. Ancak lise mezunu öğrenci sayısının artmasıyla, mevcut fakülte kontenjanları yükseköğrenime olan talebi karşılayamaz hale gelmiştir. Özellikle 1970’li yıllardan sonra, ortaöğretimle yükseköğrenim arasında öğrenci arz-talep dengesizliği yaşanmaya başlanmıştır. Üniversiteye yerleşememiş öğrenci sayısı 1971 yılında 12.550 iken, bu sayı 1995 yılında 392.712’ye (Köse, 1999), 2013 yılında ise 1.046.766’ya yükselmiştir (Ölçme, Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi (ÖSYM), 2014a). Üniversiteye girmek isteyen öğrenci sayısının artmasıyla birlikte bir süre (1974 yılına kadar) üniversitelere, öğrencilerini özel giriş sınavlarıyla seçme yetkisi verilmiştir. Ancak 1974 yılında Üniversitelerarası Kurul, üniversiteye giriş sınavlarının tek merkezden yapılması kararı alarak Üniversitelerarası Öğrenci Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezini (ÜSYM) kurmuş ve bu sistem zaman zaman değişikliklere uğrasa da günümüzde hala uygulanmaktadır (ÖSYM, 2014b).

Sanayinin gelişmesiyle birlikte genç bireylerden beklenen nitelikler de değişmiştir. Hatta günümüzde bu niteliklerin daha hızlı değişmesi, bireylerin kendilerini sürekli olarak güncellemelerini bir zorunluluk haline getirmiştir. Bireylerden beklenen niteliklerin artmasıyla birlikte bir standardın getirilmesi kaçınılmaz olmuştur. Bu standardın Ölçme, Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi (ÖSYM)’ne bırakılmasıyla genç bireyler, ÖSYM’nin gerçekleştirdiği sınavlardan aldıkları puanlara bağlı olarak meslek gruplarına yerleştirilmişlerdir. Bu durum ÖSYM sınavlarına talebi arttırmıştır. Nitekim 2013 yılında 1.851.326 aday Yükseköğretime Geçiş Sınavı (YGS)’na girmek için ÖSYM’ye başvuru yapmıştır. Yapılan yerleştirme sonuçlarına göre 2013 yılında devlet ve vakıf üniversiteleri ile diğer ülkelerdeki üniversiteler dahil toplam 672.417 aday yükseköğretim programlarına yerleşmiştir. Bu sayısal bilgilere bakıldığında, 2013 yılında ÖSYM’ye başvuran adayların yaklaşık üçte biri yükseköğretim programlarına yerleşebilmiştir. En son 2014 yılında 2.007.659 kişi YGS’ye başvuru yapmıştır (ÖSYM, 2014a). Bu rakamlar, Türkiye’de her geçen yıl sınava giren adayların daha fazla adayla yarışacaklarını göstermektedir. Artan talep sınavda başarılı olmayı ön plana çıkarmıştır. Ancak başarıyı etkileyen faktörlerin (Ağırlıklı Ortaöğretim Başarı Puanı, Okul Başarısı, Sınav Sistemindeki Değişiklik, Kesintisiz Eğitim, Öğretmen ve v.s.) zaman zaman değişmesi sınav başarı grafiğini istikrarsızlaştırmıştır ( (Bakınız Grafik 1).

Grafik 1. Türkiye ve Adıyaman’ın ÖSYS Ortalamalarının (1993-2012 Yılları Arası) Karşılaştırılması