Temporary employment register - Application form

To register your expression of interest (EOI), please complete this application form, prepare a concise overview of your skills, experience and qualifications and attach a copy of your resume. Lodge your EOI via the careers page on our website or email .

Personal details
Given name
Preferred name
Address details
Postal address
Suburb/Town / State: / Postcode:
Telephone / (h) / (m)
Email address
Are you an Australian citizen? / Yes (Proof of citizenship will be required if an offer of employment is made.)
No (Please note under Public Service legislation there is an expectation that a person who is to be engaged as an APS employee will be an Australian citizen, however for contract employment persons holding Permanent Residency visas may be considered.)
Highest qualification attained and subject area
Second highest qualification attained and subject area
Area of interest

Please indicate which classification level you would like to be considered for. Please note that you should limit the classification levels and functions to those that appropriately reflect your experience, skills, knowledge and qualifications.

Classification and salary expectations (no more than two) / Functional area (no more than three)
☐APP 3 ($57,742 - $63,681)
☐APS 4 ($64,356 - $70,912)
☐APS 5 ($71,780 – $77,241)
☐APS 6 ($79,456 - $90,377
☐Executive Level 1 ($99,387 - $110,710)
☐Executive Level 2 ($117,328 - $144,621)
☐Legal Officer 1 ($63,460 – $122,724)
☐Legal Officer 2 ($132,015 - $145,834) / ☐Risk assessment and risk analysis
☐Risk management
☐Dietary exposure assessment
☐Food safety
☐Food data analysis
☐Labelling and information standards
☐Food sciences
☐Health sciences
☐Human resources
☐Facilities management
☐Administration and reception
☐Communications and stakeholder engagement
☐Executive support
☐IT support
☐Social sciences and economics
Hours of work
Preferred hours of work / ☐Full-time
☐Either full-time or part-time
☐Part-time only. Please indicate your availability to work
Applicant statement
Have you ever been investigated for a breach of the APS Code of Conduct?
As part of the selection process I accept that FSANZmay obtain information from past or present employers regarding my suitability for employment. I give permission for my nominated referees to be contacted.
I declare that the information provided in my application is true and correct. I understand that any false or misleading information or the omission of information in my application may result in non-selection or termination of employment. / ☐Yes
Name / Date