The Tollgate Health Centre
145 London Road
Telephone: 01206 574483
Fax: 01206 767558


Attendees: Steph Jarrett, Practice Manager, Dr Mary Best, GP, Mandy Seaforth, Receptionist, Mel Woods, Receptionist, Karen Turner, Medical Secretary, Mr Stephen Wadingham, Mrs Rosemary James, Mrs Pamela Myatt, Mrs Audrey Salmon, Mr Barry Sidaway, Mrs Lorraine Feakes, Mrs Alexandra Barakat, Mr Robert Shaw, Mrs Hildegard Osman, Mrs Phyllida Drake, Mrs Sandra Davis.

Introductions: Steph introduced herself and the Surgery Team. Each Group member introduced themselves. The staff explained their jobs in the Surgery.

Steph then talked about the objectives of the group. This includes gaining the views of our patients and asking for input into our Practice. It was highlighted that the meetings were not a place for complaints and that if there were any complaints, she would happily deal with them in the usual manner as Practice Manager.

A list of objectives was handed out to the group. The group was told that there would always be a Clinician present at each meeting.

Confidentiality Agreements: These forms were signed by members of the group as it was possible that in some meetings details about staff and other patients would be discussed.

Explanation about the NHS Consortia and Practice Based Commissioning: Steph explained to the group the current situation within the NHS and what Practice Based Commissioning entails. Details of currently where we stand as a Practice in relation to other practices and about clusters were handed out to the Group. It was agreed that when the minutes were sent out, details of which other practices were in our cluster would be sent out too. Steph also told us all that the Tollgate Practice was fast becoming a Practice of Excellence.

The Tollgate Practice as a service:Karen the medical secretary explained what services we provided and about GPWSI’s – GP’s with Special Interests. She also mentioned Choose and Book, when patients are able to choose where they can be seen when referred by the GP. The website to explain patient choice is nhschoice ******** The Group felt that this information was useful but that the leaflets and signs in the waiting room were really of ‘information overload’. The predominantly green signage was not easily legible for those with eyesight problems. It was suggested by the group that the leaflets be organized into sections in the waiting room eg mental health issues, diabetes, young mums etc etc. The group thought the newsletter was very easy to read and it was suggested that more information about the surgery and the services it provided could be put into the next edition.

Recent Projects and Incentives:We had recently commissioned an audit concerning when our patients attended A and E and why they had done so. This produced some interesting results which we passed around to the group. Everyone in the group was very surprised to learn that the Practice was charged when our patients attended Accident and Emergency at the hospital but when they attended the Walk In Centre, it was free to the Surgery. Dossett boxes were mentioned and we will bring costings of these to the next meeting.

The fact that the surgery has an open day on Saturday was brought up and several members of the group were not able to attend but it was thought that this was a good idea.

Further discussion followed regarding how to pass information onto all patients, the side of the prescription requests, the internet ie the website or by email were among the suggestions.

Patient Questionnaires were also discussed and Mandy explained the results of these surveys. Copies were distributed to the group.

Any other Business:

Dr Best asked the group if they thought that on our next open day whether it would be helpful for patients to be able to speak to a Chef who could help them produce meals that were more healthy.

Voluntary Group – to help with gardening, transport etc was briefly mentioned as a good idea.

New Patients – We are happy to take on new patients and we asked the group how we could do this without appearing to advertise.

More information regarding Staff names – The patients would like to know the names of the staff and of the Doctors and Steph informed us all that there will be a photographer taking our photos and these will be put up behind Reception along with some artwork introducing all the staff.

Home visits – We will be undertaking a mini audit, looking at a typical week at the Surgery and recording the number of visits requested, the reasons and the age group requesting them and will bring this information to the next meeting.

Mrs Drake had very kindly donated a copy of Disability Motoring UK magazine so that it is available to all patients.

The meeting closed with cake! Steph highlighted that the next meeting could be structured along the lines of the patients themselves bringing suggestions regarding several of the points raised eg the leaflets, information available, how to advertise the surgery because of the need for more patients to join us, how to help meet our targets and how educate other patients regarding our services. This meeting will be arranged at the beginning of October and will probably be in the evening to enable other members of the group to attend.

The meeting closed at 4.45 pm.