programmes officer

Overview and Terms

Role title / Programmes Officer
Date reviewed / September 2017
Purpose / To provide support in M&E, administrative, finance, contact & knowledge management, and communications to our regional offices (UK, Jordan, Sudan, Kenya) and to the central Programmes Department.
Responsible to / Quality & Learning Manager
Responsible for / Programmes Department Intern(s)
Working with / Programmes Director, Programme Funding and Compliance Manager, HQ Finance and Resources team, RedR-UK overseas staff, Associate Trainers (consultants), colleagues, members and external contacts as necessary
Location / RedR UK, 250a Kennington Lane, London, SE11 5RD
Period / 12 months
Post / 5 days (35 hours/week)
Grade / 2.1
Salary / GBP 23,500per annum

About RedR

Each year millions of people around the world feel the effects of natural disaster and conflict. RedR is an international charity that improves the effectiveness of disaster relief, helping save and rebuild the lives of people affected by disaster worldwide. We do this by delivering essential training and support to relief organisations and their staff, and by supplying skilled professionals to humanitarian programmes. Our work helps to ensure that the right people with the right skills are responding to global emergencies, and enables both local and international relief workers to react to the needs of those affected by disaster, efficiently and safely.

We currently operate regional programmes through offices in Europe (UK), East Africa (Kenya), and the Middle East and North Africa (Jordan and Sudan). Through our tailor-made training programme we work in over 40 countries each year.

The role of the central Programmes department is to support each of the offices in terms of monitoring and evaluation, administration and finance, knowledge management and external communications.

Role description

Programme monitoring, evaluation AND LEARNING

  • Maintain central, excel-based database of M&E data on all RedR interventions (e.g. trainings).
  • Support the offices in the collection, input and analysis of M&E data, monitoring quality and consistency of M&E data, and highlighting concerns;
  • Ensure that the M&E tools used across the organisation are up to date and available to all, and update the Operations Manual accordingly;
  • Collate the M&E data of the various offices for organisational level M&E and provide input for the quarterly Board Report;
  • Manage the process of data collection the 3-month follow up survey for individuals and organisations and conduct data analysis;
  • Periodically contribute to project-level M&E, learning needs assessments and collection of qualitative data for M&E (& Comms) purposes;
  • Manage the Survey Monkey account as a key tool for M&E data collection.

Administration and Finance

  • Act as the focal point for financial issues/procedures for the Finance and Resources Team
  • Manage all processes related to ATs‘ deployment on behalf of country offices if required (identification; communications; contracting; travel and visa requirements; insurance; performance management and clearing invoices; following RedR travel, safety and security procedures including making the Travel Plan and Risk Assessment);
  • Process payments, expenses and conduct creditcard reconciliations for Programmes;
  • Procurement for the Programmes Department and Country offices when required;
  • Monitor the international programme and other generic email addresses and respond to or forward enquiries as appropriate;

contact and knowledge management

The Programmes Officer will support contact management and information management for the central Programmes department as well as the country offices by:

  • Liaise with the manager of the contact management database (Salesforce) to ensure that it meets the needs of Programmes, and train and support selected staff in the country offices on its use.
  • Supporting management of contact information of key partners, clients, donors of the central Programmes Department;
  • Establish and maintain a globally accessible library of training materials and collaborate with the IT department in ensuring well-functioning system for shared documentation across offices;
  • Support the management of the Associate Trainer pool, through shortlisting applicants and recruitment support, as well as updating trainer profiles and performance information.
  • Support the development of proposals through compiling track records and supporting project documentation.
  • Induction of new Programme Department staff in M&E function and relevant sections of the Operations Manual.
  • Update and maintain 'Programme Implementation' sections of the Operational Manual.

Support for Communications and Marketing

The Programmes Officer will provide support to all country/regional offices for communications and marketing in close collaboration with the Communications Coordinator. This includes:

  • Supporting the updating the RedR website with Programme information and content for the global newsletter if requested;
  • Liaise with the Communications Coordinator on issues related to programmes information, impact communication and marketing of RedR services;
  • Support COs with communications and marketing if requested and monitoring the online training calendar and regional programme communication.


  • The Programmes Officer will recruit, support and line manage the Prog Dept Intern(s)
  • Other ad hoc support if/when requested.

Person Specification


  • Degree level qualification or equivalent, preferably in humanitarian action, international development, or a related field;
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills to ensure clear and effective communication with colleagues and partners from diverse cultural and international backgrounds;
  • Experience in qualitative and quantitative data analysis for M&E or research purposes;
  • Systematic and efficient administrative and organisational skills, including an ability to prioritise, manage and complete a variety of tasks with minimal supervision;
  • A commitment to our humanitarian mission and values;
  • Advanced use of Excel, and good skills in the use of Outlookand Word;
  • Good spoken English, excellent written English and proven report writing skills;
  • Initiative, enthusiasm and a problem-solving approach to new challenges;


  • Experience in the use of SalesForce, SurveyMonkey and/or Web content management software;
  • Experience with managing volunteers/interns;
  • Interest in learning and development.

RedR UK: People and Skills for Disaster Relief1