Course Title: Algebra/Geometry, Math III, Math IVM Math Principalsof Finance & Financial Literacy 1st semester 1st2rd block
Instructor: Dawn M. Evans
Room: 405
Course Description: This course focuses on daily breakfast and personal hygiene and then classroom work consisting focus on banking, meal planning, shopping, and handling cash transaction. The students will be maintaining a simulated checking account, making deposits, paying bills, and balancing their checkbook statements. They will also maintain a simulated savings account. The students will learn about risk management, consumer rights and responsibilities. The students will be planning three daily meals, will make shopping lists and will participate in simulated shopping field trips monthly. They will also have classroom simulations involving cash exchanges while shopping and eating out in various restaurant settings. This course will also focus on dealing with some basic concepts of algebra, fractions, and measurements, functions and transitions.
MMFP5. Students will represent mathematics in multiple ways.
a. Create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas.
b. Select, apply, and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems
IEP Goals
Transition Goals
Hygiene Kits (toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, comb, deodorant)
Writing paper
Pens & pencils
Food and sundries cards
Meal Plan notebooks
Shopping notebooks
Money Kits
Money notebooks
Fraction kits
Measurement kits
Measuring cups & spoons
Time Line:
First Semester
Set up checking account
Maintain checking account by paying bills, depositing payroll and other checks and balancing statements
Planning and budgeting for groceries for an individual for CBI shopping trips using grocery fliers and on line sales
Assessments will take place on Thursday.
Second Semester
Maintain checking account by paying bills, depositing payroll and other checks and balancing statements
Budgeting for setting up living in an apartment with a roommate
Working on measurements for recipes to add to recipe book
Assessments will take place on Thursday
Grading System:
There are two grades daily
First Grade:
Formative 100%
Second Grade:
Summative 50%
Assignment Completion50%
Semester Grading:
Project for the 9 weeks 20%
Formative Grade 40%
Summative Grade 40%
Class Rules and Discipline Plan:
At the sound of the bell students are to be in their seats to prepare to eat breakfast.
After returning from breakfast, the students will pick up their hygiene kits and walk
quietly down the hall to the restroom to perform their hygiene. When hygiene is
completed the students will return to the classroom and put their kits in the proper
location. The students will then begin their daily class work. Assessments will take
will place on Thursdays.
Each student is asked to follow the 4 rules listed below:
1. Keep your hands to yourself.
2. Be respectful to everyone.
3. Follow directions.
4. Be kind to everyone.
Failure to complete daily assignments will result in the assignment being sent
home to be completed and handed in the following day. Failure to complete
assignment will result in personal contact with parent(s) in either the form of a
written note or telephone call.Make up work should be completed within 5 days
of absence.
1. Warning signal (verbal or nonverbal)
2. Second warning signal verbal
3. Returning to the classroom
4. Behavioral note sent home to parent(s)
5. Not allowed to work for 1 work day or more depending on the infraction.
6. Parental conference
7. Disciplinary referral to office
Severe discipline problems and/or major infractions will result in immediate referral to the office.
Class Rules and Discipline Plan:
The student will retrieve their notebooks and be in their desks when the bell rings.
Each student is asked to follow the 4 rules listed below:
1. Keep your hands to yourself.
2. Be respectful to everyone.
3. Follow directions.
- Be kind to everyone.
Failure to complete work on the job assignment will result in the
student not being allowed to work for the next work day.
Failure to complete assignment will result in personal contact with parent(s) in
either the form of a written note or telephone call.
1. Warning signal (verbal or nonverbal)
2. Second warning signal verbal
3. Returning to the classroom
4. Behavioral note sent home to parent(s)
5. Not allowed to work for 1 work day or more depending on the infraction.
6. Parental conference
7. Disciplinary referral to office
Severe discipline problems and/or major infractions will result in immediate referral to the office.
Course Title: Study Skills / Work Skills/B.I.T.E. program
Instructor: Dawn M. Evans , 1,st, 2nd,3rd, 4th block
Room: 405/cafeteria/off campus sites/other school cafeterias
Course Description
Students will be assigned a job position in the cafeteria or other areas of the school and will daily perform their job assignments. The student is responsible for punching in and out on the classroom time clock and getting their uniform shirt, if required, and hairnets, if required, and report to their assigned areas in a timely manner. Upon completion of their assignment, the students will change out of their uniforms and report back to the classroom.
IEP Goals
Transition Goals
Time sheet
Time clock
Time cards
Uniform shirt
Hairnets (if required due to hair length)
Aprons (if required)
Grading System:
There are two grades daily
First Grade:
Second Grade:
Assignment Completion50%
Semester Grading:
Job Review for the 9 weeks 20%
Formative Grade 40%
Summative Grade 40%
Class Rules and Discipline Plan:
The student will punch/sign in on their time card and will report to the cafeteria or
other assigned areas. They will change into their uniforms and report to their
work stations. The student will perform his job assignment to the best of their
ability. When completed with daily assignment, the student will change out of
their uniform and return to the classroom to punch out on their time card. There
is no work to be made up after an absence.
Each student is asked to follow the 4 rules listed below:
1. Keep your hands to yourself.
2. Be respectful to everyone.
3. Follow directions.
4. Be kind to everyone.
Failure to complete work on the job assignment will result in the
student not being allowed to work for the next work day.
Failure to complete assignment will result in personal contact with parent(s) in
either the form of a written note or telephone call.
1. Warning signal (verbal or nonverbal)
2. Second warning signal verbal
3. Returning to the classroom
4. Behavioral note sent home to parent(s)
5. Not allowed to work for 1 work day or more depending on the infraction.
6. Parental conference
7. Disciplinary referral to office
Severe discipline problems and/or major infractions will result in immediate referral to the office.
Course Title: Language Arts for 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th grades ,
2nd semester 1st, 2nd blocks
Instructor: Dawn M. Evans
Room: 405
Course Description:
This course is designed to provide an academic background for American and British Literature. The students will read and analyze novels, and non-fiction based on BCHS reading list and the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards. Emphasis will be placed on vocabulary, and on analysis and comparisons. We will be studying the theme of heroes.
RL.1: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
RL.2: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.
IEP Goals
Transition Goals
Articles from newspapers and magazines
Graphic Organizers
Time Line:
First Semester
Unit on writing and literary genres
Novel units
Recipes added to recipe book
Unit 1 – 21 of Dolch sight word list
Vocabulary: survival words for banking, driving, and credit
Unit on writing and literary genres
Novel units: Frankenstein (GAA), Treasure Island, 20000 Leagues Under the Sea, Recipes added to recipe book
Grading System:
There are two grades daily
First Grade:
Second Grade:
Summative (Daily Participation)50%
Assignment Completion50%
Semester Grading:
Project for the 9 weeks 20%
Formative Grade 40%
Summative Grade 40%
Class Rules and Discipline Plan:
The student will retrieve their notebooks and be in their desks when the bell rings
Make up work should be completed within 5 days of absence. Assessment will
Take place on Tuesday.
Each student is asked to follow the 4 rules listed below:
1. Keep your hands to yourself.
2. Be respectful to everyone.
3. Follow directions.
4. Be kind to everyone.
Failure to complete daily assignments will result in the assignment being sent
home to be completed and handed in the following day. Failure to complete
assignment will result in personal contact with parent(s) in either the form of a
written note or telephone call.
1. Warning signal (verbal or nonverbal)
2. Second warning signal verbal
3. Returning to the classroom
4. Behavioral note sent home to parent(s)
5. Not allowed to work for 1 work day or more depending on the infraction.
6. Parental conference
7. Disciplinary referral to office
Severe discipline problems and/or major infractions will result in immediate referral to the office.
August 1, 2017
I have received a copy of the syllabus for the classes of Language Arts, Math, and Work Skills classes. The classroom behavior and disciplinary procedures are on each class syllabus.
Parent Signature